
Beyblade :Raiju

In the heart of Tokyo, 17-year-old Ryo Takahashi, an avid Beyblade enthusiast, meets a tragic end. As his consciousness fades, he hears a mysterious voice offering him a second chance at life – in the Beyblade Metal World. Ryo awakens in the Dark Nebula building, finding himself in the body of a younger version of himself as Ryuga's brother. Being given 2 wishes and a bey customized to his wishes, he is ready to challenge himself.

Myth_YT · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Test battles: Grand Taurus

Both beys fell and sterted running around the stadium.

""Let's go, Leone/Taurus""

Both bladers had the thought of conquering the center of the arena. Which was logical.

After all, defensive beys ideal battle strategy is standing in the centre of the arena while defending the attacks of the opponent until the win by default.

As both beys rushed towards the center, they were bound to meet.

Understanding that, both bladers decided to attack and gain the advantage of holding the center.

"Leone! Lion Gale Force Wall"

Kyoya didn't waste time and used his signature cyclone technique. 

Benkei not to be outdone also unleashed his Taurus' newfound physical technique.

"Taurus! Berserk axe: 1st"

Then a cyclone with green lion at its center and a red Minautor with a single edged axe and bulging muscles appeared.

The minautor looked ferocious with huge horns and armor worn by gladiators 

Both the minautor's axe and the cyclone collided and to everyone's surprise the cyclone disappeared.

But looking closely, they could see both beys were still pushing one another in the middle of the arena neither gaining an advantage.

After seeing the cyclone dispersing and upon watching the previous match, everyone expected Benkei and Grand Taurus to gain an immediate advantage.

But Kyoya proved to be no push over, after his many recent defeats from Gingka, Toji and Yu, he decided to stop underestimating his opponent.

Whoever it may be, Kyoya refused to lose again. That's why, even though he believes he can easily defeat Benkei, he isn't going to hold back.

But even then, Kyoya was still surprised by the physical might displayed by Taurus.

He had battled Benkei after he obtained black bull. But comparing the strength then and now was like comparing heaven and earth.

It was simply not comparable.

"You surely improved a lot since the first time we met, Benkei!"


Benkei was sentimental by his friend's words. 

Just as he was about to reply, Kyoya spoke again.

"But you are still not on my level!"

"Leone! Wild Wind Fang Dance!"

Then three tornadoes appeared simultaneously, and Taurus was launched on to the air.

"Wow! Kyoya is showing no mercy even to Benkei!"

Exclaimed Kenta with surprise written on his face.

"That's Kyoya's way of showing respect to Benkei"

The one to reply was Gingka.

"Kyoya is the type to give it his all in the battles he is fighting. He has that wild beast-like instinct in him, and a true king of the jungle never shows mercy. You see, Kyoya is different from us. He has his own way of handling things. He was like that from the first time we met him. Isn't that right, Kenta, Madoka?"

Madoka and Kenta hearing Gingka's speech, couldn't help but recall their first meeting with Kyoya.

"Now that you phrase it like this, it makes sense"

"I also understand"

Remembering how he was at the beginning, both face-palmed.

"Give it your all, Kyoya"

The one to cheer was Gingka.

But Kyoya focused on the battle, ignoring him.

Kenta, not liking Kyoya very much, he decided to cheer for his rival, Benkei.

"Didn't you eat breakfast, Benkei! Do something"

Benkei hearing Kenta, his face contorting.

"I was just thinking what I am gonna have for dinner, that's all"

Benkei said an excuse while looking at Kenta's direction.

"The battle is just getting started"

Then he turned to the battle, his shout clear to everyone.

His Taurus, that was being passed around the tornadoes, seemed to be glowing due to his bladers words.

After tornado hit Taurus into another tornado, Taurus, instead of resisting, charged towards it.

Taurus and the tornado collided for several seconds before Taurus managed to disperse the wind and return to the arena below.


Kyoya, hearing Benkei calling him, turned towards him.

"I always, from the moment we met, I always admired you and your strength. I thought of you as an unreachable existence."

Kyoya hearing the words that were coming out of Benkei's mouth, stayed silent waiting for him to continue.

"Then Gingka appeared. He defeated you with never seen before strength. After that, Toji also defeated you and just yesterday, that Kid Yu defeated both you and Gingka.''

Although Kyoya was starting to get angry, he waited for Benkei to finish.

"This made me realize, that I could be your equal and not just some lackey at your disposal."

Kyoya, feeling Benkei newfound maturity and determination, was impressed.

"This is why I have to defeat you."

"Grand Taurus! Give me all your strength"

Taurus responding to Benkei's call rushed at insane speed towards Leone. Both Benkei and Taurus were covered with Dark red aura.

He was like an unstoppable, mad bull ready to pierce everything stopping him from reaching his goal and the glow was intensifying by the second.

"Pierce through"

"Red Spear"