
Better Than True Love

"I will make you human, and you will grant my wish." A Human Demon Contract was formed between Roxus and Lucifer. And finally, the contract was successful. "You are now human, and I have my wish, so Lucifer, let us part ways." Both smiled--but... "I will help with your revenge, Lucifer." "Marry me, Roxus." Roxus sobbed. "Please… run. Go far… don't fall in love with me, Lucifer please." "I love you, Roxus," he whispered. Lucifer, Lucifer. Oh, Lucifer. How strong must I be to be able to stand by your side? New chapter every Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Story Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l9XU-ZDSvA Cover art by Taterra_ Follow me on Twitter for more content for this story! https://twitter.com/rosnocht

Rosnocht · Fantasy
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206 Chs

The Painful Grudge

Lucifer chuckled. "I didn't realize that Soneillon hadn't been in the Black World since a few hundred years ago either. Ah. As King, one should have made regular meetings every few decades so one knows who is in hell and who is in the human world," muttered Lucifer.

They could tell from the special magic item Roxus made to investigate Sucroten from a distance. Roxus had a habit that made her invincible, and that was information gathering. The magic items she made were the best in the world, so even dragons couldn't detect them.

A few days ago, Roxus flew the magic item, which is shaped like a white dove. It resembled an automaton from close up, flying with artificial feathers and a body made of iron and steel. Similar to Rolia, an artificial spirit. But today, that thing was shot down by the demon's power. Once shot down, the information it got would automatically be sent to Roxus's brain.

Thanks to the artificial intelligence given to the magic item, it was able to obtain quite a lot of information without being caught until Soneillon himself destroyed it. Probably because he was the only person in this world who could detect it.

In Sucroten, Soneillon disguised himself as an advisor. His form was so clear and did not change at all with his form in the former future Roxus saw him. Roxus shook her head. "No other way. We have confirmed that for sure, Soneillon's contractor is not the King of Sucroten as we thought. The contractor maybe was not a human, but a long-lived creature that was able to live for hundreds of years. I knew everything was going too smoothly. I didn't expect something like this to appear now."

Lucifer was getting more and more annoyed by the second. His pride was challenged because he had to feel afraid of a lowly demon who would die with just one snap of his finger before. Lucifer looked at Roxus who slowly rise.

The woman stood up and walked towards the other door leading to her room. But before the woman entered the room, she stopped moving. She then looked at Lucifer and stared at him deeply. "You did say that Daisy has extraordinary luck, and you think she was the blessed, God's favourite human, right?" Roxus asked.

"That's right," answered Lucifer.

"Have you ever heard of the legend about Saintess?" Roxus asked.

Lucifer was silent. Instantly, he realized what Roxus meant. "You want to use Daisy to lure that god who loves her to kill Soneillon?" asked Lucifer then.

"Let's assume this god is strong. They can even reverse time and cost you your demonic title. Lucifer, if Daisy has awakened to become a Saintess, we can make a plan to force her to fight against Soneillon," Roxus said.

"If Daisy becomes a Saintess, she will have a strong position in the world, you know?" asked Lucifer.

Roxus got on her hips and gave a serious expression as if she had made up her mind with confidence. Then, she shrugged her shoulders. "We have no other ideas, right?"

"So, you leave all responsibility to me if your plan with Daisy fails?" asked Lucifer again.

Roxus turned to Lucifer still with a serious expression. "I am just an Archmage. A demon, like Soneillon, would be able to kill me so easily, you know? Daisy is the most plausible method we can find right now... but, I'm not sure if that woman is still a virgin or not. I guess, given the closeness she had with Ariaster before our return to the past, she might have..." considering that a Saintess must be a virgin girl, Roxus sighed.

"Then give me motivation," said Lucifer. "Give me a reward if I succeed in protecting you and your family from Soneillon," he continued.

Roxus blinked. "You only have to ask what you want from me," said Roxus.

Lucifer shook his head. "It wouldn't be fun if I asked for it. Make an offer for me."

Roxus stopped on her hips and folded her arms across her chest. She thought deeply until she closed her eyes. "An offer you will like..." she muttered.

Roxus's slender and plump body moved gently in a way that made Lucifer gulp. Lucifer knows it looks like the woman is deliberate. It was this posture and movement that made Roxus so famous on the battlefields of the North. As soon as Roxus opened her eyes, Lucifer could feel his heartbeat a little louder than usual.

Roxus's gaze became so shaded, it was no longer a warm gaze, but a seductive hot gaze. Roxus' plump lips curved upwards with sweetness and Lucifer quickly furrowed his brows.

"I'll cook for you," Roxus smiled happily.

Lucifer blinked again. "Oh. Are you going to cook for me? Good. Good idea," he said dryly. He kept his face stern because he wanted to hide his disappointment. But his embarrassment also made him not want to admit that he had imagined things.

Roxus walked straight up to him, and when the woman was right in front of him, her long fingers reached towards Lucifer's crotch. When the tips of her fingers rubbed against the cloth of the trousers on his manhood area, because Lucifer was not ready, all the hair on his body stood up. His eyes stared at Roxus who was smiling innocently. For the first time in his life, Lucifer's face turned red.

"After you eat my food, I will also try to be a good wife," Roxus said softly, without any sign of a sexy gesture, except for the fact that her fingers had been spinning in the same area all along.

Just when Lucifer wanted to grab the woman and devour her, Roxus pulled her fingers away and gracefully moved away from Lucifer. Only when Roxus stood at a safe distance between them did the sexy gestures all over the woman's body reappear. "Is that motivating enough?"

Lucifer swallowed his saliva silently. Roxus smiled at Lucifer and opened the door to her room slowly. "Unlike Daisy, who I'm not sure whether she is still a virgin or not, I know that the current me is still a virgin. So you don't have to worry about that," said Roxus.

Roxus' words did not make Lucifer happy or flutter, and the man's feelings became angry. In the past, when they first made the contract, Roxus had experienced everything. She is a noble girl whose family is destroyed. She was forced to go to war with her younger brother. Ernacht should have been fine, given that he was such a strong and agile lad. He has enough fighting skills to make him a young general, but his status as a broken noble targeted by the Crown Prince makes his life difficult.

Likewise with Roxus. Many times, to protect her younger brother's status in the northern military, she was involved in various things. In the seven months they were on the battlefield, before Roxus summoned Lucifer, it was a time of hell on earth. 

Starting from a knight with powerful backing who was sent to humiliate her and interested in her status as a former noble girl. He locked Roxus in a horse stable and forced himself on her. Yet little by little, Roxus then rose again as a new woman. Taking advantage of her character as a noble lady, Roxus started trying to attract the attention of talented young men. Because of her grace and charm, she became more of a respectable comfort artist.

When Lucifer first saw her, Roxus had placed everyone in the north on her palms. But of course, among the allied soldiers there, many people were still trying to kill Roxus and Ernacht. One after another breaking points happened, and Roxus has no other choice other than finally decides to make a contract with Lucifer.

At this moment, Lucifer's blood was boiling. Lucifer has never forgotten that bastard Knight's name.

Dorlen Baztre.

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