
Better To Be The Villain

In another world vastly different from our current one the world of “Flora” is in danger being ruled and thrown into chaos by the all powerful Demon King “Verrain” who is currently in a power struggle with all the gods and has thrown there world upside down. Humans, Beastmen, Demons, Angles, all races alike were all threaten by the demon king and his unfathomable army and power. So as a last resort the humans did a forbidden spell called the ‘Hero Summon’ to call upon a heroic set of individuals to save their world and bring peace an balance. A group of people were summoned to their world, amogn them was a young man. At first glance he looked frail and weak, his magic slower seeemd almost nonexistent, his combative capabilities were mediocre at best, and his worth to the kingdom was nothing short of useless. even the people he was summoned with seemingly deeemd him worthless, but they’d try to encourage to do better. but unknowingly to everyone in this world, the gods, the demon king, and even to the hero’s. This young man was truly remarkable. his work behind the scenes, his plans set into motion, and his ideology displayed for those to see. his manipulative carnage starts now. ——————————- Series By: Aldric_ & TK15

Aldric_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs




The sounds of numerous explosions could be heard followed by loud screams. Black smoke filled the air while the ashes of the fires carnage feel down form the sky.

Corpses upon corpses could be seen lathered out through the destroyed buildings, homes, and brick street of this land…bloodied, guts torn from their insides, mangled beyond recognition.

And last but not least the once proud castle of Flora. It remains standing yet tattered and broken where it would seen from a distance it could fall at any given moment, this was due to the relentless attack from the Demon Kings Army issuing a raid upon this kingdom.

Humans, Beastmen, Fairies , Elves, Dwarfs, Etc. No matter what race, they'd inevitably fall to the demon kings reign, his power and authority unmatched an unparalleled. He even killed off all the gods & goddesses.






Screams of soldiers dying by the hands of the demon kings soldiers could be heard from outside the castle. Try as the humans might they stood no chance of winning, so the king that reigned over the kingdom of flora decided on one last ditch effort.

"Of all my years as king, I have never once thought my nation could see such horror…such violence….I fear we must resort to THAT spell"

The nobleman stood in complete and utter shock. Though there current circumstances they had little but no choice but to agree, this spell would decide the fate of their world and future.

The king made his way through the great halls of the castle, speaking aloud for all his people to hear.


The kings words echoed throughout the castle giving a boost in morale to his soldiers to keep the enemy forces at bay, but what was this 'Chance' he was speaking of?, all of the people could only wonder.

"My lord the preparation are ready, but we must make haste!"

The king nodded and ushered the nobles and a couple of soldiers in a large open room with strange carvings and symbols on the ground. This would appear to be a hand made magic circle.

"Now let's begin"

The king lifted his hand above his head and began to chant. The nobles soon followed after the king and chanted as well invoking a very powerful spell to be casted.

Suddenly the magic circle began to glow each symbol lighting up in an unorthodox fashion, but something felt strange as the room began to shake and quack due to the magic circles raw output of mana.

"M-my lord!"

"No!, just a bit more I know we can do it!"

Try as the nobles might, they weren't able to convince the king of the dangers of this spell, he continued his chant following a couple of words right after he finished chanting.


And with that the magic circle bursted into a bright amber colored light into the sky. Dust and smoke began to fill the room they were all in, while the castle shook with an oh so fierce force, it made the demon lord's army fall back for safety this gave the soldiers a chance to regain their composures and strength. But the shaking kept them all on edge.

"H-He's, here I can feel it!"

The king said. Just then a silhouette could be seen within the bright amber light. And soon the light would vanish as well as that overwhelming force of mana, the dust would clear and the shaking would stop.

The king, the nobles, and the guards couldn't believe it actually worked. As the figures face and body could be seen clearly it would appear to be a young man. He wore a light brown school uniform, black pants and shoes, his hair color was a raven black, his eyes dark brown but in a chilling way, he also carried a backpack with him.

The young man looked slightly confused, but as he turned around to meet the gaze of everyone present. He shortly put two and two together.

"Oh!, thank the divine beings! Our hero has arrived!"

The king would spout loudly. The nobles and guards all smiled and cheered while the king tried to keep his composure but was filled with joy. The young man however continued to look on a bit blank faced while the dark room covered his emotionless expression.

But within the dark shade, he grinned…but something sinister crept from the young man's grin. Finally he spoke his voice calm and deep, his demeanor chillingly confident, his gaze overwhelming.

"Your 'Hero' huh?…"

Uh oh, who did these people summon? (Keep Calm And Wait For The Next Chapter)

Aldric_creators' thoughts