
Trapped in the Jungle: A Young man's Struggle for Survival (1)

This Jungle is home to thousands of fearsome beasts, ready to pounce on anything that dares to enter their territory. Their strength is so formidable that even experienced General Class warriors exercise caution. The beasts have a mutual hatred for humans, recognizing them as a threat to their habitat.

Amidst this danger, a young boy roams the jungle, making every beast he encounters growl with anger. His name is Samad and he is struggling to find a way out of the jungle. Despite his efforts, he has yet to succeed.

After getting used to his new body, Samad decided that it was time to leave the jungle and go into the nearest town. But after searching for a while, he could not find the exit. And with beasts all around him, he was extremely fearful. Whenever the weaker beasts attacked him, he would obliterate them with his higher cultivation level, but whenever he faced the stronger beasts, he would run away using the Diving Eagle skill. But still, he nearly died once. This jungle was like a maze; he always ended up back where he started. Right now, he was standing on a tall tree, observing the mountains that surrounded him from all directions.

"System! How the hell did Chawal even enter this jungle? And where is the exit?" asked Samad. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find any information in Chawal's memories.

"Previous host and his girlfriend were exploring an ancient tomb when they accidentally triggered a formation that teleported them here after removing their memories of the tomb. This is the Sambara Jungle, which is surrounded by massive mountains and inhabited by millions of beasts. There is no exit. You can only leave this place by crossing the mountains," replied System.

"How unlucky! And how the hell am I supposed to climb these mountains?" complained Samad.

"System will recommend the host to tame a flying beast," replied System.

"Hm it makes sense, but the beasts I saw didn't fly that high. So, I would need to tame at least a General Class beast. But with my level of fighting experience, it would be impossible to defeat a beast that is extremely experienced in hunting," muttered Samad.

"Looks like I'm stuck here for a while. If Chawal had reached King Class, I could easily escape from this jungle with flight. But that's not the case. System, can you show me my stats, please?" asked Samad


Name: Samad

Age: 21

Experience Points: 15215/25000

Class: General


Agility: 120

Speed: 106

Spirit: 210




"My Spirit is strong due to my soul merging with Chawal, but to defeat a General-level beast, I still need to improve my fighting experience. As a beginner, even with System's help, it could take months for me to reach that level," Samad sighed.

"System, what's the fastest way for me to improve my fighting experience?" asked Samad.

"The host is advised to start by sealing his cultivation and battling small beasts. You don't even have the ability to fight a stray dog without your cultivation. You need to learn to take small steps before attempting larger leaps," replied System.

Samad scratched his hands feeling embarrassed and thought to himself, "Could you not put it more nicely?"

"Well, what you said makes sense, so, the system can you seal my cultivation? ", asked Samad after hiding his embarrassment.

"Of course", replied System.

Moments later, Samad felt his immense power fade away and was left feeling weak. Although the sensation was remindful of how he felt in his previous body, the toughness and might of Chawal's physical body were enough for him to destroy his past container. Samad assessed his new form and decided it was time to start hunting soldier-level beasts.

He let out a triumphant howl, but as he looked down, he was met with a sight that froze him in place. Beneath him was a sea of trees, so tall that the bottom was nowhere to be seen. In his eagerness to start fighting and sealing his cultivation, he had forgotten one important detail - he was standing on top of a 600-foot-tall tree! As he shivered in fear, he let out a colorful curse.

"What the hell! Why did I even get on top of this wooden rode?"

This is a relatively short chapter, as i wish to receive some reviews and touch up the previous chapter and this part, so i can further write more chapters.

So please provide me with your valuable feedback about my grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes and some improvements that i need to make in sentence and paragraph structuring.

Also inform me if their are some plot holes that i need to cover.

P.S I am a newbie in english and novel writing

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