
Chapter 46


Not at all what I expected. Like, how would you guess that? Or suspect that? I look between him and the side mirror, watching his house grow smaller in the distance. I bite my lip, wondering what to do. Wondering what I should say. It's obviously happened before, and he's clearly not okay with it, but he said it so quickly that I'm worried.

I don't know where Alex is going, and I don't ask. I don't think he knows and I wouldn't be surprised if we end up driving around the neighborhood.

I need to say something.


But how do I approach this if I don't know what's happening? The only thing for certain is that his dad is at the house.

"Are you sure?"

He doesn't look at me. "Yep."

"How do you know?"

He lets out a breath, and it's like I've asked the world of him. I suddenly feel terrible, wishing I could take it back, wishing I would've just let the thing drop. Aggression rests right below his calm demeanor, and he's trying hard not to feed into it.