

Terrified, aghast- none of those words could cover up the things I had felt as I read that book. It's beyond that. For quite some time, I had thought that it's just a nightmare. A nightmare that could be wash away as soon as I wake up but it was a nightmare that everything seems real.

Have you for once, strangely, relates to the fictional characters with the emotions and along with its events as you are immersed reading from a book that you recently got interested in or a book that you bought from a local bookstore? It's quite impressive how a human being can create such fictional characters that you can relate to, the things you experienced in life and of course—the emotions being felt by the characters is realistically described.

Thoughts, emotions, and the things you experienced in life and yourself linked to a fictional character that is made from a single sentence turn into a paragraph, to a chapter and became a book—it's very amazing of how some books can help you find your true self.

It would be impressive and can leave you awe, right? However I have a question in mind,

"What if a sentence that turn into a paragraph to a series of chapter and a book can negatively affect your mental and emotional being or what if it leads you to your true self that you've been supressing as you fear of disqualification and judgement as a human being?"

I'm a reader that likes to read thrillers, horror or any novel that intrigues me enough as I read along the chapters. Reading horror, thriller, suspense novels or any literary art of some sort is enough for a reader to feel the dread, the tempt of closing a book due to the eerily feeling that crawls under your skin yet the writer's words force them to read more. The dread, the built up suspense- those words that lives silently in the book as nightmare engulfs the person as almost driving out in sanity.

"Reading the book mentally and emotionally trigger me"

"I was intrigued so I thought, why not buy a copy? From the reviews it says, the fictional characters being written will relate to the readers who bought a copy. I tried it out but I didn't know that the book is too accurate to describe what I feel, to the point that I felt I'm being read."

"Yeah, I agree on that. It's the other way around, it's like the book is reading us."

Nothing is scarier than reading a book that reflects your hidden ego, hidden desire that disqualified you as a human being.

This book has gone to lot of revisions of the concept under the genre of psychological-thriller. This is under the process of finding its publisher, a right publisher. It wouldn't be easy and there is a lot of competition. I'll be posting announcement soon about the publication or if its out in the market.

Thank you for the support and patience!

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