This tunnel is gonna take weeks just to get finished I am laying on my bunk just waiting for it to be finished when I get up to help them all dig as I look down I see the stairwell going down only for us I take a lantern and go down. I notice a lot of progress has been made I even have to run down the tunnel to get down there I reach the end and ask about the progress as the inform me we are almost there I have people from the surface start making tracks for rails to bring the explosives down easier. Another group makes dents and grooves in the walls to fit all the explosives that we are gonna put in while the others keep digging forward no one has to worry about the Germans hearing us because we are too far down for anything to hear us with the rails in progress and carts made we get a step closer to finally getting rid of this base that will make a massive dent in Hitlers plan. I make I quick visit to the surface to check on the amount of explosives to be sure we have enough and I also check extra ammunition for the invasion when I suddenly happen to look up to see German scout planes I panic just a bit and get to one of our hidden towers for snipers.
( copyright mightytankgodess)