



At the entrance of the huge property, it could be seen that in the distance a bicycle of the double crew type was approaching at maximum speed, rather it could almost be assured that the bicycle was taken out of a circus, put on the funny and childlike prints that I had ... besides the crew that were mounted to it.

The pilot had glasses, but the remarkable thing is that his face was completely painted in white besides a round red nose and an afro type wig of the same tone, this guy was dressed in a one-piece suit with ruffles and polka dots of different colors. On the other hand, the other crew member was dressed completely with an elephant boot with huge ears in which the little hat attached to his head stands out, it gave him a tender and funny touch.

The duo was a clown and an elephant riding a circus bike ... What interesting and unusual ... no?

This was the thought of all the guards of the mansion, plus the newcomers to the residence who had an expression of ... WTF ?!

The guards did not know what to do, and simply turned their attention to their boss who simply nodded his head giving the green light to open the huge gate.

The gate began to move to give access to such a curious duo. Everyone was surprised at why Souichiro allowed access to unknown people, but apparently the politician already knew who were entering his mansion.

"Boss ... are you sure you let them in?" - Yoshioka mentioned a little intrigued.

"The person who was waiting has arrived" - said Souichiro.

Yoshioka just watched the expression of his boss and then began to walk towards the duo taken from a circus.

When the bicycle stopped, both crew members got off their transport, the first to speak was the clown.

"I told you that a clown and an elephant riding a bicycle would be so strange that people would simply turn a blind eye" - explained the type of glasses that now cleaned the makeup of his face with his same suit.

At the same time, the one who was dressed in the botarga, began to lower the closure of his suit so that eventually he would stick his head through the newly opened opening.

A Takashi Komuro completely sweaty and appearing a little suffocated was allowed to show.

"That was crazy, I almost drowned in that ridiculous suit" - mentioned the young man annoyed by the circumstances.

"Come on partner ... at least nobody tried to get close to us ... we were so weird that they all went away when they saw us go by, hahaha" - mentioned a Hiro proud of his plan.

"But even so I find it hard to believe that you have these things at the moment" - said Takashi already completely free of the elephant botarga.

"Hahaha, I have my contacts Komuro, do not underestimate me" - Tamaru said adjusting his glasses to denote seriousness and drama on his part.

"Takashi!" - the name of the hero was heard at high volume.

Those who had exclaimed such a name were Hirano and Morita. The otaku and the blond approached the newly arrived duo.

"Are you okay?" The hero's friends showed concern.

"Hirano, Morita" - Komuro was happy for the appearance of his friends.

"Hehehe, of course I'm fine" - Takashi said with a smile at the same time he directed his attention towards his * partner *.

"He is Hiro Tamaru, he helped me get here without being * seen *" - highlighted that fact by signing with his fingers to highlight the fact of going unnoticed to that place.

"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to help the hero ... hehehe" - said Hiro with a mocking tone.

"Hey, I told you not to joke with that, call me by my name not with that nickname" - he said a little annoyed by the mockery of his new nickname in the city.

"Ok, putting aside this moment, what happened to you, how could you get to the mansion with good?" - Takashi said to his friends to know a little more about what happened in his absence.

"Well, from where to start, in our case, Hirano and I had to walk away from your house that was besieged by reporters" - Morita explained his version of events.

"When the reporters found out that you were on the road, they left immediately, I think even if they had seen us ... they would have ignored us, since their goal was you" - Kohta also explained.

"After that, Hirano and I could not stop a single taxi, only until we got to a small police station, they helped us get one," Morita explained again.

When he finished telling that part, Kohta immediately put on a flushed face.

"What's wrong Kohta?" - Takashi said noticing that small gesture of embarrassment from his friend.

"Hehehe, I think there was a small detail in that place" - said the blonde.

"Please, Morita-kun do not say it" - the otaku of the arms was nervous.

"What happened?" - Komuro was very anxious about the details at the expense of the nervousness of the boy lover of weapons.

"Well apparently our cute Kohta, had a crush on a charismatic police officer" - finished to finish the small detail that made Hirano blush to the fullest and steam came out of his head by extreme shame.

"Hoo ~" - Takashi said with a smiling look at the otaku of the weapons.

Hirano, when he was about to clarify his version of events, was interrupted by a loud voice, that voice was from Souichiro who was accompanied by Yoshioka and a few other guards.

"Komuro-kun, it's pleasure to see you again" - said the imposing leader dryly.

"Takagi-san, it's been a long time" - said Takashi without showing any jitters of nervousness.

"Hahaha, you're right ... the last thing I remember was that you played with Saya in kindergarten and now I see you almost become a man" - he said with a teasing tone.

"Please do not say it, I'm a bit embarrassed about those days" - Komuro mentioned him because of his antics in those days.

"But first of all, I thank you for what you did for my daughter ... as a father, I have to say with pride that you are more than welcome in my house and besides that you do not know how happy I am that my daughter has met such a brave like you "- said the strong and imposing voice of the head of the family.

"Please, it was a pleasure to help a friend ... so the merits that the cause is offering me ... I think they are a mere nonsense, well I mean the media" - Komuro said with a bit of nerves and sorrow, in special to remember all the journey he had to do to avoid the paparazzi.

"You're wrong Komuro-kun, do not do an act that anyone in the city or in the world would ignore or turn a blind eye, especially the cowardly and weak mentality of Tokonosu society" - said Souichiro a little outraged by what he has seen in his political career.

Takashi, when he heard Chief Takagi speak about the Tokonosu society, noticed why many people in the city called him an extremist, the young man who was about to turn 17 realized that the way of acting of the Tokonosu people It does not combine with the brave and courageous spirit that Mr. Takagi has impregnated from the roots of his soul.

"I think that's right in that, I could not allow them to hurt a friend without at least not being able to give a little fight, but I also do not want to undermine that I had help from my friends, that was enough so that I would not give up in the middle of the fight and had much more ambition to protect them all and be able to enjoy what it feels like to work as a team "- happy Takashi said with a sincere smile.

Souichiro had a fleeting spark about the young man's perspective, when he heard him say very happy about protecting his friends with ambition and having enjoyed working as a team with them, it reminded him a bit of his youth, since that was how he met Yuriko and Yoshioka, with an intense anxiety to face the corrupt of society and protect each other, was how he built from nothing, his powerful team that he proudly sometimes enjoyed showing off.

When he finished listening to Komuro, Souichiro turned to see his wife and Yoshioka, apparently they had the same thought ... in the future he would become someone like him or even someone better, put in what is different from the boy is in modesty of their actions and does not want to receive merits for what has been achieved.

"I think I'm impressed boy, it's true that in the beginning you seemed weak to me, one more in this society, someone who had doubts ... but apparently I was wrong to judge you very fast and I did not give you a chance to let you show him young that I am now seeing with my eyes and in my presence "- said Souichiro proudly.

"Please do not follow" - said Komuro with a distressed look and looking to the side.

"I have also said that something had to happen to you to show you this way, or am I wrong?" - said Souichiro.

Saying that, Takashi widened his eyes and fixed his attention on the politician, Takashi only remembered briefly everything that happened on the last day of school, the betrayal that hit very hard in his heart. Takashi just looked down at the floor.

Souichiro was aware of this fact, had hit the target with that perspective ...

"Do not miss what happened to you, even if it's painful, never forget it. It's what you keep with this mentality that you hold very happy, that shows that you changed for the better instead of sinking even more ... I have met people that they suffered and more never recovered "- said Souichiro with a loud voice, as if he wanted his words to be recorded and very marked in the person of the boy.

Takashi's friends also listened to Mr. Takagi's little speech to Komuro, only Nurse Shizuka, his friend Rika, and Takashi's partner known as Hiro Tamaru, did not know how strong the truth of the words was towards him.

Morita, Hirano and Imamura, who had already regained consciousness with a couple of blows fatality on the part of the blonde, looked at each other as if giving reason to what they heard.

"Remember this Komuro-kun, the stronger you feel the pain ... you will become much stronger and you will be capable of whatever, even if you do not know the reason for what happened ... there is no worse pain than that of betrayal" - finished the speech personal to the new hero.

Souichiro may have said the latter in an effort to minimize the emotional pain he did not know about the boy, but apparently he only made that he will be stronger in his determination to be a better person, someone who above all will put the welfare of his friends and his family first.

That was all, a new Takashi Komuro had emerged and had completely buried his previous version to the bottom of the earth. The Takashi that could easily be depressed, the one who always thought the * would * of things, the one who always dreamed of the promise of his first love and the one you could always take for a naive fool, was gone. Now there was someone present who is just going to make himself known, someone who only retained the best of his person, as is his courage, his determination, his strength, his fighting spirit and his noble, modest and kind nature.

"Komuro-kun ... are you okay?" - Souichiro asked when he did not look up.

Takashi looked up to see Souichiro directly; only to eventually silence the aforementioned politician, Mrs. Yuriko, Yoshioka, without mentioning his friends, his partner who turned his glasses seriously, the nurse and her purple-haired friend.

The aforementioned were surprised to see a totally happy and smiling Takashi that was illuminated by the Sun that was left to see that cloudy sky.

"Of course I'm fine Mr. Takagi, hehehe" - he said with a genuine happy expression.

Apparently everything seemed planned as if it were a set of film for a movie that would be titled * The Birth of a Hero *, since everything was obscured by the accumulation of clouds that threatened to rain again, Takashi who was surrounded by the security people of the mansion, their friends and the owners of the property was reached by the only beam of light that could provide the Sun by the current weather condition. Frankly, the whole current scene seemed almost prophetic.

"Dad!" - there was a loud scream from the entrance of the mansion.

That shrill cry came from the daughter of the owners, the genius with pink hair and the body of a model, she ran towards her parents.

"What are you going to do with Takashi?" - She expressed something angry since she only saw from her room how her first love was being questioned.

"Calm down Saya, I just congratulated him for what he did for you" - Souichiro said apologizing to his daughter.

"Saya-chan, do not despair ... do not you see that you are now the center of attention" - Yuriko said with a friendly smile.

Saya listening to her mother only noticed that indeed everyone was watching her.

Saya, who had taken her time dressing herself when she saw that Takashi had arrived at her house, had put on a short pink thigh-length dress with amber highlights. This dress had braces and a thick ribbon was attached to her waist and gave a flirtatious touch on your part, not to mention that her dress to be adjusted from her waist, only accentuated her breasts and her bottom to get the attention of anyone of the male sex present. To finish with her dress, she had amber sandals whose slats were attached to her ankles. As an extra, he had left the loose hair of which he held his proportions with a ribbon the color of his eyes whose bun located at the back of his head and this was hidden by the hair of his hair.

"Mooh ~" - Saya only expressed with annoyance was to run towards Komuro to hide in the chest of it.

Takashi did not know how to react so he just hugged her and later smiled at the childish show of genius.

"Yoshi ... yoshi" - the hero said kindly as he was feeling Saya's head as if she were a baby crying to his father.

"Hey! ... do not treat me like a girl in diapers" - she was angry at his affection, apparently Saya thought that Takashi was making fun of her.

"It's not that, hehehe just seemed adorable to me" - said Takashi.

"Mooh ~, do not make fun of me ... bwuee ~" - he managed to articulate Tsundere's genius before hiding his face again with embarrassment in Komuro's chest, apparently if he was crying.

"Hoo ~ you do not wear glasses, do not you think he's a little careless on your part?" - said Takashi.

"I have contact lenses baka ... do not bother me" - said Saya while still hugging her platonic love.

"Please behave yourself Saya" - said Souichiro.

"Do not worry Souichiro-san, it does not bother me at all" - said Takashi cheerfully.

"I do not mean that ... Saya please retire" - Souichiro asked his daughter.

Saya was going to reply, but when she saw her father's seriousness and eventually Komuro's when she turned to see him, she had no choice but to give up on Takashi's very uncommon affectionate gesture. When she let go of Takashi, she felt that they touched her head to turn Takashi's smiling face.

"Do not worry, then I promise to spend more time with you" - Komuro said very kindly.

Saya simply did not know how to react, she was supposed to know nothing of her feelings, but the above said it seemed that she connected to her heart and learned of the fact that she wants to spend more time with him.

Saya flushed like tomato before Takashi's heady smile of happiness, she moved away without question.

"I guess he just was not going to stand here and just show his appreciation, right?" - Takashi said noticing the seriousness of the political boss.

"This is Komuro-kun, although I told you that you were welcome to my home, I want to give you a test" - said Souichiro Takagi seriously.

"Try?" - Takashi raised his eyebrows at the same time as a sign of surprise at what was previously requested by Mr. Takagi.

"Confront me in a Komuro-kun fight" - at the end of this sentence, everyone present was surprised.

"How a father fight" - expressed his daughter with surprise.

"What do you say Komuro-kun" - he said waiting for the response of this.

"Sure, why not" - Takashi said in a defiant tone of voice.

"Prepare a small area to fight in the back of the house, follow me" - said Souichiro to continue walking to the area.

Takashi followed without hesitation, eventually his friends, his partner and the nurse and Rika followed him immediately. Similarly, Yuriko, Saya and Yoshioka followed the leader of the family, the others because of their duties had to return to their posts regretting not being able to go to see the fight.

Although there were some elements that had free time, these were not more than 50 agents in the service of the Takagi. They still made fun of their comrades who had active functions, while the others only showed an angry expression to those who were going to see the fight.

Everything is ready, the sand was free and flat, as if it had been prepared before, it was there when Hirano realized why the people of Souichiro moved very actively in the back area of ​​the mansion.

Souichiro and Takashi were placed in the fight arena, but before Mr. Takagi invited him to get comfortable for the fight, this consisted of Takashi taking off his jacket and only kept his favorite red shirt.

Souichiro later offered leather bracelets, these bracelets had two belts covered with metal which served as insurance to tighten these accessories as much as possible, besides being able to protect him from future injuries. The bracers were designed to be worn by a person with noticeable toning, and these in comparison to Takashi's arms, they were a bit big so when the seat belts were secured, you are left something out of your standard limit. But you do not have to deny that Takashi looked good with the black bracers with metal belts of which there was a small stretch out of its orbit.

"I look like Ryu Hayabusa with these bracers, first a murderer and now a ninja ... what a volatile imagination I have" - ​​thought Takashi recalling one of his first console games.

Finally he put on gloves of the same dark color as his bracers. All set, Komuro observed his adversary as he was previously without any agreement or change.

"Ehh, Takagi-san ... are not you going to put on protections?" - said Takashi somewhat impressed.

"Do not worry, Komuro-kun, the one who is on trial is you" - saying that, Souichiro continued to go to the arena.

"But before entering, I want you to use it" - at the end of this, Souichiro asked Yoshioka to give him an * Eku * (defense weapon whose design resembles an oar).

"Do not worry Komuro-kun, I heard that this eku was the one with which the chief trained, it is made with a very rare oak, and from what I have heard, it is capable of withstanding the cuts of a genuine sword without even damaging itself" - Yoshioka mentioned when handing him the boken.

Takashi only accepted the weapon and eventually began to observe it. The eku was something big and wide, in addition it had of the two sides a Chinese writing in the extension of the same one. He could not recognize the meaning, since he was pathetic in the writing of Kanjis, but he could recognize that a symbol implied that part of his final translation meant * Perfection *.

Takashi, now he did not know what to do, his gamer instinct made him understand that this was the real version of the famous * Unlabored Flawlessness * of his Ninja Gaiden game.

"Hee ~" - Takashi let out a small sigh.

"Gusen ~ Gusen (It's coincidence, just coincidence)" he repeated mentally.

Once prepared, he came face to face with Soichiro and Yoshioka was placed in the middle of them.

"This fight will be until the opponent can not take it anymore, the injuries are left aside in this match" - mentioning this, Souichiro drew his faithful sword and showed it with splendor.

"You did not think I would have mercy, right?" He said seriously and with a slight mocking tone.

"Do not get ideas that I'm an idiot" - Takashi said without losing the determination in his eyes.

Yoshioka saw the boy with interest ...

"In truth, he looks like the boss in his youth" - he said to himself mentally and turned his eyes towards Souichiro, although his expression remained the same, one with experience at his side would realize that similarly he gave an account of this fact.

"BEGIN!" - Yoshioka shouted loudly.

Not a single second passed and those involved in the fight, hit the first blow with force.

Although it seemed that the shock was the same in terms of strength, it could be seen in the eyes of both, that the advantage was Souichiro.

"Sugoi ~" - expressed to par Morita and Hirano.

Hiro and Imamura watched the fight with neutrality, on the other hand Shizuka looked somewhat frightened, while Rika saw the fight piercing her cigarette.

On the other hand, Yuriko saw the fight with complete tranquility as if she already knew the result, Saya saw the duel nervous while clinging to her mother's arm, Yoshioka eventually stood beside them.

"You realized, Yoshioka-san" - Yuriko said calmly.

"Ma'am, did you also notice that?" Asked the white uniformed to the lady of the house.

"Of course ... Komuro-kun has the same fighting spirit of my beloved when we were young" - said Yuriko happily.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Saya said when she realized what her mother was saying.

"I'll just tell you that Komuro-kun ... also has the skills to be a leader like your father, although I think it will be different in his way of being, Komuro-kun is more tender and kind, hehehe" - commented Mrs. Takagi.

"Mom ... he's mine" - Saya said something furious and possessive.

"Hahaha, do not worry ... I just want you to get the idea that there may be someone else behind him" - Yuriko finished.

Saya listened intently to what her mother said, it can not be ... she never consented the possibility that there would be third parties in her plan ... she would have to act faster, fortunately it is a relief that Takashi promised to spend more time with her.

When I was going to say something, everyone was impressed by what happened in the fight.

Saya without questioning, she directed her sight to where her beloved and her father were. In the same way he was impressed by what he saw. His father was on the ground and his sword was on the side ... on the other hand, Takashi was standing and holding his eku firmly against his father's face.

Souichiro had been impressed by the versatility that the boy had with a new weapon, and that he deduced when he saw some clumsy movements on his part. That was because Komuro had not gotten used to the weight of the weapon, but after a few minutes of oscillating the eku, Takashi adapted in an almost unusual way, so after Takashi reloaded in his favor the balance of the possibilities of your victory

"I do not understand how you could maneuver the eku with more speed and strength, as if you had already trained with this weapon since you were born" - said something skeptical Souichiro.

"I did not ask since I do not know, but I will tell you that the weight contradicted me in every movement ... so I just imagined that it was a bat like the one I used yesterday and ready" - he said with an arrogant tone.

"But how do you explain that you could move as if you had trained in evasion and in the use of this weapon" - maintained the same tone Souichiro.

"Well ... I could not say, but in evading, because I learned from a game, while in the use of this weapon, well it was also a game something old that was about a ninja that used this type of weapon, as well I just copied what I was doing in that game, hehehe "- Takashi just scratched his right cheek with a distressed look and said it with the famous droplet of shame that ran in the back of his head.

"If you ask me ... that's a ridiculous thing" - said Souichiro with joking tone.

"It's a mere coincidence of things, do not you think so?" - Komuro said sadly.

"But you will agree that this fight is not over yet, right?" - he did not finish mentioning Souichiro as he had risen with his sword and eventually launched a powerful swing towards Takashi's face.

Takashi timely managed to block the attack, but the force was such that forced him to take a few steps back. Without giving space to the tranquility, Souichiro continued with his attack of consecutive form having as a result that Takashi only blocked and this only took steps backwards of forced way, when it noticed that Takashi had lost almost the balance, Souichiro dealt a last blow achieving let the boy release his eku.

Everyone was impressed thinking that this was the end of the fight. The audience waited for the imminent end, some hid their eyes in fear, some as in the case of Imamura were to run into the arms of Shizuka as if he were a child in search of motherly affection, but his dream was over two strokes from Morita and Hirano. The poor redhead fell back into unconsciousness, on the other hand Shizuka had not noticed this fact since she was also interested in the end and without covering her eyes she observed with complete seriousness the situation ... something strange coming from a person like her .

Takagi just squeezed his mother's arm hard, Yuriko in turn watched the fight with the same expression as usual.

Saya observed that Takashi was preparing for the final blow and yet he did not see in his father the courage to stop.

Takashi gave a breather of tranquility and closed his eyes, waiting for the cut, meanwhile Souichiro was going to stop to bring his sword as close as possible to the body of the boy and finally stop approving the performance of Takashi.

And the imminent thing arrived, Souichiro directed his final blow towards Komuro's chest, and what happened completely surprised him ...

Takashi had stopped Souichiro's sword on the spot ... with clean hands and eyes closed. This act was enough for Souichiro to be very surprised, eventually Takashi opened his eyes fiercely and with unusual force ... He pulled the sword to the side and forced Mr. Takagi to move towards his position and then hit him with his own head, something improvised but effective.

Souichiro released his sword because of the pain that arose in part of his nose and mouth, and eventually he covered his face as if to calm the pain by massaging the affected area. This was taken advantage of by Takashi who ended up striking him towards Souichiro's legs and forcing him to rush towards the ground. Takashi sat on the chest of his adversary and took him from the neck of his dress and threatened to hit him, as if to end the duel with a flourish ... and so it was.

"Sokomade! (Enough)" - expressed the authoritative voice of the lady of the house.

Later, Takashi stood to one side and offered a hand to Souichiro to get up, he accepted the gesture, since the boy defeated him justly. The spectators only approached those involved in the fight to help them.

"I was going to stop before I even hit you, it was a mistake to trust me and think that you had accepted your defeat when you closed your eyes, I never thought you would be able to stop my sword" - said Souichiro while being looked after by his wife to cure the pain .

"Believe me that it would have been, but I do not know what moved me to give me to understand that it was the right time to raise my hands and thus stop it, I think it was luck as you will notice" - when he said this, Takashi raised his hands and He showed her that both were injured, since it was beginning to bleed.

"You see what you did dad" - Saya stepped forward to take Takashi's hands and watched them.

"I can help if you like" - Shizuka offered her services, of which they were welcome for the situation.

"Arigatou Shizuka-sensei" - said Takashi.

"Let's go to the mansion, I still want to talk to you Komuro-kun and also with your friends" - said Souichiro as he went to his home with his wife.

"The day I think it will become even heavier, right?" - Takashi said with regret.

"And I'll follow you everywhere partner" - said a cheerful Hiro as if wanting to put more pressure on Tokonosu's hero.

"Jaaa ~" - Takashi just got depressed even more. The others, seeing that scene, only made fun of their grief and laughed at him.

"Hahahaha" - laughed his friends, Shizuka, Rika, and the occasional security agent who saw the scene.


It could be observed that a lonely girl with soft brown hair, who was wearing a one-piece beach dress, was sitting waiting for her trip. This girl showed at first sight that she had cried inconsolably for a while, since her eyes were reddish and her cheeks were still marked with the way her tears had traveled before.

Those who passed in front of her were aware of it, and simply stepped aside to avoid entering their depressing and sad little world.

Rei Miyamoto little cared about this fact, just wanted to go home and lock himself in his room to finish crying all his sorrows and emotional pain. Her mother had just sent her a message that was waiting for her at the Tokonosu airport, at least that reassured her a bit.

But undoubtedly she was not going to forget that betrayal of Hisashi, a betrayal that marked her in the background ... since she learned that during her courtship, he cheated on her with anybody, with a bitch that she believed had a relationship with someone else.

A bitch named Yuuki Miku ...