
Secretary Annalise

"Hi, Anna." Who's the masculine guy who just walked in.

"Good morning, Manager Edward," said Anna.

Edward chuckled. "You're too stiff, Anna. When it's just the two of you calling Edward, it's better to hear."

"Are you flirting with my secretary, Mr. Walker?" Cynical the master of the room who had just entered.

"Good morning, Director Axel." Said Anna half bowed.

"Yes, morning secretary Anna."

"Ah, Axel. Have you come?" chirps Edward.

"You don't want me to come right away because you're still going to tease my secretary?"

"Hahaha... I don't dare to do that, Mr. Director."

"Why come to my room so early in the morning?" Axel asked matter-of-factly. Axel's trademark is always being efficient.

"I just wanted to report on the Greenland project."

"Would you like some coffee or tea, Mr. Axel?" asked Anna interrupting.

"I need coffee to ease my sleepiness."

"Okay, I'll make it."

"Only Axel you offer a drink? I also need a cup of hot tea, Anna." Edward exclaimed to Anna who was already walking towards the door.

"She's my secretary, not your errand girl. Go make your tea if you want tea!!" Axel snapped while rolling his eyes.

"Come on Axel, you're so stingy," said Edward pretending to be annoyed.

"Anna, you know no one cares about me as well as you do, please make me a cup of tea too okay?" Edward exclaimed to Anna who had reached for the doorknob. Anna kindly looked at Edward then gave him an "okay" code, then walked out the door.

"What reports have you brought, Manager Edward. Don't waste my precious time."

"Ah, you're always like that. You never change, Axel."

Anna faintly heard the conversation between the two closest men, she smiled at the realization of their unchanging behavior.

Yes, that's how they are. But when it comes to working, both of them are very diligent and responsible.

They are so reliable. Their childish behavior is a source of enthusiasm for Anna.


"If everything goes according to our plan, the project will start the day after tomorrow," Edward said.

"That's great. You're always satisfying, Ed." Praise Axel.

"Oh yeah, you couldn't have forgotten Anna's birthday, could you?" Edward said.

Axel raised an eyebrow as if he was remembering something important.

"Ah, I'd just have missed it if you hadn't talked about it earlier. Thanks for reminding me."

"You're always amazing when it comes to careers, but to those closest to you you're always lousy!" Edward pouted boldly.

"Yeah yeah, you're right. I admit my omission. But at least I haven't missed it so I'll prepare well." Axel said while flipping over a file he was checking.


Knock knock!

"Come in, Anna," Edward said loudly.

According, Anna came in with a tray containing a cup of black coffee for her boss.

"You act like this is your room."

"Come on! That's all you're bothering about, Ax."

"Call me Axel."

"So what if I call you Ax?" Edward said undaunted.

"Then call me Director Axel!"

"Here is your coffee, Sir." Anna placed the coffee cup on Axel's desk.

"Thank you."

"You didn't bring it for me, Anna? Why are you looking more and more like your boss every day? You guys are a bitch." Edward grumbled.

"Sorry, Manager Edward. I thought you were back in your room so I brought your tea to your room." Anna said plainly.

"Really? Oh, I take back what I said earlier. You're kind, Anna." Praise Edward instantly changed his face.

"Tch, a man doesn't take his words back." Axel sarcasm.

"That's up to me!" Edward replied not wanting to lose. Axel replied by rolling his eyes in embarrassment.

"Then thank you, Anna. I'm done here, I'll go back to my room."

"The sooner you get up the better." Axel's sarcasm.

"Tch, you act like a boss," Edward said sounding stupid.

"I'm the boss here."

"Okay, boss, I'm sorry. Call me if you need my help."

Axel waved his hand signaling Edward to leave immediately.

"You have an open heart to be able to stick around working for him," Edward whispered to Anna, but it was purposely a little louder so Axel could hear it.

"I prepared your favorite sandwich," Anna whispered back.

"You're the best, Anna. Thank you so much." Said Edward who then left the Director's room after Anna nodded.

"Have you had breakfast, Anna?" Asked Axel who was not just small talk, he cared. Amid the professionalism of his work, Axel still often shows his caring attitude towards Anna.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you for your concern." Anna replied politely.

"Good. I don't want your work to be interrupted. After all, you're sick because you missed your meal." Axel said it sounded very professional. But Anna knew there was a hint of concern in the words her boss said. This has often happened.

"You don't have to worry, Sir. I will take care of my health to make my job easier."

"That's good," Axel replied, then took a sip of his coffee, which was still a little hot.

"Oh yes, Anna. Do you enjoy living outside alone?" Axel asked off the topic of work.

"I feel better, Sir." Yes, since returning from her study abroad Anna decided to rent her apartment. It wasn't that he wanted to cut ties with the Elard family, but he felt he was able to support himself with his salary as secretary to the director of the emperor group.

"Can you just call me by name when we're not talking about work?" Axel raised one eyebrow.

"This is in a corporate setting, and I'm just trying to be professional, Sir." Reply Anna.

Axel let out a ragged breath. Wanted him to protest why professionalism didn't apply to Edward. But Axel didn't get to say that. All that can be said is,

"Okay, it's up to you." Give up Axel.

"At ten o'clock there will be a meeting with the J.O group. Then at lunchtime is your scheduled meeting with the Yeesho company. And in the evening you have to attend the invitation to the mayor's daughter's birthday party."

"Just prepare a present for the mayor's daughter and then have someone drive her there. I'm not in the mood for a party."

"Are you sure, Sir? There will be a lot of great people in this town coming to the party tonight, Sir."

"Do you like coming to parties, Anna?"

"No, no. I'm just reminding you that maybe our company will be able to attract the attention of those great people. I'm only thinking about the future of the emperor group."

"Since you're so pushy fine, let's go there. But remember, don't touch the alcohol." Axel said protectively.

"Fine, I understand."

"How about the development progress of our new field, is it going smoothly?"

"Everything is going according to plan, sir. If my estimate is not wrong, the construction will be completed in the next five days." Reported Anna straightforwardly.

"That's good. You always satisfy Anna, it helps me to have you as my secretary."

"It is my duty, Sir."

"Oh yes, please ask for a financial report from the planning division and then do an analysis." Axel's command.

"Is there something wrong with the planning division, Sir?"

"You will know the answer."

"Okay, I'll carry out your orders immediately."



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