
First Day of school always suck

I entered the school, I saw the receptionist, a petite woman that is fair in complexions and has way too much make-up on with extremely red lipstick, she was in a red dress.

I was waiting for her to notice me but she did not so I decided to greet her.

"Good day ma'am," I said and she looked up at me before answering

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"Ma'am I am Axymah seizer Adam the new transfer student."

"Oh yes Axymah, I am Mrs. Hakirah Baidah, I am the secretary, here is your schedule and a map of the school your locker is locker 209 have a nice day."

"Thank you," I said and took my leave. I took the stairs up and started my journey looking for my locker the school is so massive.

I have been walking for like fifteen minutes, my legs hurt the map Mrs. Hakirah Baidah gave me is not of much help because I can not read maps. I'm malnourished so walking for even five minutes gets me tired but I have to walk from home to school and back, I hope I don't die from that one day.

It is so confusing so I am just following my gut and my brain, where that has gotten me in life, I have no idea. After parading the second floor I saw lockers 189, 190,191 and stopped at locker 200, my locker must be on the third floor.

I took the stairs up then immediately found my locker, opened it and put my books in it, and took out only the books I need. I checked my schedule for the day and found I have mathematics first, great what a perfect way to start school,

I started looking for my first class when I heard footsteps.

"Wait up! Wait up!!" I heard someone yell, I did not want to stop but I also did not want to seem rude, so I stopped.

"I have been yelling for a while for you to stop."

"Sorry I did not hear you."

I took a good long look at her she is chocolate in complexions and has long hair and full lips, she also has an average height, I must admit she is very beautiful unlike me.

She is wearing an ash-colored crop top and leggings of the same color, she looked good.

I then unconsciously look at myself and frowned but my actions went unnoticed by her.

"I am Alero Vincent and you are?"

"Axymah seizer Adam."

"Can you pronounce your name again?"

"Axymah," I repeated it for her.

"Okay, your name is kind of hard to pronounce but I will try to pronounce it, Azyma."

"No! it is pronounced Axymah, not Azyma."

"Are they not the same thing?"

"No they are not, Axymah is different from Azyma, it is pronounced Axymah... Okay just forget it."

"Can I just call you Azyma?"

"Yes of course, what else will you call me?!" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"What are you having for the first period?" She asked.


"Can I see your schedule?"

"Sure." I handed it to her.

That was when I found out I have all of my classes with her except literature, Government, and physics, great.

We both have those classes on the same day but at different times.

"Okay let us head to class, we are running late."

"You are the transfer student, the new kid, am I right?"

"Yes you are but how did you know?"

"I know everyone in this school, that is how I know that you are new here."

"You do not talk much do you."

"No, I do not, I like to keep to myself."

"Oh I see let us hurry, we do not want to be later than this."

We reached the entrance of the classroom and Alero pushed the door open, she went straight to her sit.

I had to be introduced because I am the new kid, good morning Sir. I am your mathematics teacher from today Mr clerk Jefferson.

The mathematics teacher was quite attractive, very tall, and had a light complexion with long brown hair and golden eyes, I guessed he is not from around here. I wonder what brought him to Nigeria, probably works duh.

"You are the transfer student Azyma?" The teacher asked and that brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes but no my name is Axymah."

"That is what I said." He said and I did not even bother arguing it.

"Introduce yourself to the class." He instructed.

"Good morning everyone, I am Axymah Adam, I moved here from Lagos state."

"Why?" I heard someone ask.

The teacher just asked me to ignore the person and he called the person to order.

"Go to your seat." The teacher told me. I spotted Alero and she motioned me to take a seat in a row after hers by the window, almost to the back of the class.

"Everyone bring out your textbooks and open to page seven, we will start from there, Geometry."

I paid attention throughout the class but from the corner of my eye saw some people passing letters to each other and smiling.

It is none of my business I thought, I went back to listening to Mr. Jefferson, that is all for today, the bell ran right after and everyone got up from their seats.

"Do the exercise on pages 9 and 10 you are expected to turn in your assignment during class on Wednesday."

I head for my second class not before Alero told me to meet her at lunch because am having physics now, the same routine went for physics, but I did not see anyone throw papers at each other.

I saw a lot of grumpy faces, guess a lot of students dislike physics, but I have a mutual feeling about it.

The bell for lunch rang I am just grateful to Mrs. Anderson the physics teacher for not giving us assignments.

She also does not look that bad she is also dark in complexions medium hair length brown eyes, and full lips.

And she is a very nice woman. I shot out of class and was on my way to the cafeteria when I suddenly tripped on something.

I gathered my stuff and I stood up, then found out I tripped on someone's foot, I was about to yell at the person for sticking their foot out.

Just then I heard. "Well well well look what we have here, little mice oh I love to play cat and mice but I will be the cat."

I stayed quiet as I took in her appearance, wanting to hear what rubbish she will spew.

She is very beautiful I must say, a little light-skinned with brown eyes, quite tall, she is about my height, full lip, she was dressed like slut that is going hiking.

Then I gathered all my courage and I answered her back. "Who are you and why did you stick your foot out?" I am not one to yell, or even talk but I was pissed off by the way she spoke to me.

"Did mama not teach her little sassy pants some manners?" I heard a lot of Ohs that made me pat myself on the back.

"How dare you f**king talk to me like that." She then pushed me back against the locker and yanked my hair to the back.

"I have not properly introduced myself little mice, I am Cyril Deborah, you can call me Debby gold, that's what everyone calls me and no one dares to speak to me the way you just did bitch."

"Except me! Let her go, Debby, you could not find anyone else to pick on."

"Come on the west, can you not allow me to have a little fun? You are such a party pooper."

"Whatever just let her go, we are late for lunch."

"Okay bye, little mice but this is not over." She said and spat on my shoe, disgusting.

I grabbed my hair because it hurts from all the yanking she did, I gathered my stuff and stood up straight.

I was thankful to that west guy that came to my aid, and I went to the cafeteria, which is huge, and I scanned the crowd for an empty table.

I found Alero, sitting with a girl and a boy and she is waving at me, I awkwardly went to join them at the table, where she motioned for me to sit.

The girl opposite her, has an average height, dark beautiful glowing chocolate skin, big doe black eyes with big boobs, and a full lip. She made long hair, the guy next to the girl is very tall, a little light skinned, and had really short dark hair with black eyes and full lips.

She introduced her friends to me, the girl is Okoro Chidinma Dinela she scolded Alero for telling me her middle name which is Chidinma and proceeded in telling me Alero's middle name, peace.

I held in laughter the girl told me not to call her Chidinma but Dinela and the guy's name is Eke Jude Austin.

He frowned at his name and asked me to call him Austin that whose middle name is Jude. Alero introduced me as Azyma Adam but I corrected her, they could not pronounce it so they stuck with Azyma, they brought out their lunch, and I was a little ashamed to bring out mine.

I swallowed my pride and brought it out, they decided not to comment on it as we ate in silence.

"Why did you move here?" Dinela asked.

I was saved from answering by a voice I was starting to hate. In a blink of an eye, soda and mashed potatoes were poured all over me, and Debby gold's last comments were.

"Go back to the hell hole you crawled out from loser!!" Debby gold screamed from behind me.

I ran out of there as quickly as I could straight to the washroom, I cleaned myself as much as I could and cried my eyes out for a while before I left there thinking could this day get any worse?

I finished the second to the last class and headed for the last one which was literature.

I walked in and Dinela looked at me with eyes filled with pity, I know that I must look like a mess, I went to my sit and a paper was thrown to my head.

I looked to see who it was, of course, Debby Gold.

This day just got worse, she waved her hands at me before giving me the middle finger and a stink eye.

With a sign, I finished class and ran out of class but of course, Alero quickly caught up to me.

"Are you okay? Please don't mind Debby gold, she is a bitch." She told me with a small frown. The rest of her friends came and we all walked out of school, I said goodbye to them and headed home, it was already cloudy with a chance of rain.

I tried to walk quickly but Alas I was drenched in the cold skin biting rain, I gold home and went to change my clothes.

I made lunch for my stepfatherther, I am so glad he is not home, I did my homework after which I went straight to bed.