
Between Two Sides

Being next door neighbors to twins will either be the most exciting or the most miserable time of ones life. One is vastly different than the other though their style of life is the same. Ryan quickly figures this out when he meets them. He quickly figures out they aren't as normal as they seem. "Is it wrong to judge someone when you first meet someone? Is it fair to judge them based off looks alone?" Follow the story of Ryan, Lilith, and Alice who goes through their trials together.

AncientShadow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Iris walked toward the living room and placed down a sack of animal and human flesh on the floor. "Okay, this should be enough to redirect Lloyd other places. It will also probably awaken his hunger as well. We can use that time to strike him down as well."

"Are you sure this is going to work, Ryan?" Alice asked and opened the sack of meat then began to drool. Her eyes shined a bit and she gulped. "What the heck is this meat?"

"We gathered meat from exotic animals like Lions and Bears. We also captured a few wolves and some poachers in the forest. We even sprinkled a bit of our secret ingredients on the meat to make the smell more enticing." Star said.

"You owe us one..~" Iris chuckled and stroked my chin gently.

I watched Iris walk off and noticed her swaying her hips in an attractive manner. Lilith and Alice stared at me and once again I felt them staring into my soul.

I chuckled and picked up the sack of meat. "If it makes you two feel better, I'll actually sleep with you two tonight so you can stop being jealous."

Alice smiled and looked at Star with a smug face. Star rolled her eyes and turned into a bat then flew off to do some scouting.

"Alright, here's the plan...I place this meat and redirect his senses, Star is gonna keep watch over me and that way you three can retreat with Trixie and continue the operation in the Alucard District." I said.

"Why there?" Iris complained.

"I caught the prey, you don't get to decide what I do with the prey." I said and smiled at Iris.

Iris crossed her arms and sighed softly. "I just don't feel right being there of all places..." Iris pouted.

"Aww..~ I'll keep you safe if that's what you're worried about.." I chuckled and teased lightly.

Iris rolled her eyes, blushing. "Fine...Anyway you better get going. Lloyd is rather smart and his Blood Sense is rather strong. I don't want to get caught while we relocate."

I nodded and looked at Alice and Lilith. "Help her in any way you can. I'll meet you back in the Alucard District~"

They nodded and watched me hurry off. They went with Iris to the hideout so they can prepare to relocate back to the Alucard District.


Lloyd used his Blood Sense to track Trixie's blood trail but he began to get redirected to another scent that was stronger. Wayne noticed he had turned a different location. He noticed the hungry look in Lloyd's eyes.

"Lloyd! Where are you going?" Wayne asked.

Lloyd noticed another trail and his mouth began to water. "What is going on..? Why am I so hungry..?!"

Wayne noticed Lloyd shaking and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Lloyd! Control yourself!"

"I'm trying..! I am, but I don't know what's going on or why this is happening!" Lloyd said and noticed two more trails.

'No...they are redirecting me..! They are making me crave meat and flesh..! I need to—'

Lloyd noticed a powerful scent and followed it. Wayne grunted as Lloyd drove at a high speeds.

I ran down the street in my Human Form and cut my arm more to keep Lloyd focused on my scent. I looked back and noticed a car drifting around the corner. I smirked and kept running.

"There he is! Catch him! We can interrogate him and then kill him!" Wayne said.

"Falling for the bait. How foolish. I see your Human side does come in handy, but keep in mind of your limitations." Nayr said.

"I only need to get him so far to where he can't pick up Trixie's scent anymore." I said then cut a corner quickly.

Lloyd stopped his unit and noticed me running down the alleyway. He grunted and floored his unit and drifted around a curb then sped down the street.

I stopped when I noticed Lloyd's unit then my eyes shined silver. I threw the sack of meat at hit windshield, causing him to swerve and crash into a building. I chuckled and used my cloak to disappear.

A group of Vampires came out as they smelled the flesh and meat. Lloyd and Wayne got out of their unit and noticed the group of Vampires rushing toward them.

"Shit...Now we have this bullcrap to deal with! Where did he go?!" Wayne yelled.

"I lost his scent in the mist of all of this meat! We'll find him after this!" Lloyd said and rushed into combat.

He began to use his Silver Sword to cut down the number of Vampires that were attacking him. Wayne helped him by using his Silver Lance, impaling multiple vampires. The two killed every vampire around them and Lloyd picked up my scent again.

He noticed me running on the rooftops then spread his wings and flew up toward me. I noticed him then dodged his slash and kicked him away. I used my tendrils to wrap around a light pole and pulled myself away from Lloyd.

"Get back here and tell us where Commander Trixie is located!" Lloyd bellowed as he flew after me.

I manifested my wings and flew away. 'Come on...Tell me you got away already so I can stop running!'

Lilith started my car and watched as Iris and Alice got in. "Come on! Hurry!"

"We're in! Drive!" Alice said.

Lilith drove off at high speeds and drifted onto the main street. Alice noticed Trixie waking up then grunted.

"Where—" Trixie started then noticed the three Vampire Girls. She squeaked and sent out a distress signal.

"She's awake!" Alice yelled.

"Knock her out!" Iris yelled and tried to strike Trixie but got blocked.

Trixie and Iris began to tussle in the back seat which caused Lilith to become distracted.

Wayne heard his phone beeping and noticed the distress signal. He ran to a car that was parked on the side of the road then used his lockpicking skills to get in the car. He closed his eyes and constructed car keys using his aura then started the car.

"Lloyd! Forget Ryan! Trixie is still alive! We need to catch up to her!" Wayne yelled into his earpiece.

Lloyd sensed Trixie's scent and flew off. I watched him then noticed two cars speed off. I flew after them and noticed Star flying beside me.

"Trixie is awake! We have to stop those Hunters from reaching Lilith and the others!" Star warned.

I nodded and the two of us flew after Wayne and Llyod at high speeds.

Lilith drifted onto the main street and sped down the road. Coco and Scout barked loudly as to warn Lilith about Lloyd. She looked to her left and noticed Lloyd appeared next to her.

I kicked Lloyd away and landed on the ground. I propelled myself toward him and used my tendrils to strike him, but he blocked my attacks.

"You won't get away with this!" Lloyd yelled and pushed me back.

I launched myself in the air and combined my tendrils into a large tail then slammed it on the ground, making Wayne crash into it. I also made sure to not hit any of the bystanders who were watching.

Lloyd tried to chase after my car, but Star tackled him and they crashed into a restaurant. The customers screamed as they noticed the two crash inside the building.

Star stood up and glared at Lloyd. "Daywalker! A disgrace to the Alucard and Dracula name!"

Lloyd stood up and dusted himself off. He looked at Star and readied his Silver Sword. "A member of the Dracula Bloodline, helping members of the Alucard Bloodline. You're the real disgrace here."

"They are my cousins...Family over a rivalry, even if I hate them!" Star said and bared her fangs.

Lloyd walked toward Star then dashed toward her and slashed at her. Star dodged the slash and kicked Lloyd away then ran toward him. She slashed her claws at his face, but he evaded the attack and sliced down at her, only to see a ruinous blade collide with the sword.

"Ryan!" Star called out.

"Leave! I'll deal with this!" I yelled.

Star watched me then scattered into a swarm of bats, flying away from the area.

Lloyd watched me and noticed Wayne walking toward me as well. He approached and readied his sword. "No where else to run, Ghoul. We might've lost them because of your scheme, but we are taking a body with us.."

"We will destroy...your precious District. Enjoy your last days on Earth!" Wayne bellowed and dashed toward me.

"Do it." Nayr said.

I used my aura to create high winds and pushed Lloyd and Wayne away then vanished with the wind. The high winds ended, leaving Lloyd and Wayne alone.

Wayne looked around and growled. "Dammit! Lost them again!"

"I can't smell their scent...too many humans around. We need to retreat for now. At least we know Trixie is still alive." Lloyd said.

Wayne walked off and glared. "I will kill them with my barehands if I have to...No matter what..."


Altro watched over Ivory as she recovered. He held her hand and closed his eyes. He sighed softly and felt Ivory squeeze his hand gently. He looked at her and noticed her look at him.

"Thank you..." Ivory said softly and tears formed in her eyes.

Altro stared at Ivory and lowered his head. "I never thought...he would actually try to kill us...He killed Trixie and tried to take you as well...He will pay..."

Ivory noticed Altro's tears and let go of his hand so she could caress his cheek gently. "We will get revenge...for my sister...and for the broken bond he caused.."

Altro looked at Ivory and nodded. "I'll make sure he can't take away the lives of anyone else. I swear on it.."

Ivory nodded and smiled softly at Altro. She watched as Altro leaned toward her and gently kissed her lips. She was a bit surprised, but let it happen.

Altro pulled away. "Rest well, Ivory..."

"I will.." Ivory said and watched Altro walk out of the room.


I landed in front of the main building and walked inside. I grunted as Alice tackled me into a hug. I smiled at her and held her. "Mission complete..~"

"It's all thanks to you, Ryan~ Now we have Trixie and can finally gain more power..." Alice said and smiled at me.

Lilith held my arm and smiled at me. "We did it!~ All because of you!~"

I nodded and smiled at Lilith. "I guess you two deserve that reward now...I did promise you two.."

"With both of us..?~ You're playing a dangerous game, Ryan..~" Alice giggled softly.

"Hey!" Star said as she walked toward us.

Alice and Lilith let go of me and looked at Star and Iris. I watched the four and crossed my arms.

"I hope you don't expect us to stay here. From here, the prey is yours! Until next time, losers." Star said and walked off.

"Yeah, I don't want want to be here when your district gets raided again!" Iris laughed, following Star.

"Oh yeah?! Good luck surviving without a Leader!" Alice yelled.

"Yeah! You know knock offs won't survive without us! Understand that!" Lilith called out and taunted.

Star stopped walking and pointed at Lilith with a glare. "Okay! Let this be the LAST TIME you two bitches call us knock offs!"

I watched the four bicker and chuckled then walked off to my room. With a huge victory under our belt, we knew the AHA wouldn't try to attack until they had a full proof plan. I planned to capitalize off this by trying to figure out what all I could do with my power.


Xenia walked down the halls and stopped when Altro approached her. Her white cloak flowed in the wind and her eyes shined.

"Xenia...Teach me your ways. Teach me how to kill people in one hit." Altro said.

Xenia stared at Altro then closed her eyes and walked by him. "Follow me."

[Case: To Be Continued.]