
Beware the Immortals

Evie is an Immortal, not an ordinary Immortal but the daughter of the Evermore leader. Her parents expected their first daughter together to be destined for greatness, as were their sons. All Evermore and Immortals expected her to be a Chosen Immortal just like her brothers, it was expected. But shortly after her birth, a book of destiny with a red and gold cover appeared beside her, shattering all the expectations they had for her. Since the books of destiny are destined for ordinary immortals, her family was deeply disappointed and ended up neglecting her. Evie was raised by her older half-sister and her brother-in-law. Being exposed to rigorous education and heavy training since she was little, so she could prepare for when she was sent to the reality of her book of destiny. And finally, on her twentieth birthday, the day of her departure has arrived. She was physically ready and psychologically prepared to change Danika, the reality of her book of destiny, and to find her soulmate. But more than anything, she was eager to get away from all the gods who neglected her in her twenties. And as much as she was aware that her life in Danika was not going to be easy, she didn’t expect the family she was going to end up in to cause so much trouble for her. Nor that she would be exposed to pains that she would not wish for even her worst enemy.

AnnGuslavia · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Immortals - Part. I

I am an Immortal.

What we are?

We are a divine race.

The children of the Evermore.

The Evermore are the gods who rule the universe.

They overlook everything and maintain harmony between the whole universe.

They live in a place above everything.

I can't say since when they started to exist, as there are no records on that, but I believe the right answer would be "they have been around forever".

The only thing that is known is that the Evermore are the children of the "Supreme Being", the patriarch of the universe, the one who created and named each star in the galaxies.

It is said, that he created them because he was lonely.

None of us know where he is now, but we do know that he is watching us from somewhere with a beautiful view.

Calling him my grandfather would not be wrong, since he is the father of the Evermores, and the Evermores are our parents.

We, Immortals, are not a very populous race, as it is difficult for the Evermore to have children.

Therefore, it is difficult for us to have children with each other.

And for that very reason, the Evermore's leader, Brayanlynn (aka my dear father), came up with a solution fifteen millennia ago.

What solution?

Strictly train each Immortal until they reach the age of 20 (in our timeline).

Then send them to the reality corresponding to each Immortal's destiny book.


Without any external help.

Only with their knowledge about this reality and the main story of their respective book of destiny.

In an attempt to correct the story in the way we deem correct and to find our soul partner in the end.

The soul partner of each Immortal is their ultimate goal when being thrown into this new reality.

We don't have a clue about that person, but if we correct the story in the right way, finding him is our final prize.

This is the person who will return with us to our land, earn the blessing of the Evermore, and become an Immortal through a secret divine ritual only known by Brayanlynn.