
Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies

Gojo Satoru's cousin, Kiryu, has gotten himself in a dilemna; A Harem that consists of Mei Mei, Utahime, Shoko, and all JJK babes that aren't schoolgirls. [Short Chapters, Slow Updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Quickie Inside A Closet

(Kiryu's POV)

"You gonna do me like that in front of your peers, Uta?" I said as I held her by the waist, "Satoru is one thing, but for you to speak to me in that way is another. I'll punish you for that."

I had her long skirt lifted as I held her leg while I thrust my cock into her tight pussy, feeling it completely drenched. We were inside a closet, fucking. I had her leaning against the wall as her pussy clamped down on my rod.

"A-Ah~" she let out a soft moan as I slowly ficked her, "Y-You're a complete ass, you know that? Ohh~"

"What?" I said as I leaned into her, "Why speak to me this way? You're the only reason I even consider showing my face here. You've been ignoring my messages."

"Ah~" She moaned as she dug her face into my chest, "I've been busy!"

"Yea sure." i said

I gripped her thigh as her pussy coiled around my cock hard, drenching it completely as it became lubrcated. Utahime was so tight and amazing, it was unbelievable.

"You're something alright, Uta." I said kissing her cheek, "Doing it with me inside a closet."

"S-Shut up!" She said, "You said it was just gonna be the tip! Ahh~"

"And you always fall for it." I said

"You're an asshole, I hate you~!" She exclaimed as she moaned, "Ohh~"

The whole time, her eyes were closed as she blushed fiercely. Her entire body was trembling with pleasure, I could feel it.

"Is that why you ignore my messages?" I asked with a slight smirk

She opened her eyes and pouted, "You never visit me….you spend most of the time with Mei Mei…" she said, "Why should I humor you?"

I slowed to a stop, "Oh dear." I said with a smile, "That's what's bothering you? Baby, I'll show you some more love if that's what you want."

"You tell that to Shoko too." She said, "And we all know what your feelings to Yuki Tsukomo are."

I smirked, "Don't be like that." I said, "Shoko left me blue balled when we went on our date and well, Mei Mei almost always charges for any little thing."

"You still pay…." Uta said

"Ill pay for you if you ask me." I kissed her on the forehead, "You know I take care of you, my beautiful Uta."

"Shut up." She said, "Lets go back to watching the event."

She pulled away as her pussy tried to rip my cock out with its tightness.

"Ah…" I said, "Its like that?"

She pulled her panties up and patted her skirt down.

"Hmph." She said, "I'm not some whore you can fuck whenever you want, Kiryu."

"Uta." I said as she opened the door and walked away, "Utahime, don't be like that!"

I watched as she shut the door on me, leaving me alone inside a closet with my cock hanging out.

"Hm." I said putting it away, "What the hell…."


"Well well, look who decided to show!" Satoru said

I looked at him, "What?" I said

He was sitting on a chair as the event was showing on the screen. The others were merely watching.

He smirked, "Had fun?" He asked, "Although, you ought to watch what you say to your muses, ehehe!"

I frowned, "You better not be a fucking creep and spy on me and my business, Satoru." I growled, "I'll cut your eyes out."

"Oooh~ Scary!" He mocked, "Sorry sorry. I won't say any more."

I crossed my arms, "Good."

"Look." He said pointing at the screen, "Yuji is fighting Todo."

"He's doing great."