
Chapter 20: Sneaking Out

Autumn whips around, ready for a fight. Instead, she comes face to face with Duncan.

“What are you doing here?” she whispers, looking around to make sure no one saw them.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Duncan says, lowering his head. “I need to talk to you and I didn’t know how else to do it.”

Autumn can’t be too mad. It’s not like she left her number with Liam before being rescued. After her heart stops threatening to jump out of her chest she tries to comfort the man.

“It’s okay, I just don’t like being grabbed like that. Understand?” she asks calmly.

Duncan nods his head.

Her next question follows closely behind the last. “Did Liam send you?”

Duncan’s eyes widen. “No, Miss. He doesn’t know I’m here. No one from the pack knows. I could get in a lot of trouble if they did,” he replies.

“Okay, I’m not mad,” Autumn says, hoping Duncan doesn’t shut down again. “If Liam didn’t send you, why are you here?”