
Chapter 9



When we arrive in the café, there was first a somewhat awkward silence before she broke this silence with the introductions, she is a girl who seems very nice and she has a very warm smile

Well we're not going to lie to each other, lately I've been through so many naughty naughty things in my life that I'd even find a warm rat if he smiled at me

Me trying to keep the conversation going: you came to see a loved one die?

Mila: yes, I came to announce to my father that he will be a grandfather

Me happy for her: I'm sorry for your father, but congratulations on the baby

Mila: Don't worry, he's been gone for a while, I'm getting used to the absence and you, who are you coming to see?

Me sighing: my whole family

Mila a little surprised: your whole family?

Me: yes my father, my mother, and my sister who I just lost a few weeks ago

Mila covering her mouth to keep from screaming I guess: I'm so sorry, I don't know what to tell you