
Between love and throne

" let her go! please, you can't do this, is me you want right. then please let her go". Dela pleaded as he watched Layla dangling helplessly, about to fall into the ocean. he only had a minute left to make a decision and save her. "Tick! Tock! Tick!Tock! time is precious Mr. man and that's what you don't have. Now! make your decision quick, which one are you gonna choice first or save first, is it your love or your throne?" the man shouted, making him flinched. he was already helpless on the floor and couldn't even speak well. his own life was in a great danger but he was still pleading on behalf of two precious things he wants and that was his love and his throne. he doesn't know wether to leave the throne for them or to watch the love of his life being thrown into the depth of the ocean. " I...I..." he stuttered. " 30 seconds left speak now!!". " I choose my..." **** Dela, a handsome heir of the pure magic realm, was a very experience and innocent guy whom many sought after for the purpose of his powers. because his powers was able to create and to destroy it as he pleased. but because he was from a pure supernatural realm, he didn't want that to happen so he caged his bad side forever, but in some cases he can restore it back. And now different magical creatures want to have him with his bad caged side. then they will take the throne. will they succeed? what happens when he was compelled to chose between love and his throne? ***** please drop a review if you wanna no what happened or enjoy the synopsis as we go.

Becky_Ampong · Others
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50 Chs

Jonie's weird dream...

Layla was going mad in her room for she had been calling Dela for almost the whole day and his phone wasn't going through. She had tried all she could to get him, but still the network was poor. She texted him since morning and he had still not replied. That was something abnormal about Dela for immediately she called him he picked it up. So she was worried about him.

  " Ooh Dela where are you, why are you doing this to me... please text me back if you see this ". She texted again. That was her 30th message to him and her calls were uncountable. She had been calling him since morning.

   After saying that,  she fell asleep instantly leaving her phone on her studying table.

    The next day Layla woke up only to meet 20 messages from Dela saying that he can no longer contact her niether can he call her, for he wants to protect her. Layla was confused, what does he want to protect her from?.

    After reading that he fell onto her bed and began to cry. For she was no longer going to text or talk to him again. Thinking of that alone made her pathetic. She locked herself in her room all day and told her parents that she wasn't feeling well so she won't go to school. They insist on sending her to the hospital but she said no. She will be okay if she had enough sleep, so her parents left her in the hand of the maid and went to work.


    "My Jonie won't you go to school today". Jonie's mother yelled from outside interrupting his dreams. His eyes opened on the first called from his mother and he got up looking around him like he found himself somewhere.  He didn't bothered himself telling his mother he will go or not. He just stood up, ignored his mother's called and went to shower.

     After a while, he can out in his school uniform and went downstairs for his food. That was very unusual of him. Jonie of all people will wait till his parents break the door before getting up, now he just got up and did everything he wants himself and even went to the kitchen to see what was there. While doing that his father entered the kitchen.

   " What are you doing?".

" Making something for myself".

    " What do you mean by that..your mum had already made something for you". Just by mentioning "mum". He hit the floor with the glass he was holding.

  " She is not my mom okay..and I'm not going to eat her food!".

   " No my dear don't do that or else she will get proof about everything and if that's happened she will use your bad side to do wicked things ..mmm..are you not the one who said you want to stop her, then please behave like everything is normal..please ". His father said pleading. Then, when he saw the broking glass on the floor, he quickly cleaned them up.

  Jonie was quite observing his father as if he found something abnormal about him.

"Are you sure is you?" He asked looking at his father weirdly.

   " Why are you saying that, is me your father".

" No you are not my father..get out of here right now!". He declared shrieking.

  " Why are you doing this Jonie.. don't let your mum come here or she will begin to ask questions please ".

   " Let her come and ask questions..but first answer me, who are you?". Jonie could see that it wasn't his father. His father was a bit afraid of broking glasses and he never get closed to them, then to cleaned them up. And Jonie remembered that he asked his father why he was soo much afraid of broking glasses.


"Dad please I have accidentally broken the glass cup you gave me to go and put it in your cabinet". Little Jonie said while looking sad and afraid at the same time since he thought his father will beat him for broking the glass.

  " Let me see, let's see your hands are you alright, are you sure you have not hurt anywhere..did you tried picking them up?" He was soo much concerned about Jonie that he also broke the other cup on his table. Just the sound of the glass cup broking, he jumped off there and quickly took Jonie out of the room. 

    " But dad why are you doing this.. won't you clean it up? I'm alright nothing happened to me". little Jonie said looking at his father's awfully face.

  " My dear breaking glass is a sign of danger".

" But how dad?".

" I will tell you .. come here ". He brought him closer to himself and they both sat on the edge of the staircase. 

  " My dear I remember when I was a kid, I was staying with some wicked people who hardly provide me with anything I need. Sometimes they will give me food sometimes they won't. And anytime a glass will break in the house they will beat me messily without thinking twice, up till now I don't understand why they do that. Because of the beating they beat me just for the breaking of the glass, I became afraid of breaking glass. so now that I'm free from them, I'm still afraid of glass".

   " oh oh.. don't worry dad I promise to fight for you when I grow up and I will arrest all of them!". Jonie said and his father smirked then he brought him closer and made him lay on his lap.


" For the last time I won't talk but I will attack you..I said who are you?". Suddenly a smoke from nowhere gathered around him and from the smoke were two burning eyes with weirdo sharp eyes and ears. His teeth were that of a vampire and his eyes keep on burning in fire.

  " Okay I'm here..this is me..but still I'm your father too..why do you always forbid me why?"

    " Because I don't want to be a son of the devil..I don't want to be hunted by those angels, I want to have pure magic powers I don't you to control me!".

   " You can never have pure magic for my blood runs through you, Jonie ".

   " Don't you dare get me angry..I said I will never be like you and I will never in my life call you a father!". Jonie shouted and suddenly thunder struck the man in front of him and it began to rain heavily outside.

   The man went down on his knees and began to trembled on the floor.

  " Jonie please I'm sorry but why can't you take me in as your Godfather, please Jonie ".

  " I will never accept you as a father, Never!"

" Please Jonie please stop punishing me... anyway if you don't want me to be your father I have heard you so let me go, please! ". The man on the floor said pleading with his eyes closed and the fire that was burning in, had turned off instantly. That only shows that he was suffering under his cursed.

    Suddenly everything returned to normal and he vanished without saying anything. Jonie looked around him and there was no one there, all that he heard was a knock on the door.

   ( I'm dreaming). He said and his eyes opened wide. ( So all that was just a dream. But it looks soo real that I felt I wasn't dreaming..but my mum called me?). He thought then took his phone to check the time and it was exactly 7:30 in the morning.

  ( 7:30, but I woke up and it was 6:30 in the morning... what is happening). He thought.

  " Jonie are you coming out or not". He heard his father calling him from outside. That was when he realized that he was having a dream at that time, now he was in reality.

   It should have been his mother who will had to come and call him that morning for they shared that among themselves on their last family meeting. but what happened today? or they were fighting again?

Ever since Jonie got to know who he is, his mother had began to separate herself from him. Although he wanted to teached her a lesson, he still thought that doing that won't helped for she was the one who had been taking care of him since he was a child even though she wasn't his real mother.

    He got down from his bed and went to take his bath. After he was done with whatever takes to dress, he walked downstairs to have his breakfast. The day was Saturday and they were not going to school or for any classes.  Jonie walked quietly to the dining table and sat down. After that, he saw his father bringing the food from the kitchen and his mother was nowhere to be found.

  " Here.. have your food". His father passed his food to him and serve himself, then his father too sat down. Jonie was afraid of his father because of the dream he just had that morning.

   " Won't you even ask where your mum is"? He asked while picking a plate to serve himself.

  " I forgot to ask".

   " Jonie, don't be too angry with her for whatever happened everyone knows that she is your mother and she also takes care of you so please don't do her like that please".

   " I know dad and I won't do anything to her ". Jonie was getting more and more scared of his father. Then a thought came into his mind to hit the glass cup he was holding on the floor and pretended as if he didn't saw it, then he will see his father's reaction and see if it was him or not.

   Jonie brought the cup he was holding closed to the edge of the table and kicked it with his hand. It fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

   " Jonie!". His father shouted.

" Are you alright, come here don't get too close to the breaking glass". His father said without a pause.

  " Dad I'm alright the glass just hit the floor that is all I haven't touched it". He explained while smiling at him. " Jonie don't be too careless, you will have hurt yourself ". His father said with concerned. He called the maid to come and cleaned it up.

    After they were done having their food, his father got up to go to work. He pecked him and went away. Now it was only Jonie in the house with the maid. He also got up and went to his room.


    Aaron had been monitoring Peggy for a while and he now knows all her moves. So he was all start up to go on her, he sent lawal the main leader of Peggy's gang to go and pretended as if he was back to his work.


    Peggy parked her car at the parking lot and went to her office. After being there for a while, her assistant came in and told her that someone wanted to see her.

   " Who is that"

" Mum please I don't know". He said.

   "Anyway let the person in". She ordered and he went away to call the person who wanted to meet his boss. A minute later he walked back in with the person who wanted to see her.

Immediately her eyes caught who it was, she stood up on her feet and walked straight to him.

   " What are you doing here?". She said while looking at the person strangely.

  " My Queen I'm back to your embrace". The man who was known as lawal said with a broad smile.

   " Wow, Lawal you have made my day... what..I didn't even know you were alive". She said while touching him to see if he was alright.

  " My Queen don't worry I'm okay".

" Are you sure.. anyway let's go to my restaurant". She said and they both smiled then she went out with him to the parking lot and they drove off in her car. Within a minute later they were at her restaurant. She booked a VIP room and they both went in to have their conversation. They both took their seat and made themselves comfortable when they entered.

  " So tell me where were you?".

She asked again while sipping the glass of wine in her hands.

  " My Queen, a lot had happened to me and today I will tell you everything".

  " Tell me Lawal for I missed you soo much".

He began to lie to her about where he was and what he had being through. Since she was also wicked as he was, she believed everything he told her.

   " Owww...my lawal you have been through a lot but at least we thank God that you are alive". She said and laughed.

  ( So you also thank God for keeping someone alive while you always wish someone dead). He thought and faked a smile. Then they talked about other things.

Lawal was one of Peggy's wicked gang but was caught by Aaron who made him turned against her.