
A life for a life

The lady before her was Florence, she wasn't old but with her stern face, she looked scary. She had dark ebony hair tied behind in a neat bun. She wore a black skirt reaching above her knees and a black long-sleeved tuck-in shirt with black. Sandals. Elina didn't know why the presence of the lady gave her chills

“Young lady… you must have been exhausted,” Florence said, placing the clothes on the bed carefully. Elina scanned the clothes and then the lady. It wasn't an illusion, she saw everything, “please get ready because breakfast will be in ten minutes” the lady added and straightened up. Elina wanted to protest more, however, seeing how Florence was trying to ignore the situation.

“When…when can I meet the Alpha?” Elina said, not sure if it was a good idea. She wanted nothing to do with him. It was good that she was sleeping in her room. It was cozy and spacious. Nothing like her old room back home.