
Between Heartbeats: Jana X Daniel

Note: pairing with music helps get deep with the story Jana's world seems shattered untill a patient she has a history with coupled with secret positions turns her no love, dreamless and sorry world to an undying love and commitment filled life But with the obstacles and Jana's secrets, will Daniel still want her??

Gelly_Bean76 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Hitman Estate

This chapter contains  violent  scenes and vulgar words, feel free to skip.

Mrs Maitland's POV

The blurriness and dizziness left my eyes as I woke up from whatever induced coma I was in

I chose to call it coma because I was in the middle of nowhere for so long, seeing nothing but blackness above, below and in front of me

"Where are you taking me to, what did you do to Stephanie?" I said to the mashed man driving me to wherever he was taking me

"I just gave her a little caress, seeing that it's possible that she might have taken part of your shit unintentionally"

"Richard?" My eyes widened when I remembered his through his voice

"Ahh...so you remember me? How convenient " he said

"Yes I do, what's going on, I thought I quit working for you guys" I said, trying to shuck off the ropes but it was not possible

"If you open your fucking mouth to talk, I'm gonna slit your tongue in half and give you to chew"  Richard said

"That's no way to talk to someone who sucked a dick just to help you"  I snapped

"I don't even want to talk to you right now... so you had the mind to fucking steal my salary along with everything that gang had and walk off with it, huh? " Richard said

"Richard, it's not like that, I had a daughter to take care of, I had no money , home, or anything, egat do you expect me to do when you guys haven't given me a cut of any operation we carried out together?" I yelled

"You went scot free and my family didn't.  Brian killed everyone I loved thinking that I know where you were and was using my family to make me talk. He even killed my pregnant girlfriend, he ripped her belly open and roasted her fetus in front of my very eyes. He killed her and you went free, Fuck you, bitch!"

He pulled out a gun and wanted to shoot me but the person at the passenger seat hit his hand and the bullet veered off course and hit the windscreen, making a hole in the glass

"Brian is gonna kill you too, Richard , this car is his favorite car"  the passenger said "besides, this victim isn't for you"

"Ivan, let me shoot the bitch, she took away everything I had " Richard said angrily

"Shut the fuck up, Richard! " Ivan said "Brian shouldn't have sent you here since you cannot control yourself. If you kill his victims, he kills you!"

"Fine...I even want her dead anyways " he sighed sinking deeper into the seat

We drove into Violet Estate. I chuckled a bit when I saw the N   I scribbled between the e and the t, making it look like it read Violent Estate

But that is not the name the estate was known as to everyone. It's name is Hitman Estate.

This is where people get killed

This is where killers reside.

This is where anyone who needs a hitman gets one

And I , Aries Maitland was one of them. On the night I was supposed to make my first kill, I quit.

Seeing the look on 16 year old Jana's face as she begged me to stop staying out at night and spend some time with her was enough for me to call brian and tell him that I couldn't do it

A day before that?

I had stolen $500,000 worth of jewels and cash and kept it for myself. It was only Richard that knew about  it

This is why they kidnapped me.

Ivan got me out of the car immediately the car skidded to a halt. Richard got out of the car and locked the door

We walked down the interlocked road and headed to the biggest house there. It was nearly hidden by trees and shrubs neatly as if someone purposely planted them line by line, leaving equal spaces in between.

Brian Rutherford was standing outside the huge mansion , twirling a lighted cigarette with his fingers. Absentmindedly, he stroked the hair of  the girl giving him a blowjob before ramming her head closer which made her choke.

"Boss, she's here" Ivan said pushing me forward. I fell to my knees and I groaned in pain

"One sec..." He said, holding up a hand.

He pulled the girl back by her hair and after putting the cigarette in her mouth, he dealt her a heavy slap which made the cigarette fly and get mouth bleed

"You want money and you give me a poor bj, are you mad, bitch?" He said

"I'm s...s..sorry" she wept

"Don't ever answer me while I'm scolding you" he hit her again. "Just shake or nod your stupid head. Now do you want money? "

She nodded and yelped in pain because of the right grip on her hair.

"Good...now finish up " he said

She shakily took his dick and sucked in it quickly. Her head was going in a blur and she moved quicker and quicker. Brian gave a groan and came in her mouth. Her mouth was dribbling blood and cum , her face soaked with tears.

"Ai....she's good" he said, drawing her close and gripping her ass "but bony"

His face move closer to her neck but she whispered

"No... don't...my b.. boyfriend will know"

"It's cute if he knows. At least he will learn to appreciate you more  because you work for your money" he said , biting her neck before licking it

"Eeesh....salty...I hate salt" he said, spitting on her face. She gasped and stumbled back, almost hitting the floor .

"Take the bag and your clothes and get out" he said

"Thank you " she said, grabbing the black duffel bag obviously full of money. She struggled with it and finally staggered away, causing Brian to laugh

"Now who do we have here?" He said coldly. His black eyes oddly gleamed wickedly, to match with his raven black hair. For someone that is 49 years old, he still had a lot of muscles and was still in good shape.

"You think  you  could  steal my  money and run off, eh chica?" He said, smiling like her has forgiven me.

"I'm sorry" I sniffed

"Once upon a time, I listened to your apologies but not anymore. You are an ungrateful pussy, you don't deserve mercy at all. Where is my money" Brian said

I kept mute. I did not have his money. I couldn't believe that I spent $500,000 in five years.

"I ask again, Aries, where is my money or I pass a bullet through your pussy." Brian said

No kidding, he actually does it.

"I...I do not have it...I...I s..sp.. spent it" I whimpered

"What?" Brian roared angrily

"I'm sorry, Brian I'm sorry. I have a kid but no money. I used it to put her in school and take care of other expenses " I wept

"Boris!" he yelled

Oh no.....the whipman

A large , tan, muscular man with a clean hair cut stepped out, trailing a long spiky whip behind him.

"Yes, boss" he said, bowing slightly

"Whip her" he said

Ivan and Richard chained me to a pillar and Boris dealt me a sharp blow with the whip. Blood splashed out of my back as I cried out loud

"Another" Brian said

Boris whipped me again. My blood pooled at my feet and I was becoming dizzy

"I'm in the mood" Brian said, rubbing his stick vigorously.

"No other girls are available,sir" the butler at the door said

"Prepare my bed. Put a tarp over it and get a lingerie" he said.

The butler bowed and left. Brian snapped his fingers and Ivan handed him my phone.

"What's your password?" Brian said

"No password" I said

"Are you shitting me right now? You set a password and you're telling me there's no password?" Brian hissed. "Boris, whip her till she spills it out"

"Boss, I think she means ...." Boris was saying but Brian dealt him a slap

"I gave an instruction,  follow it instead of talking back, motherfucker!" Brian yelled

Boris took out his anger on me . The whipping he gave me was very violent.

"Stop. Now what us your password?" He said

"My password is  No Password " I cried

It took time before he comprehended it. He typed it and my phone opened.

"I don't say sorry. Here...knock yourself out" brain said, handing him a credit card. Boris flicked it away angrily. Brian brought out a gun and cocked it at him

"You don't react negatively when you are scolded. This is your last warning. pick it up and enjoy your short and miserable life" Brian said. He nodded in fear

"Get lost" Brian said

Boris picked up the credit card and took to his heels  but Brian shot him twice on the head. He died instantly

"I'm done , sir" the butler said, handing the lingerie to him.

"Get out" Brian said

The butler nodded and went inside

Before I knew it, my patient's apparel was ripped off me, together with my panties. I was naked before him

"Y'know, you are the only female teammate I haven't fucked. Now I'm gonna have that pleasure. " Brain said , licking his lips. He tossed the lingerie aside and nodded at Ivan and Richard. They loosened my chains and carried me off to his room with him following closely behind. He instructed Ivan to leave and Richard to stay.

"You know what will be fun?" Brian smiled "letting your daughter watch us"

💫 Jana's POV 💫

I sat down on the floor crying. I was puzzled, stunned and confused, what the hell was happening? I released Dr Stephanie's hand and rubbed at my wet cheeks. 

I stood up and gazed at her face. Bruises and cuts littered her face and body. She had internal bleeding but the doctors had taken care of it.

Who could have done this?

Where was my mom?

Dr Nasmyth Watson stepped into the room.  "Hello, Jana."

"Hey" I sniffed "how is she, is she gonna be okay?*

"Yes." He said . "Please sit down " he said, pointing at a chair near the bathroom. I pulled it closer to the bed and sat down

"Do you have any idea  of who those hooligans are?" He said

"No" I said

"Did your mum have any shady dealings with anyone?" He asked.

"Not that I know of" I said

"Okay. Please get to the bottom of these. In all the hospital's years of existence, this has never happened before. Make sure to cooperate with police. They are outside....they won't do anything to you" he said, patting my hands.

"Okay. "I said

"Officers, you can come in" he said

The door opened and two policemen came in.

"Okay , we are going straight to the point. I'm officer Felix Fischer, this is officer Marcus Tyndall. " The police officer with serious green eyes and thinning black hair said

I nodded

"Where were you at the time of the crime?" Felix said

"Upstairs, the paediatrics section " I said

"Any witnesses to this?" He said

"Yes....a couple of teenagers,  Daniel, a patient from cardiology and a woman whose baby I carried" I said

"What made you go upstairs when your mother was here, downstairs? " Felix said

"First of all, it's a habit. This is not my first time of being here. I walk around. But actually, I wanted to get away from here because the tension and sadness was too much to bear" I said

"Some nurses think that you were behind this. You wanted to get rid of your mum so you sent thugs to carry her. When you discovered Stephanie was there,  they had to beat her....is that correct?" felix  said

"No! Why would I ever do that?" I said, really stunned and hurt

"Do you have an idea of why they pinned such accusations on you?" Felix said.

"Probably because I was dancing. The cold stares I got was telling me that think that I'm a jerk because my mum is sick and I'm dancing " I said

"That's unnatural " Felix said

"And insensitive " Marcus and

"I get her though. I remember when she failed her fifth grade tests. Stephanie told me that  instead of crying, she danced. When things really hurt her, she doesn't cry,  she dances .

But at the height of everything, she still breaks down....like now " Dr Nasymth said.

"Oh" Felix said "take our number. Call us if you have any new updates"

With that,they left. I escorted them to the entrance. My phone rand and it cut off any further discussion. Turning into the building, I picked the call


"Turn on your camera, idiot?" Someone said

I turned on my camera and I saw my mum hanging from the edge of the bed. She was dripping blood from her mouth and someone was having sex with her

"Stop!" I cried "she's sick.....you are hurting her!"

"Want to save her huh? Bring my money. She stole five hundred thousand dollars worth of jewels and cash five years ago. And if you tell  the cops..." He flayed off the skin of her thigh. She cried out in pain

"Jana..." She wept

"How could you" I cried

"I can explain...please...call Ian" she wept and the man smirked

"Your husband can't save you. Now, Jana, you have a week to bring my money. If not, she will die and I will send only her lung for you to bury" he said and hung up

Call Ian

She will die

A week

Five hundred thousand dollars

I passed out on the cold floor