
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 74: Gathering Storm

23.01 Hours, June 14th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth

Jack stared out of the window of the command center, the lights of the city below casting a faint glow against the darkened sky. The weight of their latest mission pressed heavily on his shoulders. He knew the Terminids were coming. The intel they had gathered confirmed it. Now, it was a race against time to prepare.

"Jack, we need to talk," Elena's voice broke through his thoughts. She entered the room, a stack of reports in her hand.

"Come in, Elena," Jack replied, turning to face her. "What's the situation?"

Elena dropped the reports on the table. "It's worse than we thought. The rebels have been in contact with the Terminids longer than we realized. They've traded more than just intel—they've exchanged tech, weapons, and even biological samples."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "Samples? What are they planning?"

"Something big," Elena said, her expression grim. "And they're not the only ones. We've intercepted communications from several other rebel factions. They're all preparing for something."

Jack clenched his fists. "We need to unite our forces. We can't let the rebels and Terminids catch us off guard."

Elena nodded. "I'll start reaching out to our allies. But Jack, we need to be ready for anything. This is bigger than any of us."

"Understood," Jack said. "Get the team ready. We move out at dawn."


The next morning, the squad gathered in the hangar, their faces set with determination. Harper was calibrating her rifle, while Kowalski and Tran double-checked their gear. Theo and Dr. Lin were busy loading new equipment onto the transport.

"Alright, listen up!" Jack's voice cut through the buzz of activity. "We've got a new mission. The rebels and Terminids are planning something big, and we need to stop them. This is a high-risk operation, but I know we're up to the task."

Harper grinned. "Just another day in the office, right, boss?"

Kowalski laughed. "Yeah, nothing like facing death to get the blood pumping."

Jack chuckled. "You got that right. Stay sharp, and watch each other's backs. We've got this."

As they boarded the transport, Jack couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and anxiety. His team was ready, but the stakes had never been higher.

The journey to the rebel stronghold was tense. The squad reviewed their plans, each member focused on their role. Jack couldn't shake the feeling that this mission would be a turning point. Success or failure here could determine the fate of Super Earth.

As they approached their drop zone, the pilot's voice crackled over the intercom. "Approaching target. Prepare for drop."

Jack stood, gripping the handrail. "This is it, team. Remember your training, and trust each other. We're Helldivers, and we get the job done."

The doors opened, and the squad leaped into the night, their suits absorbing the impact as they landed in the dense forest. They moved quickly and silently toward the rebel stronghold, the faint glow of their target guiding them.

They reached the perimeter, and Jack signaled for them to spread out. Harper took up position on a nearby hill, her rifle trained on the compound. Tran and Kowalski moved to flank the entrance, while Jack and Elena approached the main gate.

"On my mark," Jack whispered into his comm. "Three... two... one... go!"

The squad moved as one, breaching the gate and storming the compound. Shots rang out as they encountered resistance, but the rebels were no match for the Helldivers. Jack led the charge, his rifle barking as he took down enemy after enemy.

They fought their way to the command center, where the rebel leader was waiting. He sneered as Jack and his team burst in. "You're too late," he spat. "The Terminids are already here."

Jack's blood ran cold. "Where? Where are they?"

The rebel leader laughed. "You'll find out soon enough."

Before Jack could react, the ground shook, and a deafening roar filled the air. The squad turned to see the horizon ablaze, massive shapes moving toward them.

"Fall back!" Jack ordered. "We need to regroup and rethink our strategy."

They fought their way out of the compound, the Terminids closing in. The squad moved quickly, retreating to the extraction point. As they boarded the transport and lifted off, Jack looked back at the burning horizon. The war was escalating, and they had to be ready for what came next.


Back at the command center, Jack gathered his team. "We need to prepare for a full-scale invasion. The Terminids are here, and they're not going to stop. We need to unite our forces and push back."

Harper nodded. "We'll be ready, Jack. Whatever it takes."

Kowalski grinned. "Yeah, bring it on. We're Helldivers, after all."

Jack smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Alright, let's get to work. We've got a planet to save."

As the team dispersed to prepare, Jack couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. They had faced impossible odds before, and they had come out on top. This time would be no different. They would fight, and they would win.

The storm was coming, but the Helldivers were ready.