
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 25: She's a Drama Queen.

Favour aggressively shut down her laptop immediately the lecture was over, not long after, her phone was delivered to her in her room.

"I missed you a lot", she said hugging it tightly.

She immediately went to her contact and dialed James number.

"James I need your help", she hurriedly said, stood up and crossed to her bed, she sat down with her legs crossed and her pillow on her leg.

"What's that about?", he asked.

"Err....I'm sorry for disturbing you but...

"Please be quick, I have things to do", he said impatiently.

[I also have something to do, don't stress me, I was not even interested in asking you for help but I've got no other choice].

"Is there a way I can switch from hell to heaven?", she asked.

"I don't understand", he said frustratedly.

[Some people are just so dump].

"The thing is, I want to change my option, I'm tired of this horrible lecture. Please, can you find a way to fix me in with the project student?", she asked and bit her lower lip, knowing fully well his reply isn't going to be good.

"Too bad, there's notting I can do, its too late now, three month is almost over", he smirked.

[Even though I can't see your face I know you must be mocking me].

"Is there any possibility that some groups will redo their project?", she asked.

"I'll ask", he replied.

"This isn't you", she said adjusting the pillow on her leg.

"I'm not doing it for you, I also want to change my option, I'll ask Mona if she can help", he said.

"I'm sure she won't help me", she said and hanged up.

Lucina, you are the next on my list.

She tried dialing her phone number but it didn't connect.

She gave up and tried sleeping, after all this was still the first round of her day to day online classes suffering, she needs to rest before the next class begins.

Lying on her bunk bed, she couldn't sleep, she was still trying to get over the fact that she choose an extra year over a three months project.

"I'm starting to regret the fact that I choose an extra year over a simple three month project".

Thinking the one year project would be more better and safer than that of the three month deadly project but instead this extra year is even more deadly.

No phone, no free movement, always in either the library reading recommended books or in the reading room reading your jottings or in your hostel listening to lectures online or in the hall listening to boring lectures.I find it hard to sleep, everything is even more difficult than that of a normal class. My last year in this university is starting to become an horror movie.


"Mona, at least you can help me even if you can't help her", he said.

"Helping you is almost the same as helping that rude brat", she replied without lifting her eyes away from her phone.

"I know she is rude, I'm not telling you to do this for her, I also want to change my option and I need your brother's help and you know fully well that your brother is no different from Favour, both inconsiderate, cunning, selfish, rude...

"Enough now, Mr Observer, I can see clearly you can observe well, but sadly you observe wrongly, don't you dare compare my brother to a lowlife like her, understand?", she said angrily.

All what I mentioned are your attributes not your brother's even though you guys are all the same, if I were to mention his, I'll be out of breath by now.

"Anyways, thanks, I need to prepare for my next class", He stood up and made his way to the door.


We've been walking in silence for a while and somehow I felt like I've offended him, just like my mom, if I offend her she won't speak to me unless I apologize nor would she tell me I've offended her.

"Sorry", I apologized even though I don't know what I did wrong.

"What's that for?", he asked.

"I don't know",she replied. "How am I to know?, you should be the one telling me why you are not talking to me, did I get you angry or something?".

"Angry?, no you didn't get me angry", he replied.

"Are the animals wide?", she asked.

"No they are not", he replied.

"I find it hard to believe your words, if these horrible noises sound beautiful to you then I don't know what else to say", she said.

"Seriously, they aren't wide, they are nice", he said.

"You are scaring me", she said and stopped.

"Come on, they won't harm you", he said and dragged her.

"Do me a favour, please stop saying good things about the animals, tell me bad things about them, crazy things", she said.

"They are not evil creatures so they don't have any crazy behavior", he said.

"So what you are indirectly telling me now is that those animals are extremely dangerous, crazy, mad, wide, they aren't nice, cute or anywhere near my imagination",she stopped again.

"Argh, stop being a drama queen", he

said and dragged her.

"Drama queen!"

"Calm down, once you see them I'm sure you'll fall in love with them instantly", he said.

"Maybe", she replied. "Your sister?".

"There you go again", he said.

"That doesn't sound like you've forgiven her", she sang.

"Actually, I have", he replied.

"What if I say I don't believe you?", she asked.

"Too bad then because I've forgiven her", he repeated scratching his head.

"What did she do to make you forgive her easily?", she asked.

"She cried", he replied.

"You are a very very bad brother then, making your little sister cry, that sounds irresponsible of you", she frowned and removed her hand from his grip which made them to both stop.

"It wasn't my intension to make her cry, Infact I didn't know she was going to cry, I thought she was even pretending at first but she wasn't, I felt pity for her and forgave her", he said.

"Let's be clear with ourselves, forgiving out of pity isn't forgiveness, such kind if forgiveness won't last, you'll continue counting it with any of her future mistakes, gosh, you are a hard guy, you find it so difficult to forgive, like....Your sister is coping with you", she lectured.

"I don't know what you want me to do again, I guess you'll have to teach me how to forgive then, maybe I don't know how to", he frowned.

"Yes, I'll teach you cause you don't know how to forgive people", she said.

"So you aren't holding any grudge against anyone?" he asked.

"Out of many, only a few are still in my black book and I don't think they'll ever be crossed of my list", she said.

"Who?...why?", he asked.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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