
Betrothed to The Don.

Lucia I'm thrown into a world of chaos when I hear that my family is part of the Italian mafia. No, scratch that - my family is the Italian mafia - and as tradition states, I'll be getting married to the bratva head. My world is in shambles when I see how cold and ruthless my husband is. Despite how handsome and attractive he is, I give myself one assignment; stay as far away from him as possible. But as neither my body nor my heart gets the message, I have to think of a way to conceal my emotions from him. Ivan My life's purpose has always been to take over from my father as the head of the bratva. That's practically what I was born for; to kill and destroy. But for that to happen, I must get married, which isn't a problem since an arranged marriage to the Italian mafia princess has long been formed for us. What becomes a problem is the strange feelings that begin to steer within me the moment I'm married to my wife. Now I have another purpose added to the list; kill, destroy and love.

DaoistrQJEmC · Urban
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12 Chs


An hour into the wedding reception, I'm very sure I look like I'd rather be anywhere else than at my own reception party. I don't think I'm at fault here because the man who's supposed to be my husband has been very dismissive towards me since the church wedding. 

He hasn't complimented nor said a single word to me at all and that just makes me feel downright miserable. Naturally, today's supposed to be the best day of my life but this is infact far worse than the day I found out I was a mafia princess.

It's time for the couple to dance so as I have my arms around Ivan's neck, I don't expect what comes out of his mouth "you look beautiful." That raw, manly voice whispers in my ears. 

I look up into his eyes for a while, trying to decipher this man called Ivan, before I give up. His brown eyes don't hold any emotions. My plan is to ignore his question but then I think better of the idea, reflecting further. If we're going to continue playing whatever game this is for however long we're going to stay married, I doubt we won't kill each other. 

"What's wrong with you, Ivan?" I stare intently into his eyes, searching for a flicker of emotions in there, despite my attempts to ignore him. He raises an eyebrow, seeming amused with my question.

"Ignoring my compliment?" 

"Don't you think it would've been nice to hear it at the church?" I counter his question with another. "You've practically ignored me all day. You can't do that forever if this is going to work." 

Now he's the one staring into my eyes like he can see right into my soul. "I thought you didn't like me." 

"You don't like me either. So I guess it's mutual." He doesn't say anything except letting out a chuckle, his chest vibrating in rhythm to his laugh, sending a current through me because we're standing so close to each other. I can feel my nipples stiffen beneath my gown.

God, that felt good.

There's no lying that Ivan's a sexy man and I might be attracted to him but that's where it should end. I don't know that I can be with a man who has refused to breakup with his girlfriend despite being betrothed. 

I don't know if now's the right time to bring it up with him. But then again he might not react too well so I hold it in. I'll just bring it up after the wedding.

The song comes to an end and after that, the rest of the party just seems to pass by quicker. 

"Have a wonderful night, bambina." Antonio engulfs me in a tight hug before kissing me goodbye on the cheek. 

Ivan helps me into the passenger seat of his blue Aston Martin before going around to get into the driver's seat. Luckily for me, the train of my wedding gown could be unclipped, so I had it dumped in the boot after Sophie took it out for me. That's when it hits me that I don't know where we're headed to now.

"Where are we going?" I ask Ivan. The engine roars to life as the ignition is turned on and we pull out of the driveway.

"Where do you think?" He replies, amused. I don't know what's so funny.

"Uh, a hotel? Are we going to keep on asking each other questions like this?" I say to him because I've noticed how evasive he seems to be at times. Another thing I've come to notice is how his forearm muscles flex when steering the wheels. It's now kinda hard to concentrate after that.

Ivan chuckles and looks my way. I divert my eyes before I'm caught ogling. "We're going to my home." 

"Oo." His reply honestly shocks me. I didn't think he stayed in New York as well. Well, it's not like this is a small city, anyway. 

We drive for another twelve minutes before we pull up to a fenced mansion. The gate buzzes before swinging open as if granting permission to enter a world of opulence and grandeur.

Towering trees frame the entrance to the compound of the magnificent mansion, their branches forming a natural canopy overhead. 

The gravel path crunch softly under the tires as we approach a giant waterfall like statue of a doberman pinscher at the center. 

The mansion, a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture, emerges in all its splendor before us. 

I didn't even know there were houses like these in the city. It's so amazing that I come down from the car to admire my surroundings as soon as Ivan stops at the front of the mansion.

"You live here all by yourself?" I ask in awe. I mean, that might be the most stupid question to ever be asked because there's no way he lives here alone. I have my question answered when the huge oak double doors ahead swings open and two ladies in uniforms walk to us.

"Not exactly. They're a few staff who live on the ground and then you of course." I note how he doesn't say that last part spitefully which makes me feel a bit relieved.

"They also live inside?" I ask curiously because Ivan doesn't look like someone who really likes having visitors but what do I know. He's practically already the mafia head so I doubt he really has a lot of personal time.

"Nah, the few who live on ground have their quarters out back." 

"Oo, that makes sense." 

One of the maids collects my wedding gown train just as Ivan's about picking it up, smiles at me and walks back inside while the other one walks a few feets behind us. I look back in confusion and just like her colleague, she lets out a genuine smile at me, not seeming to be bothered as she walks behind.

I'm totally not ready for my mind to be blown when I walk into the mansion. What is this beauty for crying out loud?! The inside of the mansion is completely different from the outside. While the exterior has a classic touch to it, the interior is entirely modern looking and insanely big.

A light touch on my arm pulls me away from admiring Ivan's home which I guess is pretty much mine from today. He points ahead, a gesture for me to walk with him as we climb a flight of stairs to the first floor.

Down the hall, I see the maid holding my gown train just as she enters a room. We pass about two doors before I see a different maid in what looks to be the master's bedroom. We passed that room too and three more before getting to the one the maid with my gown train disappeared into. 

"This will be your room." I wonder how he always says things that ordinarily should carry weight, so casually.

With a frown on my face I ask the obvious, "We're not staying together?" 

It seems like my question comes as a shock to Ivan because he equally frowns. "I think it will be best if we both had our own space for now at least until we get to know each other better." 

It's on the tip of my tongue to ask 'and when will that be?' because frankly speaking, he doesn't talk to me much so I don't see how we would get to know each other anytime soon. Plus we had over two months to do that but where was he? But then there's a lot of sense in his reply, even though it stings a little. I get to have my own space to cool off if we have an argument.

"That's a good idea." I turn to open the door and mutter a "Goodnight." before locking the door behind me. 

"What's your name?" I ask the maid who's standing by my bedside, probably awaiting instructions. 

"Aliya, ma'am." She can't be anything more than eighteen. I'm sure of it. But I'm too exhausted to ask questions or take in any more information. 

She helps me out of my dress and my nipples stiffen from the burst of cold air that kisses my skin. I dismissed Aliya for the day after thanking her and went to run a hot bath.

As I take off my white thongs and sink into the warm bubbled water, my only aim tonight is to ease the stress of today and heal my stiff muscles.