

Nick crossed his arms and reclined casually in his chair, his eyes involuntarily wandering across Rachel's striking appearance. He couldn't deny it; she was breathtaking. And he had always been drawn to stunning women, and Rachel was no exception. Her long, lustrous blonde hair framed her incredible figure, and her captivating hazel eyes held his attention. Yet, what he found most enticing were her full, rosy lips. They practically beckoned him to kiss them. Nick couldn't help but groan softly as he closed his eyes, momentarily lost in the thought of their lips meeting. "Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" Rachel's voice dripped with anger as she noticed Nick's inattention. Nick's gaze snapped back to her, his eyes locked onto hers. He admitted, "No, I was lost in a fantasy about kissing those lips of yours." Rachel was initially at a loss for words, unsure if Nick was joking or being serious. Her wide-eyed stare seemed to amuse him, and his lips curled into a sly smile...... At the age of 22, Rachel's world shattered when she discovered she was bound to the notorious Nicholas Hill in an arranged marriage, a cruel twist of fate that neither party desired. Forced into a union neither envisioned, one question lingered: will love manage to bloom?

Pieces_3546 · Urban
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41 Chs

Nick's Twin

Ashley's gaze remained fixed on the crimson swirls within her wine glass, The color red, to her, symbolized power and dominance, qualities she craved.

After a prolonged contemplation, she finally raised the glass to her lips, savoring the taste before placing it back on the table with a theatrical sigh.

From her earliest memories, She had harbored an unyielding desire to be in control. She loathed the idea of playing second fiddle, forever overshadowed by her twin brother, Nick.

Oh, Nick – the golden boy, the center of attention. She despised him, for he had perpetually basked in the spotlight while she remained nothing more than his "twin sister." To most, she wasn't even Ashley; she was just "Nick's twin."

Years of relentless efforts to escape his shadow had proven futile. No matter how hard she tried, her attempts to tarnish Nick's image, especially in her father's eyes, had fallen short. Her father saw her as nothing more than "the other child."

Everything she undertook to undermine Nick's standing backfired, leaving her in his shadow.

But remarkably, when Diana entered their lives, Nick's downfall was a self-inflicted tumble. Ashley had finally glimpsed the limelight, and her father began to recognize her potential.

Nick's own misbehavior had drawn their father closer to Ashley. She intended to maintain that newfound favor. The only way to ensure this was to ensure that Nick continued as the prodigal son.

Yet, Nick's impending wedding to Rachel threatened to alter this dynamic. Ashley's doubts lingered, and she feared that the wedding might transform him.

She refused to let that happen, resolute in her determination to never return to his shadow – not now, not ever.


Rachel and her mother, Maria, entered the grand Hill Manor, their breath taken away by the opulence that greeted them. As Rachel, who had been accustomed to a life of luxury, stepped into the majestic foyer, she couldn't help but question if her own upbringing had been truly privileged. The Manor spoke of old money and undeniable prestige.

Guided by a discreet butler, Rachel found herself on a stunning veranda that overlooked the lush gardens. It was adorned with intricate wrought-iron railings, entwined with vibrant, climbing bougainvillea. The sun bathed the space in a warm, golden glow, casting a dancing play of light and shadow across the mosaic-tiled floor.

Seated on a plush cushioned chair, Mrs. Hill, a gracious woman with an air of timeless elegance, spotted Rachel and Maria with a beaming smile. She rose gracefully and approached them with genuine warmth.

First, she embraced Maria, enveloping her in a heartfelt hug, and then she turned her attention to Rachel. Sarah placed a tender kiss on Rachel's forehead and followed it with a warm, unexpected hug. Rachel was pleasantly surprised by the gesture, finding comfort in this new connection.

"I'm delighted that you could join us today. Please, have a seat," Sarah said, her eyes brimming with enthusiasm as she gestured to the inviting chairs.

Rachel and Maria settled into the luxuriously cushioned seats, and Rachel couldn't help but notice how they cradled her body in utmost comfort.

"Drinks, please," Sarah instructed the staff, and in no time, elegantly chilled beverages appeared before Rachel and Maria, a testament to the Manor's impeccable service.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hill," Rachel responded with genuine gratitude as the drinks were presented.

Sarah playfully pinched Rachel's cheek and chimed in, "Oh, please, enough with the Mrs. Hill. You should call me 'Mother'; we'll be family soon. And soon enough, you'll become the new Mrs. Hill, while I quietly retreat into a corner," she teased, sharing a lighthearted laugh.

Rachel marveled at how a woman of such wealth and influence could be so warm and welcoming. If she had any reservations about this arranged marriage, it was undoubtedly eased by the prospect of having Sarah as her mother-in-law.

"Very well, thank you, Mother," Rachel replied sweetly.

Sarah beamed and responded, "Darling, you are absolutely welcome. Oh, Maria, I think I just stole your position," she quipped, addressing Maria.

"That will never happen," Maria countered with playful humor, evoking laughter from all.

Amid the jovial atmosphere, Sarah's eyes fell upon the engagement ring adorning Rachel's finger, and a tender, emotional smile graced her face.

"I see Nick has given you the ring," Sarah remarked to Rachel.

"Yes, he has," Rachel affirmed, casting a fond glance at the ring. She had decided to wear it today, a choice that seemed fitting. "It's truly exquisite," she added with a sincere smile.

"Indeed. Nick's father used it to propose to me, just as Nick's grandfather did before him. It's been in the family for generations," Sarah shared, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

"That's incredibly special," Rachel responded warmly. As she looked at the ring, she realized its significance to those who had worn it before her. To her, it was a beautiful heirloom, but she couldn't help but feel a lack of personal connection to it.

"Yes, it is," Maria added in agreement.

Sarah turned to Rachel with a curious expression. "I hope Nick made the proposal memorable?" she inquired.

Rachel pondered how to respond. After all, Nick had essentially handed her the ring. Should she be candid with his mother or offer a more polished version? Before she could answer, Nick interjected suddenly.

"Absolutely, Mother. I proposed in a most romantic way, and Rachel loved it, didn't you, Rachel?"