
Betwixt wisteria

Locked up in Murasakiiro hills, Geto Suguru doesn't have much to do, save entertaining a frequent guest. They were always more than enough for each other. No one understood them better than they did one another.

Sivame · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Betwixt wisteria

"You want me to do what now?", Satoru asked incredulously. Not bothering to follow proper etiquette in front of his teachers and seniors.

Yaga cleared his throat, speaking sternly, "We want you to get us information regarding a strange curse. The kind that may have belonged to Geto Suguru. So get your ass to Murasakiiro hills and make that insufferable man give us some information!"

Satoru grimaced at Yaga's tone.

"Nah! I ain't doing it!"

"It wasn't a request Gojo."

"Doesn't matter. Everytime I go there, I end up in the wrong places. Not that I'm complaining, I actually quite enjoy it. But I doubt I'll be of any help…", he shrugged, the elders groaned, positively disgusted.

Yaga shook his head in frustration, massaging the bridge of his nose, "Then just take Yuuji along with you.", he seethed.

Gojo thought for a while, he decided he had nothing to lose.

"Fine~ Fine~ Whatever the outcome is, don't blame me!", Gojo waved dismissively, exiting without permission.

"Do you really think he can do it?", an old woman questioned.

"He's the only one who can.", Yaga sighed.

Gojo politely knocks on Yuuji's door, he double-checks his neatly trimmed nails, waiting for his student to answer.

The door opens with a click, "Gojo-sensei!"

"Hello Yuuji. Do you have any solo missions assigned to you today?"

  Yuuji thought for a while, replying with the same zeal, "I have a mission with Kugisaki and Fushiguro in the noon. It's a second grade. I can't wait to use my new moves against it!"

"Nothing those two can't handle. There's something more important. I need you to come along with me."

"Sensei…", Yuuji sounded doubtful.

Satoru placed both his hands on Yuuji's shoulders.

"Look, Yuuji-kun. The man you are going to meet today can help you achieve a new level of combat skills. This meeting will prove to be very fruitful to the both of us. You won't regret it."

Yuuji was hooked by his sensei's words. Curiosity got the better of him as he hurriedly agreed to accompany his sensei.

Satoru smiled kindly at Yuuji.

"Meet me at the entrance in 15 minutes."

"Yes, sensei!"

It was quite ironic how a man considered to be a criminal was being kept captive in a place representing longevity.

Surrounding the relatively small hill that housed (rather imprisoned) Suguru was a selective barrier that only allowed few to pass. As soon as they passed the barrier, wisteria trees took over their field of view.

The sweet scent of wisteria almost knocked the breath out of Satoru. They walked on the narrow stone path for a few minutes. Two lithe figures were walking towards them.

"Mimiko-chan! Nananko-chan!", Yuuji waved happily at the twins. They were returning from their visit to their foster father's residence.

The twins came running toward them. "Gojo-sensei! Yuuji-kun!", they looked at Satoru, curious.

"I and Yuuji have some business here. You guys carry on and reach home safely alright.", Satoru ruffled and pat their heads fondly.

"Yes!", Mimiko replied.

"Geto-sama is in a very happy mood today! I hope you get your work done.", Nanako beamed.

Satoru returned their smile. "Text me once you reach school."

"Will do!", Nanako nodded.

The twins waved goodbye and took off, enjoying their walk back down the hill.

"I can't wait to meet Geto-san!"

Satoru smiled at him, "I'm sure you'll get along well." Satoru proceeds to ruffle Yuuji's hair as well, well aware of how much the child liked the show of affection.

They kept walking up the path. As the wisteria trees became more scantily placed, a figure came to view. 

The man stood with his side faced to them. He donned a long, lavender yukata with a few patterns of Ume flowers on them and an indigo sash. He seemed to be inspecting and collecting wisteria flowers, daintily placing them in his basket with freshly picked strawberries.

His long, black hair, adorned with daisies and Frangipani blossoms, danced in the breeze. His robes fluttered, but never once did his posture falter. A thin smile graced his pink lips, his eyes focused and brows lightly furrowed. He inhaled the scent of the blossom he was inspecting, his eyes closing as he inhaled, exhaling soon after. Satisfied with his catch, his smile widened and his eyes brightened. He delicately plucked out the inflorescence, as if he were trying not to hurt the plant and placed it in his basket neatly.

The man before him was both graceful and elegant. Yuuji stared at him, entranced, as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear.

"Beautiful…", Yuuji murmured, wonderstruck.

"hmm.", Satoru affirmed softly, staring at his Suguru. Suguru looked so kissable, it honestly did things to him. That tight Yukata bound around his frame left little to the imagination. Suguru's ass was prominent, and so was his muscular torso. The outline of his shapely legs could be seen in the sunlight. Satoru licked his lips and let out a sharp breath he didn't know he was holding.

He was doing this on purpose, Satoru knew. Suguru loved teasing him, he would be punished for it later, but he did it nevertheless. They were perfect together. One a masochist, the other a sadist.

Hell, he could take the man right here, in the middle of the wisteria forest if it were upto him. Fuck him senseless, so senseless that he'd never wear something like that to spur Satoru's desires on.

Satoru let his fantasies run wild.

Yuuji noticed his sensei staring a bit longer than one should, looking entranced, almost blissed out. He whisper-shouted, "Gojo-sensei!"

No response

"SENSEI!", he shouted in a hushed voice.

No response.

Yuuji started swaying Gojo left and right to get him back to earth. He was surprised that infinity was off.

"Huh? Yuuji-kun? What are you doing here?", Satoru looked at Yuuji.

Yuuji ignored him, "Sensei why Is your limitless off?", he asked, curious.

"Oh… My infinity goes off around Suguru…more of an instinct than a choice though.", Satoru shrugged, not bothering to lie to his student.

"Oooh. He must be very special then."

"That he is.", Satoru grinned.

Mustering all the self-control Satoru had, he advanced forward, Yuuji following closely at his tail.

"Let's go."


Suguru was well aware of their presence, choosing to ignore them until they came to him instead. Yes, he was stubborn, not that it mattered.

"Suguru…", Satoru's voice trailed off, unsure.

Suguru slowly turned towards them, smiling brightly, "Hello!"

He turned towards Yuuji, raising a brow, "This is?", of course, he knew who the child was.

  "Hello! I'm Itadori Yuuji. Gojo-sensei's student. It's nice to meet you." He scratched his head as he continued, stuttering in the process, "And…And… Y-Your hair looks very pretty!", Yuuji yelled, not knowing what he was expected to say.

"Aaw~ Thank you. At least you know how to appreciate people Yuuji-kun." He smiled warmly at Yuuji before giving Satoru a dirty look, "Unlike your stuck-up sensei."


"You can get rid of your glasses here."

"Hmm.", Satoru removed his glasses and tucked them in his shirt pocket. 

Suguru gently reached into his basket, fishing out a few strawberries. He smiled sweetly at Yuuji, "Want some?"

Yuuji looked at Gojo unsure, when Gojo nodded Yuuji beamed widely.

His eyes twinkled as he reached for the strawberries, "Yes please!"

"You?", Suguru asked, turning to Satoru, holding out a ripe berry in his fingers.

"No thanks."

"Your loss.", Suguru shrugged, "They're incredibly sweet and juicy."

Satoru rolled his eyes.

Suguru held Satoru's gaze, biting into the berry, almost lustfully. He was making a mess out of it, sucking on the poor berry harshly. Red juice dripped from the corner of Suguru's perfect lips, dribbling down his chin. He lowered his gaze, looking up at Satoru through his lashes. Satoru's mouth went dry at the sight. Something in him ignited, threatening to take over.

Yuuji seemed to be busy munching on the entire basket of strawberries at that point.

"You sure you don't want any?", Suguru jested. Satoru was about to step forward, tranced, probably kiss Suguru, lick all that strawberry off… anything to taste his lips.

"Eh? Geto-san! Your mouth is covered in strawberry.", Yuuji's voice interrupted the two, snapping Satoru out of his daze. He didn't know if he had to be grateful or mad at the child.

Suguru seemed unfazed, but Satoru knew better. "Aah… right. Don't worry about it.", Suguru hurriedly wiped his mouth with a hanky.

"You sure you don't want one?", he asked Satoru again. This time, he meant it.


Suguru smiled, holding up a strawberry, and pressing it against Satoru's lips until he took it in.

Suguru let his fingers be sucked along, toying with Satoru's tongue a little, earning him a faint blush on the pale man's cheeks.

"Thank you.", Satoru turned his head, looking at Yuuji instead.

Yuuji was still busy with the strawberries. He took his own sweet time.

Suguru laughed softly, "So? What brings you two here?"

"Official business.", Satoru cleared his throat.

Suguru seemed irritated, "It's always official business with you", he rolled his eyes, almost miffed.

"Not always…", Satoru reasoned.

"Oh really?", Suguru gave him a sly smile, making Satoru's insides churn.


"So do you have to take me back to Yaga and others?", Suguru slowly made his way close to Satoru.

"No tha-"

"So what now? You gonna tie me up with your blindfold? Drag me to that bunch of wrenched fools to be judged without reason?", Suguru upped his defense subconsciously.

Tying his hands up sounds good. Satoru let out an exasperated sigh, "Suguru, I'm not taking you anywhere…"

Suguru relaxed at his words.

"You're still gonna tie me up?", Suguru leaned in provocatively.

Satoru stiffens, blushing slightly at their proximity.

  "Don't say things you will regret later.", Satoru warned, his voice low.

"Oh! I'm sure I'm not gonna regret it Gojo-sensei~ I promise I'll behave.", Suguru fluttered his eyes innocently.

Satoru backed off, he said sternly, "I'm not here to play games Suguru."

"Blindfold?", Suguru tilted his head mischievously.

"Shut the fuck up! Yuuji's right here!", Satoru snapped.

Yuuji looked confused at the mention of his name.

"Huh? me? What? huh?"

Suguru laughed pleasantly, covering his mouth with his yukata sleeve, eyes crinkling in delight.

Satoru relaxed, Suguru looked beatific at that moment, a small smile bracing his own features.



The walk back took a while. Satoru chose to walk behind his student and best friend, currently engaged in a conversation about hand-to-hand combat.

Satoru didn't really care about their discussion. He had planned on bringing Yuuji to Suguru for more training in physical combat anyhow. The object of his desire at the moment was Suguru's enticing behind.

The tight yukata clung on to dear life as Suguru swayed his hips ever so subtly on the stone path, probably knowing that Satoru was watching. Satoru thought he saw a bulge between his ass cheeks when Suguru 'accidentally' stumbled, but ignored it. Surely, Suguru couldn't be thaaaat hoorny?

The thing is, he was. And Satoru had first-hand experience of that immense lust Suguru housed. Satoru couldn't really blame him though. Being stuck in the wisteria hills, forced into exile to 'repent' his actions for who knows how long, was not easy. Especially for one as free-spirited and willful as Suguru.

Despite developing numerous hobbies, he also seemed to have come up with a different solution for dealing with his aggression and frustration towards the circumstances.

The answer?


Sex with Suguru was divine. For someone like Satoru, who had the best stamina, Suguru was perfect. He was the best sex Satoru had. It wasn't a joke given Satoru only ever had intercourse with experienced professionals, not one-night stands, they were troublesome to deal with sometimes.

Suguru was alluring in every way. The way he smiles, speaks, walks, teases, kisses, fucks. Everything he did sent Satoru into a state of euphoria, getting him addicted little by little every single time.

"Why were you collecting wisteria Geto-san?"

"I wanted to try making natural perfume. I'll send you some once it's done."

"Woaaah thank you!", Yuuji gave him a toothy grin turning back to his sensei excitedly.

Yuuji finally noticed his sensei's gaze. He politely slowed his steps so he could be next to his teacher. Elbowing his teacher lightly, Yuuji criticizes him, "Sensei… Please stop staring, It's rude."

Satoru was caught off-guard for a second, almost embarrassed.

"You're right, I'm sorry.", Satoru gave Yuuji a small smile. It was a good thing he got Yuuji along, seeing how easily distracted he was getting already.

Thank god for Yuuji.




They soon reached a Japanese-style house. It looked peaceful, placed among peach blossom trees.

A woman stood at the entrance, ready to receive them.

Suguru turned to Yuuji, introducing the woman.

"Yuuji-kun, this is Ishikawa-san. She is the chief caretaker of the house."

Yuuji bowed politely, Ishikawa returned the greeting.

"Let's discuss the rest over lunch.", Suguru stated, looking at Gojo.

"It's best if I discussed things and leave at the earliest.", Gojo replied, checking his watch.

"I didn't give you a choice Satoru.", Suguru asserted, Satoru's hair standing.

He slowly entered the house after Ishikawa, "I guess it can't be helped."



Yuuji and Gojo reluctantly sat down for lunch. Geto was beaming opposite Gojo, the flirtatious aura brought down a few notches. Ishikawa helped serve their lunch, humming merrily.

She told Gojo and Yuuji excitedly, "Geto-san was so happy when he was informed the two of you would be coming here. He insisted on making all these dishes himself!"

Yuuji dug in as soon as he heard that, stuffing his mouth with food, "Ish derishious"

"Yuuji-kun, slow down, the food isn't going anywhere."

"You should try shome too shenshei", Yuuji suggested, barely coherent with the food stuffed.

Suguru saw this as an opportunity to tease Satoru again. Taking a spoonful, he guides it forwards a puzzled Gojo's mouth.

"Yes, yes. You should try some too, Gojo-sensei~", he teased, almost moaning Gojo's name, winking with his long, beautiful lashes on display. Satoru hated to admit it, but hearing Suguru call him sensei sent sensations straight to his dick.

"The hell-", Gojo didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence as food was stuffed into his mouth. Geto pressed on his clothed dick with his foot under the table simultaneously, the actions almost made Gojo spit out the food he just ate, eyes as wide as saucers.

The way Suguru fake-pouted, hiding his smirk, made Gojo want to fuck him senseless right there on the table. Suguru was testing his last straw of self-restraint and sanity as a teacher.

"Sensei, didn't you like the food I made?", fake concern laced his voice as Gojo tried to regain his composure.

I swear if that pretty mouth calls me sensei one more time!

Yuuji looked at his teacher, worried.

Gojo knew very well how confident Geto was in his cooking. After Suguru was shifted to that hill, Satoru visited him multiple times, tasting his food once in a while. The dishes he cooked were always so warm and tasted like home. It only made him more worked up when Geto pretended Gojo hated it just to put on a show.

Satoru gulped the mouthful, smiling brightly as his left hand went under the table, catching the foot that was still palming his semi-erect cock.

Geto pouted, this time, genuinely, yanking his foot back from Gojo's hands. He softly traced circles below on his shin with his toes instead.

Trying to change the topic Yuuji spoke up, "Don't you feel lonely here Geto-san?", he asked, genuinely curious.

"I do have Ishikawa-san to keep me company", he throws Ishikawa a grateful look, earning a smile in return, "and tonnes of books and hobbies to keep myself occupied. So I rarely do.", eyeing Satoru, who was busy eating, he continues, "I get the occasional visitor as well.", Satoru flinched visibly.

"Oh… You should get married!", Yuuji exclaimed as if he made the best inference.

The room stilled for an instant. Satoru almost spits the food out again as Suguru gave the two of them an amused look. Eyes widening, Suguru tilted his head, grinning, this is getting interesting. He rests his chin on his fist, looking at Yuuji.

Yuuji seemed unfazed by their stares.

"Yuuji-kun, never say something like that again.", Gojo chided, wiping his mouth.

"No, no. I'm curious. Yuuji-kun, why do you suppose I do that?", Geto toyed with his earlobe as he listened curiously, knowing it would have an effect on Gojo.

Suguru was playing the game too well, Satoru hated it.

"Well… if you get married, there would be someone for you to take care of, and someone who can take care of you. You would be loved for who you are. You could even start a family, give a new meaning to your life."

When did kid get so philosophical? Gojo dreaded.

"Sounds interesting… What do you suppose? Satoru?"

Amethyst eyes turned towards him curiously. Satoru had two puppies staring at him, wagging their tails.

Sighing deeply, he started, "I suppo-"

"Oh!" Yuuji interrupted, seeming to have remembered something, "Sensei already started his search!"

"What?!", the older ones in the room stared at the teen wide-eyed.

A frown replaced Suguru's features, an ugly sneer shaping his thin lips as he glared at Satoru, narrowing his eyes, resembling the eyes of a deadly snake.

Satoru gulped audibly. God, he looks hot when he's angry... He's definitely gonna kill me. Shaking all stray thoughts, he focused on diffusing the situation, ignoring the intense pain being inflicted on his foot by Suguru.

"Yuuji! ahahah… whatever are you saying. You seem to have eaten a lot. Why don't you go sleep for a while?"

A sharp fork almost pierced through his right hand, luckily, Satoru dodged it in time.

"Let. Him. Speak.", a tight smile graced Suguru's face, trying his best to control the anger in his voice. Suguru twisted the fork deeper with every word.

Ishikawa looked ready to kill, glaring daggers at Satoru. Why the hell is she so angry?!

Yuuji, not understanding one bit, continued nevertheless, hand supporting his chin as if he were thinking deeply, "Sensei usually flirts with girls who try to approach Megumi.", Satoru groans It's getting worse already.

That must be some sort of defense mechanism to protect Megumi. Suguru sighed, looking down at his plate. I was getting worked up for nothing. I should apologize.


Suguru's eyes widened, looking back at Yuuji, There's an 'and'?! Fuck the apology!

Shit shit shit! Satoru tried hushing Yuuji, making all sorts of signs that the latter ignored. He facepalmed harshly, almost hurting his face in the process.

"And?", Suguru asked in a strained voice.

"He usually flirts with Utahime sensei… Speaking on the phone with her for hours…"

Suguru's hair seems to be flying in his cursed energy at this point. (Kushina vibesss).

If Satoru were to die, Yuuji was at fault.

"Oh! and… He transfers Mei Mei large sums of money whenever she asks! You won't believe how rich sensei is!"

How the hell did Yuuji know all this? Of course, they were all half-truths and misunderstandings. He never flirted with Utahime it was simply a senpai-kohei thing. And Mei Mei?! They were all business transactions!

Suguru's heart was slowly being ripped apart as he gazed at Satoru, angry tears on the verge of spilling.

Satoru quickly took Suguru's shaking hand in his, stroking lovingly to calm him down. The effect seemed to be the opposite as Suguru flinched away from his touch. Not letting go, Satoru pleaded,

"Suguru, calm down. It's seriously not what you think it is."

"What do you mean sensei?", Yuuji interjected, "It's exactly what he thinks it is!"

What does the kid have against him?! Did he not pamper him enough?! Satoru panicked.

Suguru shut his eyes and got up abruptly, yanking his hand out of Satoru's grasp.

"I need fresh air.", he stated, not looking at anyone.

"Geto-san you haven't eaten anything yet!", Yuuji cried, successfully being ignored by the other three.

"Geto-san?", Ishikawa asked, worried.

"I'll be fine.", he nodded in her direction and went to the veranda overlooking the small koi-pond.

Satoru sighed deeply, waiting for a few minutes before heading for his lover.



Satoru found Suguru gazing at the koi pond absentmindedly. The peach blossoms fluttered by, a lone petal fell into the pond, creating soft ripples. His Lavender yukata fluttered in the wind.

Satoru slowly approached him, hugging Suguru from behind. Suguru flinched.

"What?", he snapped at Satoru.

Satoru sighs, "no explanation is gonna satisfy you eh?"

"I'm surprised you even have a need to explain!", Suguru snorted, struggling to wrestle out of Satoru's vice grip.

"Suguru… don't be like thaaaat."

"Weren't you trying to avoid my advances until just now?"

"That was because Yuuji was around."

"Like I'm gonna buy that.", Suguru rolled his eyes.

Satoru closed his eyes and slowly set a rhythm, holding Suguru in his arms and swaying lightly in the fragrant wind.

"Yaga asked me not to get carried away unless you agreed."

"And if I did?"

"Dunno. Upto me I guess?", Satoru shrugged.

"And if it were upto you, you would've run off to flirt with more women huh?", Suguru's words had a bite to them.


"It was my fault right from the start. Believing that you considered us to be more than mere 'friends with benefits. It was always me who expected more.", Suguru's voice trailed off, trying his best to cover his face with his bangs, avoiding Satoru's sharp gaze.

Satoru huffed in irritation There go his overthinking tendencies again. Flipping Suguru around, he leaned back against the nearest pillar in the verandah.

"Why do you always overthink? Yuuji doesn't know the full picture."

Suguru still didn't look up at him, struggling lightly. Satoru held Suguru's chin and abruptly made him look into his own eyes.

The passion in Satoru's eyes was naked to Suguru, overwhelming him.

"Suguru… love… It's not that I can't expect more from our relationship. It's just that I wouldn't dare to. You control wherever this cart is going. And I'm the man who would gladly follow you to the ends of the world. Any little thing you throw my way, I accept gratefully. I'm almost scared to ask for more, fully content with what I have…."

Suguru inhaled sharply. Mouth opening and closing abruptly.

"There isn't, and will never be, anything or anyone between us. I promise.", Satoru's was a tone of finality, the fire of determination burning in his eyes. Suguru now understood what Satoru meant by not expecting. If he were to do so, Suguru would be engulfed whole in those fiery embers.

They stared on as if to see who would falter first. And it was always Suguru, unable to bear the passion in his lover's eyes.

Satoru slowly massages the sides of his hips, pulling him impossibly closer.

"Jealousy suits you though, it keeps me grounded", Satoru winks at him.

Suguru scoffs, swatting Satoru's chest. He turned a pretty shade of pink, out of embarrassment and shame, mumbling a quiet 'baaka'.

Satoru chuckled as he dived in, kissing Suguru's lips softly. He pulled Suguru close, his thigh between Suguru's legs, grinding against his crotch, the moan he earned was swallowed in the frenzy of feeling each other's lips. Wet sounds were all Satoru could register, the whole world shutting off. Suguru was intoxicating. The sandalwood scent emanating from his yukata drove Satoru crazy.

They could go on, Yuuji was too busy eating anyway, and Ishikawa will keep him busy for a while.

Suguru pressed Satoru against the pillar, rubbing his erection against Satoru's thigh.

"My, my. Someone's eager…", Satoru teased.

Suguru shut him up with another round of kisses. Satoru's hands went behind Suguru to grope his ass, kneading the flesh to earn him a volley of groans. Only then did Satoru notice something in Suguru's ass. He experimentally pressed his fingers against the Yukata, on the spot where his rim was situated. Suguru moaned into his ear lewdly as Satoru tried to make out the object jammed in Suguru's ass hole. A devilish grin took over his lips, a feral aura radiating as his eyes glowed.

"A butt plug huh?", he wiggled it to emphasize his point. Suguru almost lost his balance, clutching onto Satoru for life.

"I was getting desperate…. ngh- a-and you were away on a long mis- mission. I couldn't help it.", Suguru gasped as his lover kept playing with his ass. Satoru kissed him fervently in response, biting his lower lip and letting go with a pop.

"God how are you so goddamn sexy!"

Suguru moved both his hands to Satoru's neck and hair. "It's not my fault I'm a sex addict now."

"Haha… likewise."

Satoru's phone rang, dispersing through the wet, sloppy sounds. Suguru reached over to Satoru's back pocket, not pausing their make-out session, squeezing Satoru's ass in the process, earning him a yelp. Satoru bit back on Suguru's lips, hard.

Suguru slowly turned his head to look at the persistent caller as Satoru continues placing clumsy wet kisses along his cheek and jawline.

"It's Yaga.", Suguru gasped, one eye close because of Satoru's persistent kisses.


Suguru smirked mischievously, lips returning to Satoru's again as he returned the phone to him after answering.

Yaga's grave voice rang through the silence, "Did he agree?"

Satoru rolled his eyes, letting Suguru's lips wander downward. "Who knows?"

"What the hell are you doing there?", Yaga seemed to have heard Suguru moaning against Satoru's skin as he ground his thigh against Suguru's clothed cock ruthlessly.

"'m in the middle of a makeout session."

"And who's the unfortunate one? I thought I ordered you to go to Geto right away?"

"Hehe", is all Satoru responds, groaning as Suguru nips at the shell of his ear, suckling softly on his earlobe.

"Oh no you're not!", Yaga seemed to have realized who the person was.

"You asked me to convince him-", Suguru pulled at his earlobe with his teeth and palmed Satoru's hard cock, making Satoru groan against the crown of his head, "Baaaabe, slow down…", he growled huskily into Suguru's ear.

"Good Lord, speak to me properly! The hell are you doing there?!", Yaga's frustrated voice breaks through, making Satoru wince.

"Yaga says hi.", he says Suguru, completely ignoring his teacher.

"Konnichiwa sensei~", Suguru sings into the phone sweetly.

"Damn Sugu-chan, you should call me sensei as well…", Satoru mumbled breathlessly, catching Suguru's lips for a quick kiss.

"Why the hell do you have to pick up the call while making out?!"

Ignoring him again, Suguru narrows his eyes at Satoru, lifting the latter's chin with his index finger, "Maybe next time, Gojo-sama~", he winks.

Satoru shivers, jolts of cursed energy going right to his dick.

Suguru goes back to sucking at Satoru's neck, groping Satoru's chest in the process. Satoru pulled at his hair occasionally.

Feeling sorry for Yaga, he decided to speak to him properly.

"You were the one who instructed us to always answer your calls. Even if it meant being on the verge of death."

Suguru chuckled against his skin, raising goosebumps. Satoru liked it.

"When dying! NOT while making out!", Yaga's stern voice cut in.

"What about sex?", Satoru asked. Suguru snorted loudly, rolling into a fit of laughter.

"Goodbye.", Yaga cut the call.

"Ruuude~" Satoru was just about to put it away when Suguru grabbed it from his hands, still chuckling. He still seemed suspicious. Such a stubborn, possessive, jealous little wifey, Satoru sighs.

Suguru leans against him, back pressed against Satoru's torso as he scrolls through Satoru's texts on 'Line'.

Satoru relents, hugging Suguru close. He slowly brushed the dark hair to the side, gently tugging the yukata to expose some skin.

  Satoru licked his earlobe, taking the stud into his mouth, playing around with it. Suguru seemed to be concentrating hard at trying to expose Gojo's 'affairs'.

Satoru peppered kisses and hickeys along Suguru's neck and collarbone, earning him mewls of pleasure.

Satoru peeked at his phone from behind, resting his head on Suguru's shoulder.

"See? It's only ever been you baby…", he cooed into Suguru's ear, grinding into him sensually.

"Hmm.", Suguru inhaled sharply.

"Honestly, do you indulge me only because you're horny or do you genuinely love me?"

"Both." Suguru shrugged in a matter of factly manner. "You're great to play games with Satoru…"

Suguru slowly turned around, tucking back Satoru's phone in his shirt pocket and patting over it lightly.

"Should I be offended or flattered?", Satoru lifted his eyebrows, amused.

"Flattered of course! There's really no one else who can keep up with me.", Suguru adds with a sly smile, brushing off his long hair off his shoulder. His Suguru never lacked finesse.

Satoru gave him a toothy grin. They kissed again, feeling warm in each other's embrace.

Suguru rests his head on Satoru's chest, listening to Satoru's heartbeat, almost lulling him to sleep.

A few minutes passed. Suguru broke the silence,

"So… why did Yaga send you here again? I'm surprised there's something the great Gojo Satoru couldn't solve.", Suguru mocked, looking up at Satoru.

Satoru huffed and bonked his head lightly against Suguru's forehead, losing himself in the abyss of Suguru's dark eyes. "He wants you to reveal information about a curse you possessed in the past. We spotted a similar curse, a special grade. Strange behavior, we feel we can find some use of it instead of straight away exorcising it. Study it, probably."

"Who's 'we'?"

Satoru sighs dramatically, sinking further against the pillar, "The higher-ups."

"That's a surprise!"

"I know."

"Some use huh…", an evil grin forms on Geto's face as his eyes widen. "Let me get my hands on it then." If there was one thing Suguru liked, it was making life difficult for the higher-ups.

Satoru clicked his tongue, displeased, "Not a fair bargain." Satoru knew why Suguru asked for the curse, he loved making things difficult for the higher-ups as well… Just a little more begging and bargaining from Suguru's side should do the trick.

He twisted his lips to the side, pouting cutely. A few minutes passed as Suguru tried to think of something. Then, he fluttered his lashes slowly, looking up at Satoru. Licking his lips seductively, he bit his lower lip. Thumb coming up to trace Satoru's lips.

"I'll surrender to you. Fully.", Suguru smiled impishly.

"Hmm? Care to elaborate?", Satoru gave him a lazy smile.

Suguru pulled Satoru down by his shirt collar, leveling his lips with the shell of Satoru's ear, he moaned languidly.

"I'll let you use my body any which way you desire…", hands slowly traveling downward, he thumbed Satoru's nipple, stroking his clothed length with his other palm. Satoru growled, his voice dangerously low, this only edged Suguru more as he rubbed his chest against Satoru, whispering huskily, "I don't care when or where. I'll let you tie me up and you can do whatever you want to my body."

Suguru trusted Satoru wholeheartedly. He knew Satoru wouldn't dare hurt him even in his dreams. It was a win-win for Suguru. It's gonna feel so good, the thought set his heart racing wildly.

"You sly minx.", Satoru growled, squeezing his ass hard, grinding his thigh hard enough to push the anal plug further into Suguru's opening. Suguru moaned loudly, head thrown back. Satoru latches onto his neck, sucking hungrily. Suguru's skin was already covered in bright red blotches. Satoru was pleased with his handiwork.

"You're gonna regret it.", Satoru challenged.

Suguru let out a weak laugh, "You didn't even try…"



Yuuji was asleep on the sofa by the time the two got back in. The late noon sun shone brightly.

"He seems to be having fun.", Suguru smiled fondly.

"Too bad, we've to get going."

"Can't you stay for a little longer?", Geto pleaded, holding Satoru's hand.

"No can do darling. I still have to negotiate things with Yaga and the others.", Satoru smiled sadly, kissing him softly.

"Sorry for making your life difficult."

"You're so not sorry."

"Hehe. You're right, 'm not"

They look at Yuuji sleeping peacefully.

"He looks so content.", Suguru cooed. "Don't wake him up."

Chuckling Satoru shook his head, carrying Yuuji instead.

"You're gonna carry him all the way back?"

"It can't be helped. I can't teleport in and out of here.", Satoru shrugged.

"Alright… I'll make them load in a big basket of strawberries for Yaga and Shoko.", Suguru smiles.

"A basket of strawberries for a curse eh? Sounds like a fair bargain to me."

Suguru laughed along, showing them outside. He gave Satoru another hug.

"Take care."

"I hope you don't back off when the time comes."

"Oh I'm looking forward to it, actually.", Suguru smirks.




Satoru was greeted with muffled moans as he entered the room, sliding open the tatami door.

"Did you behave well while I was gone Su-gu-ru-", Gojo asked, eyes shimmering brilliantly in the dark as he eyes his captive lecherously.

The man in question was currently tied with a black tie to the headboard of Satoru's bed. Satoru's black blindfold covered his eyes. A gag ball stuffed in his mouth with leather straps supporting it. A thick layer of drool covered the gag and his chin. Suguru's hair was damp, undone, and wild, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead and chest.

Satoru let his eyes travel downward as he licked his lips, ogling Suguru's chest. Vibrating nipple clamps were secured to his nipples (with tape for extra measure). a leather harness ran along his sternum and underside of his chest ('mommy milkers' as Satoru shamelessly calls them), the harness encircled his neck like a collar. A vibrator was secured over his navel, making his navel piercing (which he got after defecting) much more sensitive.

Satoru continued to examine his lover, admiring his work of art, leaning on the doorframe lazily. Suguru's legs were folded and tied to the bed as well. His position kept his cock and needy hole exposed, leaving nothing to the imagination. A vibrating prostate massager was stuffed in his plump ass. He even put in a few anal beads for extra stimulation. A vibrating, warm penis sleeve covered his pretty cock. Lube, cum, and pre-cum pooled under his ass, making the bed impossibly wet.

Satoru made sure he wore high black stockings, garters secured around his muscular thighs, hooked to the leather holding up the dick sleeve. His feet were in black heels. It accentuated Suguru's legs more, making him so much more sexier.

All the toys on his Suguru were remote-controlled from Satoru's phone. Sure they were expensive, but holy fuck were they worth all the money. When he first admired Suguru after setting everything up, he almost died of a nosebleed. It took him more than 30 minutes to calm down, and another 30 minutes to finish the remaining paperwork he had from school.

He looked at his prey as if he was trying to make Suguru come undone with his stare alone, groping every inch of Suguru's body with his six eyes. Suguru looked like a ravishing meal ready for him to devour.

"Mmph… ngh", Suguru tried to form words, incoherent because of the gag and his slurred state of mind.

"This is what you wanted… right? Suguru~", Satoru advanced towards him slowly.

Suguru tugged at his restraints, tears damping the blindfold due to the excess stimulation. Satoru was mindful of not using toys that restricted Suguru's blood flow for too long. The last thing he wanted was to see Suguru having complications because of their collective, obsessive lust for each other.

Sitting next to him on the bed, he let his fingers wander over suguru's chest and abdomen. He felt Suguru shiver, whimpering under his touch. Satoru smiled, leaning forward, he leveled his mouth to Suguru's ear. Taking in his earlobe, he sucked on it, playing with the black stud and letting go with a pop.

"No one dared to walk into the room when I was away right?", Satoru's voice dripped with possessiveness. "Tell me and I'll get rid of them for us baby."

Suguru weakly shook his head, trying to inch closer to Satoru's mouth.

It had been an hour since he started working the toys on Suguru's body, giving him random stimulations from his phone from time to time. It was hot watching Suguru thrash around from his camera, but being there in person was entirely something else.

Satoru took off his shirt, discarding it on the floor. Turning on his phone, he activates all the vibrators at the first degree of speed. This sends Suguru struggling against the restraints holding his limbs as more muffled moans follow. Wanting to hear Suguru, Satoru unbuckled the gag, tugging at the nipple clamps.

"Satoru~ Sa-ahn"

Suguru's words were broken… It satisfies Satoru how his name was the only coherent thing to Suguru at the moment. He leans back in and coos into Suguru's ear, one hand supporting himself as the other softly grasps Suguru's neck."

"Shh darling… your Satoru's right here. He's gonna make you feel so good…", Satoru croons, placing soft kisses on Suguru's cheeks, licking off the tears.

He switches off the nipple clamps and the vibrator on Suguru's navel. Another click to increase the power of the dick sleeve. He smirks devilishly as Suguru's back arches, babbling something Satoru couldn't quite catch.

"Suguru, baby. I won't know what you want unless you tell me properly."

"Toru…", he gasped, tongue out lewdly, "Toru… wanna shee you…"

  "See, was that hard?", he slowly removed the blindfold and kisses Suguru's eyes, tenderly caressing his cheeks as Suguru's eyes flutter open, trying to adjust to the light. Satoru leans, touching their foreheads, "If you ask me politely, I can even place the moon under your reverent feet." His soft tone betrayed all the thoughts running through his mind, yet, there was truth in his words.

Suguru seemed to relax for a few seconds, taking in the sight of his lover.

"Kiss me.", he asked breathlessly.

Satoru obliged.

The kiss was slow and sweet. Their lips danced in unison. Satoru slipped his tongue in, tasting every nook of Suguru. He slowly sucked Suguru's bottom lip, earning a low moan. Smiling roguishly against Suguru's mouth, he turns up the prostrate massager to the 3rd degree, relishing Suguru's loud yelp, his sweet moans following. The sounds he elicited from Suguru were his ultimate prize. They boasted his ego like nothing else. There was something about breaking a man as proud and stubborn as Suguru. Having Suguru under the mercy of his cock and hands was every one of his sexual fantasies come true.

"Aah~ what a sight!", Satoru relished Suguru's expressions. He grinned as he saw Suguru's eyes roll back in pure ecstasy.

"Sa-aaaah-toh-ruuu", Suguru moaned loudly as he came again, panting harshly. The way Satoru's name rolled on Suguru's tongue sent shivers down his spine. Satoru was unable to control himself any longer. He switched off all the vibrators.

"You've been a good boy…", he coos, "What does my baby want off next? Or is there something you want more?"

He waited patiently for Suguru to regain his composure, to whatever extent he could gain back his sanity. Suguru groaned, "S'toru you…"

"Hmm? I want you to beg for it honey…"

"B-Bastard", Suguru seemed to be coming back slowly.

"Now now… is that how you talk to your benefactor.", Satoru clicked his tongue, twisting Suguru's nipple clamps. "You were the one who asked for this Suguru…"

Suguru yelps, eyes widening. His body was overly sensitive to everything and he hated it.

"You… I want you…"

"Huh… but I am yours Suguru…", Satoru sings, acting dumb and pissing Suguru off was fun. He wanted to break Suguru's façade, make him beg.

"F-Fuck me Satoru! Just gimme your dick already!", Suguru shouts, rather loudly.

Satoru laughs fondly, "Hush now sweetie, you don't want the servants to hear do you? Or does that turn you on?", Satoru's eyes darken visibly, making Suguru shrink back a little.

Exhibitionism huh… maybe next time.

"If that's what my Suguru wants, I'll gladly give it…"

He slowly rips off the nipple clamps and vibrators. Leaning down, Satoru gently kissed the sensitive nubs, licking them with kitten licks. Taking each of the rosy buds, he softly suckled, alternating between the two with his mouth and the pads of his thumbs.

"mmn- Saaaatoru~"

"That sensitive eh?", Satoru licked his lips, traveling lower and dipping his tongue in Suguru's navel. Satoru pulled at the piercing, toying with it using his tongue.

The sleeve and massager were off next. The anal beads slipped off easily as well, Satoru made a mental note of the number just to be sure. He slowly ran his hands over Suguru, feeling his muscles come back to life under Satoru's touch.

Satoru's eyes wandered back to Suguru's hole, gaping wide open, ready to be abused all over again by Satoru's dick. Cum dripped down his balls and perineum.

"Stahp staring IDIOT!", Suguru tried knocking Satoru on his head with his leg.

"But baby~ you look so ready, I wanna feel you around me right away!", Satoru whined.

Suguru rolled his eyes in annoyance, burying his face in the blankets covered in his own drool.

"Suit yo'self…", he grumbled.

Satoru smiled and undid the bindings that were holding his legs apart, letting the hands remain tied. He took Suguru's calves and placed them gently above his shoulders, giving his mouth better access to Suguru's semi-erect shaft. He teasingly pulled at the garters fastened on Suguru's thighs, snapping them back on his skin.

"Aah~", Suguru's skin was way too sensitive at this point.

Satoru placed soft kisses and hickeys on his inner thigh, earning him cute little mewls of pleasure. He licked his lips and eyed Suguru's dripping hole.


Without warning, Satoru took in the head of Suguru's cock in his mouth, rubbing the underside with his tongue. He pulled at Suguru's foreskin with his teeth, instantly turning Suguru into a lewd, moaning mess. He knew Suguru's needs like the back of his hand.

Satoru slipped 2 fingers into Suguru's mouth, ordering him, "Suck."

Suguru obliged, not breaking eye contact with Satoru. He licked between Satoru's long fingers, coating it with his drool. Satoru groaned at how sexy Suguru looked. He had to keep it in a little longer.

Satoru slowly took in the rest of Suguru's length, nose touching the neatly trimmed pubes. His fingers prodded at Suguru's entrance, his index finger slipped through easily. Suguru threw his head back and whined loudly, almost choking on his own spit as Satoru started bobbing his head, sucking hard...

Satoru hollowed his cheeks as he entered another finger and rubbed at Suguru's gummy walls. He started scissoring his fingers inside.

Suguru soon adjusted to Satoru's rhythm, fucking Satoru's face and simultaneously being fucked by his fingers. It wasn't hard for Satoru to find Suguru's prostate, and once he did, he made sure to abuse it.

Suguru soon came undone, the only warning Satoru got was a loud wail that sounded like his name. Satoru swallowed every last drop of cum his Suguru had to offer. Letting go of Suguru's limp cock, he slowly traveled down, sucking Suguru's balls into his mouth.

"Toru! Too much! Too -ch! Wai-", Suguru cried, tears streaming down his cheeks. His tears spurred Satoru on. Suguru's dick, however, was contradicting his words as it came back to life as soon as Satoru's tongue traveled to Suguru's rim. He had been edging Suguru for the past hour, only letting him cum twice with the toys.

This time, Satoru's tongue had to do the trick. Satoru entered without warning again, earning another yelp. He explored Suguru's hot walls with his tongue, rubbing against his prostate. That should get him hard again. Sure enough, it did.

Satoru wiped his mouth and let Suguru's legs rest on the bed. He reached for the draw, digging out more lube and 2 last condoms left in their stash.

He held the packet with his teeth, smirking and not breaking eye contact with his lover as he unbuckled his belt, metal clicking a few times.

"Like what you see?", Satoru smirked, running his hand through his hair to push the strands back.

Suguru groaned at the sight, kicking Satoru in the chest. Suguru dug his heel into Satoru's chest, right above his heart. Satoru let out a low grunt, holding Suguru's ankle with one hand.

Satoru quickly got rid of his own boxers, his large dick springing free from restraints. Suguru was always surprised by how big it was, if his memory serves right, It was only going to get bigger. How the hell does he carry that thing around?! Suguru was almost thankful he wasn't blessed with that size, and yet, he had to deal with it every other night.

Ripping off the seal, Satoru stroked his dick a few times and put on the condom, spitting out the piece of seal in his mouth. He pulled Suguru's leg to make him lie back. He put on some lube on his palms, warming it before covering the condom. He made sure to drop ample on Suguru's entrance, the cold making Suguru shiver.

Crawling over his body, he slowly placed feather-light kisses over Suguru's torso, earning him hums of approval. Satoru supported his weight by placing his forearms on either side of Suguru's head. He positioned himself, head rubbing at Suguru's entrance, both groaning at the contact.

"Ready babe?"

Suguru nodded, biting his swollen lips. "Go slow.", he said almost inaudibly.

"I can't promise you that… given how alluring you look right now.", Satoru grinned, kissing Suguru's nose.

"Atleast unti- gahh 'Toru!", Suguru's eyes widened as Satoru pressed into his entrance, head entering his gateway to heaven.

"Good gracious! How are you still so tight?!", Satoru hissed through his teeth.

"Your dick is just too big!", Suguru hit back, making Satoru's dick twitch.

"That's weird… You're supposed to lose your ability to form sentences Suguru."

"Ha! you wish!"

Those were probably the last coherent words Suguru spoke that night as Satoru plunged in.

Suguru's jaw came unhinged, his eyes widening like saucers. He felt so full, he loved it. No toy could ever make up for Satoru's massive dick.

Satoru eyed the bulge his shaft made in Suguru, pressing on it to feel his dick mold Suguru's insides. It set his nerves ablaze.

"Learnt your lesson for messing with me yet?"

"Mmmph?", Drool covered Suguru's chin as Satoru repeatedly thrust in, the bed creaking due to the sheer force. How the hell is Satoru still able to talk?!

Satoru suddenly paused, thinking, earning a whine from Suguru.

"But darling… Shouldn't you be punished for messing with me the other day? Yuuji-kun was right there. Yet you were shameless enough to tease me huh?"

Suguru hated the fact that Satoru could unravel him with dirty talk alone. Just how filthy was his mouth?!

Satoru traced Suguru's collarbone with his tongue in one long, languid motion. "Shouldn't you apologize?", he whispered, voice almost dripping with malice.

Suguru's breath hitched, trying to process what Satoru was doing.

Suguru whimpered, despite how bad he wanted Satoru, he was never going to admit it. It wasn't his fault!

Not getting a response, he drilled into Suguru, setting a ruthless pace. Suguru struggled, gasping for air under him.


"Never.", Satoru started, thrusting into Suguru harshly, "Test.", another thrust as Suguru's back arched, "My.", a harder thrust followed, hitting Suguru's prostate just right, "Patience!"

With one last thrust, Satoru pistoned into Suguru's warm, tight walls, groaning as he came inside, Suguru following shortly. He thrust in a few more times to ride their high. Satoru was proud of the fact that Suguru came without even getting his dick touched this time, it only fueled his already inflated ego.

He set Suguru down, panting heavily as he placed kisses along Suguru's forehead, wiping away the raven strands of hair sticking to his forehead.

Satoru undid the tie tying Suguru's hands, slowly rubbing circles on the inside of his wrist. Satoru's dick was still hard, and Suguru was still conscious. That called for round 2.

Satoru slowly pulled his cock out and replaced the used condom with a new one.


"I can do you all night baby."

Suguru groaned, falling back onto the bed.

"A minute.", he mumbled tiredly.

Not letting go, Satoru pulled him up using the leather collar around his neck. He made Suguru straddle his hips as he grinds upwards, Suguru moaning shamelessly as a result. He held Suguru's hips in a vice grip.

"I thought I owned your body tonight… How dare you disobey me. Looking to get punished?", Satoru's tone turned lethal in an instant.

Suguru knew he wouldn't dare hurt him. They had their safe words… But Satoru sounded so hot, it got him going again.

Suguru quivered as Satoru licked the trail of drool dripping from Suguru's mouth, kissing him again like a starved man.

"Answer me.", he demanded, tugging at Suguru's hair harshly.

"'m sorry Toru!"

"Address me as sensei tonight."

"What?!", Suguru blanched at his ridiculous request.

Satoru gave him a stern, dark look, enough for Suguru to get hard again. Am I a masochist? Suguru wondered.

Lips quivering, he held onto Satoru's shoulders for support. Biting his lip, he guided Satoru's cock to his entrance yet again. Gazing down at Satoru with watery eyes, he sniveled breathlessly,

"I've been a bad boy. Please punish me sensei~"

Satoru's eyes darkened as he smirked, canines showing.

"And how do you suppose Sensei do it Sugu-chan?"

Gulping audibly, Suguru took in a shaky breath, "Fu-Fuck me senseless Gojo-sensei~", he begged, moaning his name.

"That's mah boy!", Satoru thrust upward, a hand encircling Suguru's waist as the other played with one of his nipples. He latched onto the other nipple, sucking harshly. Satoru left bite marks and hickeys wherever possible.

"Fuck Suguru! Taking my cock so well… I should reward you one of these days…", he groaned against Suguru's neck.

Suguru reached behind, digging his nails along Satoru's back and shoulders. Satoru shivered under Suguru's tantalizing touches and the pain he was inflicting, grinding into Suguru harder.

"Look at you bouncing on my cock, being fucked silly. Do you have any idea about the effects you have on my dick?"

Suguru moaned loudly, getting increasingly hard at Satoru's words. Suguru saw stars, hearts taking form in his irises, mouth hanging loosely at this point

"You're so fucking hot baby. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself around you!"

"Ngh- Sensei!", Suguru wailed, tears streaming down his face.

Satoru admired the man before him with wide, all-seeing eyes. Suguru looked so beautiful, so blissed out, so dazed. This was how his Suguru was underneath all those fake masks he wore. His stubbornness, arrogance, wickedness, everything shattered.

Satoru revered the man before him. The world may revere Satoru, but the only one Satoru bowed down to was Suguru. What use was Satoru without his Suguru. He was but an empty shell sought for his powers and looks alone. Suguru was the one who taught him emotion and taught him to be human even.

Satoru knew Suguru was close. He swiftly reached for Suguru's dick and pumped it a few times. Thick ropes of cum shot between them.

"Satoru-sensei~!", Suguru squeezed his inner walls, milking Satoru's dick.

"Yess baby… Just like that!", Satoru hissed, cumming for the second time. He licked off the semen on Suguru's body as he rode his high, thrusting into Suguru softly.

He laid Suguru down with utmost precaution. He licked off the tears forming in Suguru's pretty eyes. Satoru undid his garters, stockings, and heels to make Suguru more comfortable. Removing the collar and leather tethers wrapped around his chest, Satoru held him softly in his arms, hugging him close.

"You're still hard?", Suguru asked, grinding into Satoru's cock, which was still inside him.

Satoru felt his dick twitch back to life. Burying his face in the crook of Suguru's neck, he groaned, ""F-Fuckk… I can never get enough of you baby. We're out of condoms too…"

Pulling out, he discarded the used condom. "Don't sweat it, I'll relieve myself."

He kissed Suguru on his temple, sliding off of the bed. "Wait!"

"Hmm?", Satoru looked back.

"You can… raw…", he mumbled, a deep shade of red flushing his face darkly. Suguru flipped, turning his back to Satoru.

Satoru's eyes widened, "Suguru… you don't mean?"

"Yes! Just do it already!", Suguru covered his face with his palms.

"Fuck babe, you're going to be the death of me!"

"Wouldn't you like that?", he asked, looking at Satoru over his shoulder.

"Like that? I would love it!"

Satoru dived behind Suguru in an instant. Jerking his cock with more lube, he hovered above Suguru's entrance, both lying on their side.

"You sure honey?", Satoru asked, just to make sure. He wrapped an arm around Suguru's waist to bring him against his chest.

"Yes.", Suguru smiled back, turning his head to capture Satoru's lips and Satoru entered him for the third time. Suguru groaned into the kiss.

"Tight as ever huh?", Satoru spoke directly into Suguru's ear, nipping at the shell of his ear. Satoru starts thrusting slowly, dragging along Suguru's prostrate. Suguru arches his back against Satoru, eyes rolling back.

"You're made for my cock Suguru~ You take me in so well darling…", Satoru praises, kissing his neck and biting his shoulder.

He reached over to pump Suguru's cock as well, Suguru matching the slow and sensual rhythm gradually.

Once Satoru knew he was close, he bit into Suguru's neck, breaking the delicate skin and sucking on the wound.

"Satoru! I-I'm-"

He licked the hickey a few and responded, "Cum for me baby."

That was it, Suguru came undone for the 5th time or something that night, he didn't remember.

"Good boy… now help me cum Su-gu-ru-"

Suguru squeezed around Satoru's dick and ground against it, as Satoru unloaded another batch of cum, painting Suguru's insides a pristine white. 

Satoru pumped a few more times, riding his high and placing reverent kisses along Suguru's sweaty forehead.

"Thank you…. sex with you is always the best.", he admitted, breathless.

Suguru chuckled, "Likewise."

"Ï love you Suguru…", he said softly, kissing him sweetly on his plump lips.

Suguru smiled drowsily, his voice hoarse after all the moaning, "I love you too Satoru."

They remained like that for a while longer, cock-warming, before Satoru regained his strength.

Removing his cock, Satoru noticed cum leak out of Suguru. He scooped it back up and stuffed it back in, earning a tired moan from Suguru. The sight was extremely erotic.

Satoru retrieved a butt plug from the draw and secured it in Suguru's ass, not letting a single drop of his cum go to waste. He slid the tatami doors open and called for a few servants to change the sheets.

Satoru carried a half-asleep Suguru off to the bathroom to wash him up and change him into a clean set of pajamas as the servants set up the bed for them again.

Satoru dressed him up in underwear and a pajama shirt, dried his long hair, and braided it. Satoru slipped into his boxers and put on the pajama pant. It was cute how Suguru drowsed through it all.

He picked Suguru back up and walked them back to the bedroom. Tucking Suguru in the fresh, warm blankets, he dimmed down the lights, sliding next to him. Satoru intertwined their hands, kissing each knuckle on Suguru's hand lovingly. He slept facing Suguru, adoring his lover's sharp and peaceful face as he drowsed off to sleep himself.



When Suguru gained a little consciousness, he found himself face-to-face with Satoru. He tried to get up and check the time. He was jerked back into Satoru's arms, being held tightly.

"Mine.", Satoru mumbled in his sleep, holding Suguru close.

Suguru giggles, placing a soft kiss on Satoru's forehead, letting Satoru snuggle into the crook of his neck.

He stares at their intertwined hands, smiling fondly.

"Forever yours."