
Chapter 8.


He lowered his hand and pulled her up. He told her to follow him and she nodded her obedience. He was almost out of the door when he saw her through his peripheral view bend down.

He turned around and saw she was trying to get into her clothes. He coughed slightly to gain her attention and he was successful. He walked back to her and stood in front of her.

"You know something, Leila. I think the first thing we need to establish is your ability to follow instructions. You do as I say or we'd have problems and I'm pretty sure you don't want that. Do you understand?"

He said while looking her in the eyes. He held her gaze as he watched her nod her head to show that she understood each word he said.

"Now, act like the obedient girl you are and get these off and follow me." He said while pointing at the bra and top she had put on.

She nodded again as she was now too scared to speak out. In seconds, she was standing before him in her naked glory. He stepped closer and stood directly in front of her.

He raised his hand and began to rub her right pinky areola. He pinched it lightly and Leila shivered under his touch and penetrating stare.

"Now that we've established that your obedience is important, can you follow me now?" He asked and began to move away.

Leila didn't need to be told. She stepped over her clothes on the floor and went after him. They went into the bedroom and came out the door into the living room. He headed towards a different door where he opened the door to reveal a bedroom.

The bedroom wasn't as big as his personal bedroom but it was well decorated and had its own glass wall which overlooked Central Park. He walked into the room and headed towards the bathroom.

The bathroom door was made of dark oak wood and had a flower motif carved on it. He opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. He stood by the side as he watched her come in after him.

Vishal took his time to walk to the bathtub.He stood beside it and took off his jacket. He beckoned on her to come closer and she did so by shuffling towards him fearfully.

"Watch what I do. You would need to do so in the coming days. If you get it right,you may not be punished, but if you don't, you will face the full music of my wrath."

He told her and watched her nod her head.

"I would also be pleased if you speak out. Whenever you need to answer me, you say 'Yes sir' or 'Yes master." He told her.

Leila nodded again. He looked sideways at her and raised his eyebrows. Leila was quick to correct herself and muttered a feeble 'Yes master'.

"Yes. That's it, my girl." He mentioned and began to remove the cufflinks on the cuffs of his sleeves. He placed them on the jacket that was placed carefully on the cabinet.

He then ran the bath and proceeded to add different oils and scented lotion into the water. Leila watched carefully as he continued to add different oils into the water. When he was done, he motioned her to get into the water.

Leila did as he bidded her and she laid into the water. A soothing sensation came over her but she couldn't calm down because she wasn't sure what he wanted from her.

After she laid down into the water, he used his large hand to scoop a little onto her breasts. He began tracing his hands from underneath her breasts and moved it towards the lover part of her body.

When he got to the valley between her legs, he stopped his fingers and looked at her face. He smirked smugly to see Leila's eyes were tightly shut.

He moved his fingers downwards and began to fondle her clitoris. Leila squirmed in the water at the sensation she felt running through her veins.

"Beginning from this moment,you o longer have a job. You're fired." He said out of the blue.

Leila sat up instantly. She couldn't believe her ears. The tears began to flow before she could stop them.

Vishal chuckled at her and didn't make any attempt to stop her tears. He merely continued with what he had intended to say.

"I'm firing you from the agency but you'll begin to work with me here in my suite. Whatever you intend to do, you must finish it early enough for you to come back to this bathroom and make a bubble bath just like I showed you earlier.

You will also be clad in the clothes or lingerie I want you to. You can't question me. I make all the decisions while you only follow them to the latter. Is that understood?"

He asked as he inserted his fore finger into her pussy.

"Yes sir."

Leila's throat was dry. She felt her tongue had stuck to the roof of her mouth. She knew not responding was going to earn her a punishment so she lifted her heavy tongue and replied to him feebly.

She knew she was in trouble. How was she supposed to enjoy pleasure and pain at the same time? She had nothing to oppose him, soit was better for her to keep being obedient to him.

He nodded his head before he continued speaking.

"You will have to move in today. I will get the necessary things ready. I will speak to your supervisor so you don't have any explanation to do.

I take my break by twelve pm everyday. So whenever I come into the suite, you must be ready and waiting for me in the master bedroom. I must find you waiting on the bed.

Furthermore, you can't smell differently from this scent in the water. There's a cook who comes in every day. You're prohibited from having any discussion with her. Is that noted?"

"Yes sir." Leila responded. She now had an understanding of what he wanted her for. She was going to be his maid both in the house and on his bed.

"Now, lay back and enjoy an afternoon bath. I expect you back here by five in the evening. If you'll excuse me now,I have some things to be sorted out."

He told her and laid her back into the tub. He kept inserting his finger in and out of her pussy while Leila laid her head back and closed her eyes. He went further and inserted his middle finger to join the first and Leila shivered under the water.

Then, he rose up with agility and picked up his jacket and the cufflinks and strode out of the room without casting another glance at her.

He was like a man on a purpose. He was Indeed. Leila jumped out of the water the minute he walked out of the bedroom. She was too tense to enjoy whatever he wanted her to.

In the space of an afternoon, her life had changed but she couldn't fight it. How was she to cope? Well, she never had anything she was going to miss anyway.

She got out of the bathtub and drained the water. Then, she got into the bedroom and wondered what she was going to wear now that she had left her clothes on his bathroom's floor.

She was still contemplating what to do when she heard the door open and her clothes were moved into the room by a hand she recognised as Vishal's. She jumped up and quickly wore them.

She rushed out of the room and gathered all of her cleaning supplies. She arranged them into her duty cart and got out of the suite. She rode the elevator down to the office and met her boss waiting for her in the lobby.

"Leila, Mr Armeni had requested for your exclusive service. Your salary would be triple of what you're currently earning." He told her with a smile and walked out of the lobby.

Leila was dazed. She couldn't remember how the rest of the afternoon went. All she knew was that by the time she moved into his apartment with her sparse belongings, she found a whole bunch of different shopping bags from high end stores on her bed.

When she went through their contents, they contained different lingerie in different colours that left none to the imagination. She also saw her new uniform - a short dress that could pass for a swimsuit with a coat that wasn't any longer than the dress.

She explored in the bags further and found all the oils and scented lotions he had used earlier in the bathroom. Nothing more or nothing less. She could only sigh in the direction her life had taken.

Leila dropped the phone in her hand and sighed deeply. She looked at herself in the seductive clothing she was wearing and could only smile sadly at herself.