
Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies

Gojo Satoru's cousin, Kiryu, has gotten himself in a dilemna; A Harem that consists of Mei Mei, Utahime, Shoko, and all JJK babes that aren't schoolgirls. [Short Chapters, Slow Updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Curvy Brunette

(Kiryu's POV)

"Hello, beautiful." I said as I wrapped my hands around Shoko's waist, "What're you up to?" 

I pressed myself against her from behind, hugging her firmly as felt her amazing body through her lab coat. 

We were in the JJK infirmary's morgue, where Shoko mostly works. I came straight here to avoid meeting Satoru's kids. I don't wanna deal with all the questions they have. I mean, I already met Megumi and frankly, I think he's a little brat. But that was back when he was younger, maybe he's matured. 

"What do you think?" She said as she puffed out smoke, "Working." 

I leaned in and kissed her on the neck, "Come on, fuck that. You can ditch work." I said as I held her, "Let's go have some fun. Get dressed up, I'll take you to dinner." 

"The Head of The Gojo Clan wishes to take me to dinner." Shoko said as she smoked on her cigarette, "Lucky me." 

I reached for her cigarette and took it out of her mouth, "These things can kill you, you know?" I said as she blew out smoke from her mouth, "And most importantly, it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth. And I don't want that, considering I love kissing you." 

I turned her head to face me, leaning in for a kiss. 

Shoko didn't resist, she merely kissed me back as both of our tongues wrapped around each other passionately. I could taste the strong tobacco off her mouth, it was disgusting, but I didn't care. Her lips were so soft and tasty, it overpowered the tobacco. 

I moved my other hand up towards her chest and groped her nice and soft breasts, my cock getting harder and pressed against her back. 

Shoko pulled back, "I can't, Kiryu." She said as she wiped her lips with her finger, "I can't, not today." 

I frowned, "Why not, babe?" I said, "Is it something I did?" 

She sighed, "Aside from railing Mei Mei recently?" She asked as she pulled away from my arms

"Aw, come on." I said, "Don't be like that, Shoko." 

She took the cigarette out of my hands and proceeded to smoke it as she leaned on the table we were next to. 

"You must've heard already." She said with a serious face, "Sukuna's Vessel died and was resurrected via Reversed Cursed Technique."

I rubbed my hair, "How's that any problem of mine?" I said

"Tensions are rising, Kiryu." She said, "There are new Cursed Spirits running amok. Your cousin fought one that was able to talk, intelligently." 

"Shit, girl, any cursed spirit capable of speech sounds intelligent compared to that dolt." I said with a smirk

"I'm serious here." She said, "This boy, Itadori, he was dead, Kiryu. I was about to cut him open and he woke up, like nothing happened. I haven't seen anything like it. I'm worried about what could happen shortly." 

I frowned, "You think these Spirits have something to do with Sukuna and his vessel, Yuji?" I asked

She blew out some smoke, "Please take this seriously." She said, "I'm afraid that as the Head of one of the 3 Great Houses, you will have to do something." 

I sighed, "Alright." I said crossing my arms, "You got my undivided attention, babe. What do you need from me?" 

"I already said it, take this serious." She told me, "Please handle your cousin, too. He's too much for anyone to bear." 

I shrugged, "Why does everyone think I can hold that guy on a leash?" I said, "He's Satoru, for crying out loud!" 

"If you've done something, you could've prevented Geto dying." She said, "You know that." 

I scowled, "Babe, you're ruining my mood." I said seriously, "Do not put Geto's death on me. He chose his path and Satoru didn't stop him on that day. That's not on me, Shoko. I was a kid when Geto turned." 

"You weren't a kid last year." She said, "You were the first line of defense-" 

I walked up to her and closed her mouth with my hand, "Shoko, please." I said softly, "That's in the past. We'll talk about all of this later, okay? Right now, I want you, girl." 

She moved my hand away, "Promise?" She said as she looked at me

I nodded, "You know how I hate when you mention Geto." I said as I held her by her hips, "Please stop it."

She sighed, "If that's what you wish, My Lord." She said 

I leaned in and kissed her on her forehead, "Ditch work." I told her, "Let's go out to eat, I know a place in Shibuya." 

"Fine." She said, "Just dinner. I'm too tired for anything else." 

"A little head or a handy won't hurt." I said jokingly

"Okay." She said pushing me back, "Give me an hour to shower and get ready. I got sweat and blood on me." 

She walked past me as she said this. 

I slapped her on the ass, "Of course, Sexy." I said with a smirk, "I'll wait on ya!" 

"Yea yea." She said, 

"You better treat me to something good."