
Between Moonlight

Abigail is not afraid of anything in particular. She’s just… afraid. Afraid all the time, of everything and everyone. She weaves wild stories to explain her state of perpetual anxiety to the people around her, preferring they treat it as a joke than treat her as a neurotic freak. It’s a plan that works well enough: with a little help from her best friend Megan, Abigail can almost pretend to be normal. But when Megan decides to help out with Abigail’s love life, Abigail finds herself trapped on a date with a ridiculously sexy man who accidentally lets slip that some of the things Abigail has "made up" are true – and that the rest of the truth is stranger than her fiction. Suddenly thrown into a world that has turned out to be crazier than she is, Abigail is going to have to learn to cope with werewolves, vampires, faeries, and being passionately kissed – and she’s going to have to learn fast, because there is a shadow war that has been roiling through the background of history, and she’s just come to the attention of all the players.

Bellega · Fantasy
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34 Chs

It's a pleasure to see you again

Megan and I also spend a lot of evenings together, she hates being alone almost as much as I hate being in crowds. So on the evenings that she doesn't go clubbing she usually hangs out at my place after work.

Most of the time we don't even do anything. I'll read and she'll mess around on her laptop, or whatever. But back in college I'd confessed that I'd never had a lot of 'normal' growing up experiences, like slumber parties and hanging out with friends, so every now and again she'd order pizza and stay overnight, and we'd sit up watching movies.

Sometimes Fumiko would join us for movie night, too, and we'd marathon an anime or something.

Tonight wasn't a pizza and movies night, but I'm a creature of habit. If Megan wasn't going to be hanging out after work because she'd made plans to, say, seduce Hans, then I wanted to know.

Besides, well, on the one hand I was a little bit anxious about the whole "he's going to be our boss thing," but on the other: in college Megan had never hesitated to pursue any guy who caught her eye, but since graduation she hasn't even casually dated.

Even though she hangs out at clubs most weekends and some weeknights. So it was good to see her actually lining up her sights on someone again. Especially since I knew she was way too social to be happy just hanging out with me all the time.

Before I could get up the nerve to ask, though, Megan spoke up. "So," she said, "you made quite an impression on our new boss-to-be."

I paled, equal parts fear and mortification. I could still remember Hans' face when I'd 'fired' him. He'd looked like he'd just been pole axed by a chipmunk and couldn't quite believe it. "Introductions are hell," I pointed out quickly. "I'll do better next time."

Megan reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. "Don't worry: I'm only bringing it up because I don't think it was a bad one, and I know how you worry. In fact, he ended up asking about you quite a bit. How long we've known each other, and if you're always so dedicated to your work, and what your favorite restaurant is," she said casually. "That kind of thing."

"Oh," I said. For a second I felt some relief, before the entirety of what she'd said registered. "Wait, he asked what my favorite... what?"

"Mhmm," Megan murmured to confirm that I had in fact heard what I thought I'd heard. "Don't worry," Megan said. "I assured him you would be happy with anywhere that caters to carnivores. And warned him not to get his hopes up as I have yet to see you find anyone manly enough to pique your interest... but I suspect he's interested in trying."

I gaped. "What?" I managed to squeak. But if Megan thought there was anything wrong with anything she'd just said, it didn't show in her serene expression.

Megan smiled. "Mhmm," she said again. "I may have built you up a little, but I don't think I needed to. I got the impression that he appreciates a woman who isn't afraid to dress him down, call out his failings, and make him work for her esteem." Megan pursed her lips thoughtfully and shrugged. "Or maybe he just likes a challenge. As good looking as he is, and as unfailingly charming in his conversation, I imagine he hasn't had many... But, no, I definitely picked up on a bit of a submissive streak in there."

I continued to stare at Megan in horror, which tripled when she abruptly perked up.

"Oh, speak of the devil," she said. Then she bounced on her toes and waved out the restaurant's big plate glass windows.

I turned to look and saw that the giant yellow Hummer from work had relocated, and Hans was climbing out of the driver's seat. He saw us, smiled, and waved back.

"What is he doing here?" I hissed to Megan while Hans approached the restaurant doors.

Megan shrugged. "I asked if he'd like to join us for lunch, since he's new to the area," she explained. "And he accepted. Probably because I said 'us'." She grinned at me. "Now, be nice," she said, then reconsidered. "Or mean. I'm really not sure which will get you further, faster."

I swallowed and did my best to get my heart rate under control while Hans entered the restaurant. Other men might walk or stroll or stride, but Hans prowled over to us.

His movements were utterly casual, but there was a power and intensity in his physique that precluded any other description. I don't know what Megan had been thinking when she'd decided to throw out her suit and start talking me up to him: he was way out of my league. Hell, I couldn't even keep the interest of imaginary Jimmy and imaginary Carl.

"Hi, Megan," Hans said when he reached us. "Thanks for having me out. Abigail, it's a pleasure to see you again also."

Megan smiled. "Of course," she said. "I'm glad you found your way." She gave him a friendly hug, which he returned with a casual squeeze about her shoulders. I was amazed all over again at the ease with which she could take an acquaintance and turn him into someone who acted like a friend she'd known for years. Not that I could really imagine anyone turning down a hug from Megan... even I put up with them, and I have issues about personal space.

Then Hans let Megan go and turned to me. He offered me his hand in greeting, and I had to wonder if some of that time Megan had spent 'talking me up' had also involved coaching him on some of my issues. How mortifying. But this wasn't an introduction and I was determined to do better this time, so I accepted his gesture.

There was something in the way Hans tilted my hand when he took it that made me think his instinct was to raise it to his lips, but he just shook it instead. "Hi," I managed to say. Megan had wanted me to be nice or be mean, and 'hi' seemed to be a neutral alternative. It was also about all I could manage: what is it about tall, handsome, muscular men with 'I am from a nation where the men make love for hours without tiring' accents and large, warm, surprisingly gentle hands that makes a girl break out in goose bumps and quiver inside? Really, it wasn't fair.