
Between two world's

All women are submissive, selling themselves to men. Will this deception and this nonsense deceive these women?

ooh_reeta · Urban
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82 Chs


-I had returned!

Trish hurriedly entered the house with a smile on her face, but as she looked at the house which was in disarray and Raylene cuddling herself at the kitchen door on the floor changed the look of her face.

Trish ran to her and sat on her knees anxiously trying to talk to her but Raylene was unconscious so Trish tried hard to hold her but failed so she left her on the floor and fetched water and splashed on her face a little anxiously eating her.

Raylene, come on! not now!

Oh my God, what am I going to do...

The anxiety running through Trish's eyes was so great that Raylene pressed lightly on Trish's hand who was holding her hand and Trish breathed a sigh of relief and then lifted Raylene off the floor with difficulty and took her to the bed.

I put her on the bed, covered her, and checked if Raylene had been injured in the vandalizing the house, but there was nothing.

· · • • • ✤ • • • ·

Look here, these pictures belong to the man who will attend the party today as one of the most powerful foreign gangsters.

- What do you mean?

Hanma raised his head while sitting on the chair after Irene stood behind him and leaned back on the chair to show him the pictures.

Irene looked down and said calmly and coldly.

- That man who is the leader of this gang is not the main criminal who leads it, plus they are still after the Kingmaker "Golden Rabbit Head"

Hanma got up and went to stand in front of the big table that contained the entire city with the rich D technique.

He put his hands on the edges and looked toward the entire city as if he owned it completely.

- Roppongi.

- The golden rabbit's head, it's there, I took it from Taejo and told him I'd put it in the city that I oversaw all its gangs and amusement parks there.

Irene walked up to him and folded her hands to her chest.

- Where is the location?

- There is no location, every day its location is changed so that it is not exposed by those miscreants.

She smiled maliciously and looked at her maliciously and said.

- Things are going as we want and Baji this time will be there, he will benefit us a lot, you don't know how brutal and cruel he is.

He's your friend, you should know him, that's obvious.

What about the plans made by that idiot? Didn't you say he was planning to blow up the whole place?

- This was the plan, but the situation has changed, it seems that there is a greater and lower crime that will occur there.

- According to what Liraj said, this man is planning mass murder once.

Hanma put his hand under his chin and smiled

- since the party has changed venue and will be taking place in his own big ship, he must be planning to get rid of the entire corpses there.

- That's okay.

Irene approached and began to explain the places they would enter her from the ship.

· · • • • ✤ • • • ·

Maillet looks at Buggy, who gets up from the bed, naked, with bright eyes, and smiles mischievously.

"its the best"

- Huh..

- Damn it.

- Why ?

She put her hands under the pillow happily and looked at him with innocent eyes.

- Didn't you enjoy?

- Just shut up.

Just get up and take a shower and then go eat. I'll order the dress to come here.

· · • • • ✤ • • • ·

Trish handed the glass of water to Raylene who was sitting quietly on the bed and drank a little water,

a semi-dark room, a small light permeated the room from the sitting-room, and the clear sound of a cricket from the window.

Are you okay, Raylan?

Perched on the edge of the bed, Trish quietly wiped Raylene's forehead to check her temperature.

- I'm sorry, Trish. I broke down the house.

No, don't worry, the most important thing is the health of you and the fetus.

Thank you, Trish.

Trish moved closer and took Raylene's hand in both of hers and said softly and in a warm tone.

Tell me, why do I feel like there's something you always seem to want to say.

- Two years ago... -

What two years ago?

· · • • • ✤ • • • ·

*what happened two years ago*

Raylene, what are you doing?

- Today you will turn eighteen and still behave like this childish?

Raylene quickly got up from her bed in front of her laptop, which she was browsing with her eyes sparkling, bright and smiling.

Liraj stood at the door and smiled.

- What have you been doing?

- No, nothing.

Raylene stood quietly, clasping her hands behind her, a clear fake smile on her face.

Liraj raised her eyebrow and smiled then said.

- If there's something bad, just tell me, okay?


Liraj left and closed the door behind her. Raylene jumped back on the bed and went back to browsing the pictures that were appearing in front of her. She put her hands under her chin excitedly, hugged the pillow and screamed.

Oh my God, he's handsome!!

- Oh, my God, that black, purple-striped hair, these shoulders...

- He's so handsome, damn him.


Raylene heard screaming from outside and got up and quickly shut down the laptop and ran out of the room quickly and looked at Lucy was panting while standing with her clothes all wet.

Your bastard dog, I'm going to kill him!!!

Why did he kick me in the big pool!!!

- Ah, this...

Raylene ran quickly out of the house, took her shoes in her hands, and Lucy ran after her, but Raylene was too fast and disappeared within a few seconds after Lucy stood in the middle of the street and screamed

- Raylene!!!!

- damn it!!

Raylene ran quickly, laughing, until she stood up and began to pant. She looked at the big clock in the street in an alleyway and sighed, then put her hands in the pockets of her pants and walked forward and was about to leave when she heard the sound of gunfire from inside the alley.

She walked into the corridor and walked so quietly that no one could feel her, and drew her pistol from behind her back and placed it in front of her with one hand.

And when I arrived, I saw those broad shoulders from behind, and the fallen corpse in front of him, full of blood.

- Are you well?

I turned and looked at him, and he was the same man whose picture she was looking at on the laptop.

"I felt butterflies in my heart at that moment, he walked under the reflected streetlight and those features appeared to me, but I was in complete darkness and he only knew that I was a woman because of my voice.

- Who are you?

She quickly raised her pistol and shot in front of him, but she killed a man who had He aimed his gun at him at the other end of the alley.

- Are you okay?