
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 37 - Always Ready

05.35 Hours, June 1st, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Contested Space.

The clash of metal on metal reverberated through the chamber as the Helldivers engaged the Automatons in a desperate standoff. Sparks flew, illuminating their determined faces with every strike and parry.

"Remember, these tin cans are just the puppets!" Elena yelled over the din, her rifle discharging rounds at a relentless pace. She ducked a laser blast, feeling the heat graze her cheek. "Aim for the control units!"

Ava, her fingers flying over a portable hacking device, was a portrait of focus amidst chaos. "Cover me—I'm close to breaking into their command protocol!"

Alex, always the shield, positioned himself protectively near her. "You've got all the time in the world, as long as you need seconds," he quipped, firing off shots that provided a rhythmic backdrop to her typing.

Jack, wielding a heavy blaster, let out a wild whoop as he downed another Automaton. "Is it just me, or are these guys getting easier to fry?"

"Don't get cocky, Jack," Marcus warned, his voice steady despite the sweat beading on his forehead. "Each wave is learning, adapting to our tactics."

Indeed, the Automatons were evolving, their movements becoming more synchronized, their attacks sharper and more strategic. The dimly lit chamber seemed to shrink, the walls closing in as metallic foes pressed forward.

Suddenly, a loud, piercing shriek cut through the noise—a signal from Ava's device. "Got it!" she shouted, triumphant. The hacking device had infiltrated the Automaton's network, sowing confusion in their ranks. Their movements became erratic, less coordinated.

"Now, push through!" Alex commanded, seizing the moment. They advanced, moving as one entity, their camaraderie forged in countless battles, their resolve hardened by the stakes of their mission.

As they fought their way toward the exit, a new form of Automaton appeared, towering over the rest. Its armor was darker, its weapons more sophisticated, a clear sign that their enemy was escalating the response.

"This one's different—watch out!" Elena's warning was just in time to see the giant Automaton unleash a barrage of energy pulses that forced them to scatter.

"Divide and conquer, team!" Marcus's strategy was clear. "Ava, Jack, flank left. Alex, Elena, with me on the right. We need to hit it from all angles!"

The team split, moving with practiced ease. Elena and Alex provided suppressing fire, creating a diversion as Jack and Ava maneuvered into position. The giant's sensors struggled to track multiple targets, its processing visibly lagging.

"Elena, now!" Alex's shout was the signal she waited for, diving forward to plant a series of charges at the Automaton's feet. "Detonate on my mark!"

As they regrouped, the giant Automaton's systems flickered, its movements stalling. "Mark!" Alex's voice was the last thing it 'heard' before the charges exploded, tearing through its circuits with a deafening roar.

The aftermath was a scene of smoldering wreckage, the air thick with the smell of scorched metal. The team, panting and battered, but alive, allowed themselves a moment of respite.

"That was too close," Jack panted, checking his weapons for damage. "What's the next move?"

"The data we gathered needs to get to Command," Ava reminded them, her voice firm despite her fatigue. "They have to know about the off-world control."

"And we need to prepare," Marcus added, his gaze serious. "This fight is just the beginning. If they're sending bigger units after us, we need to be ready."

With a nod of agreement from Alex, the team rallied, their spirits unbroken, their mission clearer than ever. As they exited the facility, the sky outside was beginning to lighten, the dawn a symbolic start to their renewed commitment to fight, not just for survival, but for the future of humanity.