

Hi! This is my first book I ever wrote. It is a very meaningful story for me. I tried my very best in writing this and I hope you enjoy it. I started writing books at the age of 8 and I was in 4th grade. I am currently 11 and in 7th grade. I enjoy reading and writing books very much. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Zahra_Husain_2336 · Action
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Chapter 3 : The Dark

I was very sleepy but I didn't want to sleep because, who knew which wild creature would pull me down to its lair while I am sleeping. Everything was getting dark, I could feel the sun setting, I was cold. I suddenly shivered as I heard a whisper, "Chhrriss, Chhrriss, I found you," whispered the whisper. "Friends? Friends! Help me please," I was helpless, hopeless. I thought I was lost forever, never to see the light again, never to see my friends again, never to see home again.

Was I right? Probably. This was my last moment to feel the sun setting across the horizon or is it? I felt a sudden shiver down my spine and I didn't know if it was good or worse than I pictured it to be. "miss me?" I heard before I fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up fresh and went back in my memories to think about the book I had. I flipped through its pages feeling victory as I had found a ritual of some kind to take me to my friends in a snap.

It read "Create a holy star shape anyhow around you but not with chalk." I was lucky that I had been working in a church for 3 years and knew what a holy star was. Its like as if it was meant to happen to me. Anyway, then it said "next, surround the star with lit candles and a burnt candle on each corner of the star. After that you must make a foil tray with a bottle cap and put 5 petals of each of these flowers in: Death Demon, Posh Pink, Lit Lime, Brainy Blue, Slimey Silver and Glamorous Gold. Lastly, put five drops of your blood in and circle around the star thirty times then sit in the middle of the star with the tray in your right hand and wish where you want to go." "Sounds simple enough" I followed the instructions but trust me, it was not as easy as you thought.