
Everday is the same

"Teacher! You gave us homework yesterday!" Ryan said while raising and waving his left hand. He was always like that. The gifted smart kid.

"Aww man! Shut up!" Almost half the class screamed back but Ryan wasn't backing down.

"Silence class! And yes, thank you Ryan... now stand up if you haven't done the homework"

"Quick... note it down Betthany..." Ansha said to Betthany, an average girl who was hurriedly noting down the whole page. She hadn't done the homework like the rest of 50% class, but Ansha was a good student.

"Teacher! Betthany is doing the homework in class" Ryan said again.

"Betthany! Stand up!" The teacher ordered in a stern voice.

"I will talk to you later Ryan..." Betthany whispered with gritted teeth as she slowly stood up with her head down.

The rest of the class didn't liked Ryan either, he was the topper of the class and also a teacher's pet. He had some weird obsession with troubling Betthany, a girl who was nothing more than his neighbour.

"Teacher! Betthany is threatening me!" Ryan said again.

"Betthany! See me after school!" Mr Jones said angrily. He was pissed off for no reason since morning so he got even more annoyed.

The rest of the class felt bad for the poor girl and even hated Ryan. But they had not long ago realised how shitty Ryan was, he was the worst and everyone hated him. Even Betthany.

But he also was the smartest so people came to him for help and he always got the school first place in and science or quiz competitions. Ryan looked like a skinny short boy with pale skin. His hair was black and in left side part. His eyes were black as well. His face cut was attractive and with long hair he could've been mistaken for girl. At first people became really interested in him for that but soon realised his know it all attitude and made distance. He had no friend but he didn't minded it either. If it wasn't for his personality and height, he would've popular between girls and guys. Some even bullied him and called him the queer kid for looking more feminine than masculine but he retaliated by ignoring them.

"Betthany, its the third time this week and its wednesday today. Whats with this behaviour?" The teacher scolded the girl who was just gripping her skirt while looking down.

"I am sorry Mr Jones..." The girl said in a low apologetic voice "It won't happen again"


The bell rang.

"....see me after school today" Mr Jones said with a sigh before exiting the class.