
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 81: Shadows and Steel

19.30 Hours, June 15th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth Space.

The night settled like a blanket over the battlefield, but rest eluded the Helldivers. The scent of burnt metal and scorched earth filled the air, a grim reminder of the day's slaughter. Jack Steele stood amidst the remnants, his thoughts a whirlpool of strategies and concerns.

"Jack, you gotta see this." Harper's voice broke through his reverie, crackling over the comms.

Jack moved swiftly to her position. Harper stood atop a ridge, her sniper rifle resting beside her. She handed him a pair of night-vision binoculars, pointing to the dark expanse beyond their defenses.

"More Terminids?" Jack asked, peering through the binoculars.

"Not just that," Harper replied, her tone edged with disbelief. "Something's moving out there, something big."

Through the green tint of the night-vision, Jack saw it—hulking shapes, larger than any Terminid they'd faced. They moved with a deliberate grace, almost like sentient shadows. Jack's grip tightened on the binoculars.

"Elena, get over here," Jack called over the comms.

Moments later, Elena joined them, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "What's going on?"

Jack handed her the binoculars. "Take a look."

Elena's eyes widened as she observed the distant figures. "Those aren't Terminids... they're something else."

"We need to alert Command," Jack said, his voice resolute. "Harper, keep an eye on them. Elena, with me."

They hurried back to the command center, the weight of this new threat heavy on their shoulders. Inside, the makeshift command room was a flurry of activity. Screens flickered with data, and soldiers moved with a sense of urgency.

Jack tapped into the comms, reaching General Tarsus. "General, we've got a situation."

Tarsus' grizzled face appeared on the screen, his eyes narrowing. "What now, Steele?"

"Unknown entities sighted. Larger than Terminids and moving towards our position. We need intel and backup, now," Jack reported.

Tarsus grunted. "Understood. Reinforcements are already en route. Hold your ground and gather what intel you can."

"Yes, sir," Jack replied, cutting the connection. He turned to Elena. "Let's set up a perimeter and get a closer look."

Elena nodded, her determination mirroring his own. "I'll rally the team."

As the Helldivers mobilized, Jack felt a surge of pride. Despite the relentless assault, his team was ready for more. They set up advanced sensors and fortified their positions, preparing for whatever was coming.

Harper's voice crackled through the comms again. "Jack, those things are getting closer. We need to act fast."

"Understood. Hold your position and keep feeding us intel," Jack replied.

The air grew tense as the unknown entities approached. The Helldivers took their positions, weapons at the ready. Jack scanned the horizon, every muscle tensed for the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, a shrill, mechanical wail pierced the night. The hulking shapes emerged from the shadows, illuminated by the harsh lights of the Helldivers' encampment. They were massive, towering over the Terminids, their forms an amalgamation of steel and shadow.

"Open fire!" Jack shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Bullets and energy blasts filled the air, striking the hulking figures. But they moved with a fluidity that defied their size, evading much of the fire. Jack's eyes narrowed as he aimed for a weak spot, firing a concentrated burst.

The shot struck true, causing one of the entities to stagger. But it recovered quickly, its red eyes locking onto Jack with a predatory gleam. Jack felt a chill run down his spine.

"These things are tougher than we thought," Elena muttered, her rifle spitting fire.

"Harper, focus on the joints! Aim for anything that looks like a weak point!" Jack ordered.

Harper's sniper rifle rang out, each shot precise and deadly. The entities moved closer, their heavy footsteps shaking the ground. Jack fired continuously, his mind racing with strategies.

"Elena, we need to fall back. Regroup and hit them from different angles," Jack commanded.

Elena nodded, relaying the order to the team. The Helldivers moved with practiced efficiency, falling back to secondary positions. The entities pressed forward, undeterred.

"These things aren't Terminids," Harper said over the comms, her voice strained. "They're something else entirely."

"Yeah, and we're going to find out what," Jack replied, his resolve hardening. "Elena, any word from Command?"

"Reinforcements are five minutes out," Elena reported, her voice calm despite the situation.

"Good. We just need to hold until they get here," Jack said, firing another burst at the advancing figures.

The Helldivers' coordinated assault slowed the entities' advance, but it was clear they were facing a formidable foe. Jack's mind raced with possibilities. Who had created these monstrosities, and why were they here?

"Jack, watch out!" Harper's urgent warning came just in time.

One of the entities lunged at Jack, its massive arm swinging like a wrecking ball. Jack dived to the side, rolling to his feet and firing point-blank into its exposed joint. The entity staggered, its arm sparking and jerking erratically.

"Nice save, Harper," Jack said, breathing hard.

"Don't mention it. Just stay alive," Harper replied, her tone a mix of determination and exhaustion.

The ground trembled as reinforcements arrived, heavy artillery and additional troops joining the fray. The combined firepower began to take its toll on the entities, but they fought with a tenacity that was almost unnerving.

"Push them back! Don't give them an inch!" Jack shouted, rallying his team.

The Helldivers and reinforcements unleashed a relentless barrage, driving the entities into a retreat. The battlefield was a scene of chaos and destruction, but they had held the line.

As the last of the entities disappeared into the night, Jack allowed himself a moment to breathe. The immediate threat was over, but the questions remained.

Elena approached, her face etched with concern. "What were those things, Jack?"

"I don't know," Jack replied, his voice grim. "But we're going to find out."

Harper joined them, her rifle slung over her shoulder. "We need to be ready for anything. If those things come back..."

"They won't catch us off guard again," Jack said, his resolve firm. "We need to gather intel, find out who's behind this."

Elena nodded. "I'll start working on it. We need to know what we're dealing with."

"Agreed," Jack said. He turned to his team, his voice carrying a note of caution. "Helldivers, we've faced a new enemy tonight. We don't know what they are or where they came from, but we'll find out. And when we do, we'll be ready."

As the night gave way to dawn, the Helldivers prepared for the battles to come. Jack knew they were on the brink of a larger conflict, one that could determine the fate of Super Earth. But with his team by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

For honor, for duty, and for the future of Super Earth.