
Hate him

“Do you know who you are?” The king asked in a cold tone. The anger spilling from his eyes was enough to send Elina to an early grave, but what did she do? Why was he angry for no reason

“How dare you expose your body!” He yelled so loud that Elina's eyes closed shut from fear. Just a slam of his hand on the bed, caused it to shake. Elina prayed and hoped he didn't eat her alive. Whatever it was, she didn't remember anything, so why was he so upset? Swallowing hard, Elina felt his cold hand on her. Tracing from her leg up her thigh, the surrounding aura started changing, whenever she felt so overpowered, Elina got an idea of what was to come, twisting her hands to free herself… Elina realized the trouble she was in. Was he going to do that again? She disliked it. She hated it, he took her without her permission

“The King's bride isn't to be touched,” the sharp words echoed in her eyes as she shifted her leg away from him