
Between her thighs

Promise_Sholotan · LGBT+
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4 Chs

ch3 Beautiful part 2

"Next time , wear something not revealing miss white.

Yes ma'am , it turned around and fake smile at her before walking out of her office at the verge of breaking down .

" But was she really worth my tears... nope

I have been called a slut many times in many ways but hearing from her from a bad review stung me heart a bit.

" I signed before shaking my head, so I can flip her words off me , before walking towards my office to make her today schedule.

(two hours later)

I knocked on my boss office reminding her of the meeting we have in five minutes.

I entered and stood just a good distance says from her desk , gaining her attention but didn't avert her eyes off the laptop.

ma'am we have a meeting with Mrs Smith in 5 . she hummed as reply still liking at her laptop.

" I'm going to be waiting out " I walked out of her office and lean on the wall next to her door.

(10 minutes later)

it has been ten minutes since I told her , so I knocked again on her door before turning the door knob opening the door wide and taking a step in but instead I bumped into a hard chest just in the valley of her boobs.

I couldn't help but to take in her intoxicating cologne that filled my sense . the closeness made me realize how short and small I was , compare to her.

my cheek grew hot and I heard her clear her throat making me take a step back ,then explaining myself.

" I'm so..rry. I bumped into you, I I had too t..ell that we are going late , I stammered and mentally slapped myself.