

‘Oh my darling please wake up, I promise I shall not  fight with you ever again.’  Madison cradled Chadwick’s head in her lap.  Noises adjacent to where she was kneeling caused her to look up.  Only then did she see Rankin lying on the ground. 

What was going on with her?  Rankin was her betrothed, yet she was rather impropriately nursing Chadwick?  At that moment she cared not for her reputation.  All she cared about was comforting Chadwick.  He was mumbling incoherently.  She lowered her ear to hear his soft murmur, but his voice was still too indecipherable.  A throng of people began gathering around her. 

‘Pease step back.  Allow him some fresh air.’  Madison unclipped his armour.

Her parents came running towards her.  Her father pushed through the barricade of people to get to her.  Her mother was panting, and out of breath just behind her father. 

‘Madison?’ her father cautiously called.  He was assessing the situation with his daughter in a compromising position holding the head of a man in her lap.  He cast a glance around at the sea of faces staring down at Madison and Chadwick Rochester.

‘Papa we need to take Mr. Rochester home.  He needs the doctor.’

‘What about Earl Swain?’  Her father warily enquired.

Madison darted her eyes to where Rankin was sitting on the grass, dusting off his clothes.  She saw him wince as he touched a spot on his right shoulder. 

‘He is well,’ Madison tore her eyes away before Rankin could make eye contact with her.  ‘Mr. Rochester has a very high fever. ’

‘But he won.  He must receive his trophy.’

‘Papa!  Forget about the trophy.  Call for the carriage!’

Chadwick was murmuring again. He swallowed painfully.  His face filled with perspiration.  Madison used the hem of her dress to wipe down his face.   ‘Mama do we have any water?’

Her mother ran to the carriage to fetch the flask of water.  Madison opened the cap.  She propped Chadwick’s head, tilted the flask to his lips and waited for him to take the water in.  It just fell out the side of his lips, without him swallowing any of it.

‘Stanton, Madison’s right,’ Rachael’s voice sounded ominous.  He needs help urgently.’

‘Hurry papa,’ Madison sobbed.  ‘Please get the carriage here quickly.’

Stanton tried to lift the dead weight body but it was no good.  Three other gentlemen helped Stanton to carry Chadwick to the Sanford carriage.   Madison rushed into the carriage and supported Chadwick’s head on her lap.  Her mother jumped in and sat opposite Madison.  Stanton hopped on next to the groom.  The carriage sped away to the Sanford residence. 

‘Mama has somebody sent for Dr. Harper?’

‘Yes, you papa instructed one of the grooms to do so.’  ‘What happened to him?’ Rachael referred to Chadwick.

‘I do not know.  I just saw him collapsing on his horse,’ Madison stated.  ‘Ironically Earl Swain’s lance had not even touched him.  He seemed to black out, just as he out manoeuvred the earl, and now he is burning up with a fever.  Madison impulsively unbuttoned Chadwick’s coat and the top two buttons on his shirt.


‘Yes mama?'  Madison again used her skirt to wipe the perspiration of Chadwick’s face.

‘Why are you attending to this man and not your betrothed?’

Madison looked across at her mother.  She tried to process what her mother had just spoken.  No words came to aid her in response.  Why she seeing to Chadwick and not her fiancé?

‘I saw that Earl Swain was fine.  He did not need help.  Mr Rochester on the other hand needs assistance.

‘He has grooms and a valet.’

‘Our home is the closest.  Besides we can nurse him better than any grooms and valets.’

‘It is not your place.’

‘Why ever not?’ Madison question, even though she knew the delicacy of the situation.  ‘He has turned ill.  He needs help.’

Rachael refrained from answering, as the carriage stopped outside their home.  She went ahead and requested one of the maids to prepare one of the guest chambers for Chadwick.  The room was north facing and trapped much of the warmth of the sun.  It smelt fresh from the scent of the lavenders bunched in a vase on the windowsill.  The curtains were drawn to keep out the sun as Chadwick was carefully placed on the bed.

‘Let me wash him down with some cold water---.’

‘Your father will do that Madison,’ Rachael spoke.

‘But I want to help,’ Madison pleaded.

‘It is not fitting for you to be alone in a gentleman’s chamber Madison. ‘

‘But he is delirious and he needs to be cooled down.’

‘Your father and one of the grooms will attend to him,’ Rachael ushered Madison out of the guest chamber.

‘Where is Doctor Harper!’ Madison paced about outside Chadwick’s chamber.

‘How about we have some tea?’ Rachael offered.

‘I’m not thirsty.’  She wished she could feed Chadwick some refreshing tea.  It may help lower his raging temperature.

‘Why do you not go for a walk?  Rachael touched Madison’s shoulder comfortingly.

‘I will be in my chamber.  Let me know when Doctor Harper arrives.’

‘Your father will inform us on Mr. Rochester’s condition Doctor Harper attends to him,’ Rachael countered.

Madison glared at her mother then stormed to her own chamber.  She shut her door none too gently and jumped onto her bed.  Beth, hearing the door slam, entered her mistress’s chamber.  She found Madison on her bed, her body rigid, still in her day dress and shoes, her back to the door.

Beth gently tiptoed towards the bed.  She undid Madison’s shoes.  When she lifted her head, she saw Madison swipe a tear away from her eyes.  Beth draped the cover over Madison and left the room.  When Madison heard the door close behind Beth, she let out the torrent of tears that had been threatening.  She did not know why she was crying, but the fountain of tears continued to fall unabated, until she drifted off to sleep.

She was in a deep sleep when she was roused by Beth some two hours later.  Madison flung the covers off and jumped out of the bed.

‘Mr. Rochester!  How is he?’

‘He is resting,’ Beth smiled.   ‘The doctor seems to think he may have had food poisoning.  Probably something he ate did not agree with him.’

‘Oh.  So he is going to be all right?’

‘His fever is still very high.  They are trying to get liquids into his system, but he is resisting.’

‘You have a visitor my lady.’

‘Who is it?’

‘Earl Swain?’

‘What does he want?’

‘Does he need a reason,’ she smiled gently.  ‘He is your fiancé.’