
Beyblade Burst: The Dragon Of Domination

1 year after the events of BU a boy wakes up and turns on the tv seeing the beyblade world champion bel daikokuten in a challenger match against free de la hoya after seeing this match he aspires to reach the top of the beyblade world!

doomdragoextreamgt · Anime & Comics
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Soaring Nautilus!

Ref: Ready! Set! 3! 2! 1! Go shoot!!!

Eivrinti enters the stadium at immense power but jacks bey enters with much more power.

Jack: Go Towering Goliath! Teach him a lesson!

Goliath is taller and attacks eivrinti from above ruthlessly and eivrinti isnt able to recover and eventually spins out.

Jack: (damn he didnt burst) hahaha i taught you a lesson to not mess with my sis!

Jack looksback at liz expecting a smile but she just frowns at the sight of her older brother seemingly trying to bully daichi.

Liz: Humph!

Jack kneels in despair as daichi heads back to the bench and yuki heads for the stadium.

Soul: Daichi how did he outspin you doesnt your bey have that gimmick?

Daichi: Yeah it does but he was attacking me from above so it was useless.

Yuki: Prepare to taste crushing defeat!

Jack: I need to destroy you so she will depend on me! *sister complex much?*

The ref does his countdown and the match begins with both beys at astonishing power.

Jack: Crush him goliath!!!

Yuki: Blitz him aqua!

Aqua burst at blistering speed leaving mirages behind and attacks Goliath from all sides and then oushes him to one side toward a wall.

Yuki: I im not just strong im also smart!

Jack: Push them back!

Yuki: Nuh uh!

Aqua presses goliath against the stadium wall and bursts him giving him the crusing defeat just like he said.

Yuki: Hehehe... now time for the big bad boss!

The final member of the enemy team steps forward sporting midnight blue almost black hair and orange eyes.

Yami: Alright lets get this over with.

Both boys launch and land perfectly.

Yuki: Haha this'll be e-

But before he can finish aqua is sent flying past him and crashes into the wall.

Yuki: w-what?

Yuki: Scrambles for his bey and walks back to the bench with an embarrased face.

Soul: Damnit that was too fast i was able to find anything out about him besides that hes strong and really fast...

Soul walks up to the stadium and shows his bey.

Soul: Today you will be overpowered by my soaring nautilus!

Yuki: Hes acting totally di-

Daichi: Sshhh

Yuki confused watches on.

Yami: (a basic attack type shape thisll be easy again)

Both launch with astonshing power and yamis bey is on track for nautilus but it misses narrowly.

Yami: What i missed, is it smaller?

Soul: Hehe you fell for it i intentionally showed you my bey so you woukd mistakenly believe it had an attack type shape butin reality my bey shapeshifts just before i launched i changed my bey to a narrower more stamina oriented shape.

Yami: what use woukd that do besides delay it by one hit.

Soul: All that attack power has to come at a cost, you have nearly no stamina thats why you attack right out of the gate.

Both look at yamis bey and see its already starting to wobble.

Yami: Damnit go Dullahan Destroy him quickly!!!

Soul: Dodge his attacks Nautilus!!!

Both beys seemingly dance around eachother and after only half a minute dullahan stops spinning and soul wins without being hit a single time.

Ref: We have a winner with a score of 3-2!

The boys satisfied with their win go home.

They eat dinner and talk about the match.

Yuki: Im kinda mad i lost it was embarrasing but soul won so in the end we won.

Soul: Yeah had i not known what his bey was like before i battled i would have had the same fate as you, loss in a single hit.

The boys stare at daichi who is twirling a fork around.

Daichi: Yeah it was fun i guess...

There was an awkward silence before daichi excuses himself saying he needs some fresh air.

He leaves the house and reaches a beypark its late so only some of the older kids are out and he asks some if they want to battle a few kids agree he beats them one by one asking one question.

Daichi: Why is it not fun?

When he played before making his own bey he always had fun but now he felt empty when he played, it was weird and sudden he didnt like sudden and unexplained changes like this.

He snaps out of it when his opponent asks him if hes paying attention after which he promptly knocks his opponents bey out and begins walking back home failing to draw a conclusion on his feelings.

Just as he is about to leave he gets stopped by a familiar voice its yami followed by jack and liz.

Yami: Hey want to battle?

Daichi: Sure...

Daichi accepts the invitation in hopes of this giving him the flame of ambition.

Both prepare to launch.

Both: 3! 2! 1! Go Shoot!!!

Eivrinti enters the stadiuma nd instantly goes for the center with a whistling sound but dullahan has other plans zips around the stadium at immense speed and crashes into eivrinti.

Yami: Lets see if youre as strong as your captain.

Daichi: Soul isntiur captain.

Yami: But he was the one calling the shots right.

Daichi: Yeah.

Yami: Then hes your captain.

Daichi felt somethinginside of him churn everytime he said something like someone being the captain.

Yami: Dullahan push him to the wall!

Dullahan does just as told and begins pushing eivrinti towards the wall.

Daichi: Push back Eivrinti!

Eivrinti attempts to push back but fails to make noticeable progress.

Yami: Seems you really were the weakest of your team.

Liz: Stop it yami!

Yami: Shut up, im right arent i daichi.

Daichi: I-im not weak... i want to be s-strong! I... want... to... Dominate!!!

Daichi lets dullahan push eivrinti towards the wall until eivrinti crashed into the wall but despite beliefs eivrinti wasnt the one losing dullahan was sent flying into the air and on its way down eivrinti pursues.

Yami: Tch Dullahan Night Dive!!!

Both beys crash into eachother causing an explosion of bkue and purple energy


Both scream in determination but only one triumphs and its-

Daichi: Eivrintiiiiiii....!!! Raaaaggggggghhhh!!!