
Betrothed To The Crown Prince, Wanted By His Brothers

"I am your brother, for fuck's sake, Ace! This shouldn't be a big deal. Give me the throne, or give me your woman!" Ace watches as his brother whom he assumed to be the closest person to him, even though he never showed any form of likeness toward him, spills out. "What are you saying, Axel? I am getting married to Ariel, do you realize that?" Ace yells in disbelief. "Does it look like I give a damn? I fucking want her, Ace, and if you don't want to do what I want, then get ready for war," And with that said, Axel walks out on his brother. Living happily together for years, the three princes of Blue Knight kingdom found themselves in love with one woman, who was supposed to be married to the crown prince. Sacrifices need to be made if Ace wants his family together, but will he give up this woman whom he has fallen deeply in love with, or will he give up his throne which belongs to him? What is the fate of princess Ariel, the woman that has captured the hearts of these three princes? What is so special about her?

Author_Gold · Fantasy
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5 Chs

You are betrothed to Prince Ace

Chapter 1

Princess Amy POV

"You look extremely beautiful, my princess," Amelie, my maid praises me after she's done making my hair, and my reflection in the mirror is evidence of what she just said.

"Thank you, Amelie," I smile at her while checking myself out to be sure that I'm perfectly beautiful. I'm about to go see the love of my life, so I should look my best, as always.

Thinking about prince Alexander, my heart flutters in excitement as a smile curves up my lips. Prince Alexander and I have been together for quite some time now, and I love him so much. Our love story started two years ago, our meeting was a coincidence, but we grew more attached to each other over the recent years. Today makes it exactly two years since we started dating, and he told me to meet him up at the usual spot we do meet that he has a surprise for me. I'm curious to know what the surprise is.

"Amelie..." I call and pause, turning to face her as I stand up to my feet.

"Yes, my princess," She replies to me.

"Can you make a way for me to sneak out of the palace? I need to go see Alex," I say to her, and she slowly raises her gaze to look at me. Well, my relationship with Alex is still a secret, and the only person that knows about it is Amelie. For an eighteen years old mature girl, I have no idea why my father still protects me and doesn't even want any man around me. I guess that's because I'm his only child, or maybe because I'm a princess.

"Uhm... My princess, I don't think that will be possible. I don't know why, but the king has some guards tailing on us, and it may be difficult to leave the palace as of the moment," She says to me, and my face drops in disappointment. I can't disappoint Alex today.

"You need to find a way, Amelie. I really need to see Alex. It's important," I further say to her, and she sighs briefly.

"Alright, my princess... I promise to find a way around it. Wait here for me," She says to me, and I nod my head. She finally walks out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

After about ten minutes of waiting impatiently for her, she finally show up.

"How did it go?" I ask her curiously as soon as she walks into my room.

"I was able to find a way, but we need to be fast about it. The king is currently in a meeting, and I have no idea when he will be done, so we have to be fast about it," She explains to me, and I smile excitedly. This is why I love Amelie. She always has a solution to every problem.

"Come on, let's go," I say to her, leading the way out of the room.

We finally manage to sneak out of the palace, and in a few minutes, we are already standing in the fountain where I usually secretly meet with Alex.

"Are you sure he will be here, my princess?" Amelie asks after about twenty minutes of waiting without any sign of him coming anytime soon.

"Yes, he will come. Let's just wait a little longer," I reply to her, and she nods her head. Alex has never kept me waiting, he's always here before me in all of our appointments, and I wonder what's keeping him so long now. Did something happen?

"We don't have all the time in the world, my princess. We need to go now," Amelie says again after another few minutes of waiting, and I know that she's right. I don't want father to scold her later if anything goes wrong, so we need to go back home.

"Hmm... Let's go," I say to her sadly, and we leave the fountain afterward.

Arriving at the palace a few minutes later, I make my way straight to my room, feeling a bit down and worried. As much as I'm sad that I didn't get the surprise he said that he was going to give me, I'm also worried about him. Something like this has never happened before, and it's only fine that I am worried, especially now that there is no means of contacting him.

Finally stepping into my room, I stop on my track and my heart sinks into my stomach when I see my father sitting on the edge of my bed with a deep frown on his face. I know at once that I'm in a deep mess. For how long has he been waiting here? Where will I tell him I went?

"Where are you coming from, Amy?" He finally asks the question I expected, and his deep voice sends chills down my spine.


"Where is Amelie?" He cuts me off before I can say anything, and I gulp down nothing nervously.

"She... She... She's helping me out with something in my study. Do you want to see her, father?" I ask him nervously.

"No. I asked where you are coming from," He asks for the second time, and I bite my bottom lip nervously. Where should I tell him I'm coming from?

"Oh, I went to get fresh air in the garden, father," I reply to him nervously, praying silently that my cover doesn't end up getting blown. Seeing him stare at me with an unconvincing look on his face, I know that I'm doomed. Although my father is the most amazing and loving soul I've ever met, he would be another person if he finds out that I went out in a bid to see a man. That is the only thing that pisses the old man off.

"Tomorrow is the coronation of the prince of the Blue Knight kingdom..." He pauses, and I raise my gaze to look at him. Now I understand why Alex couldn't make it to our meeting. Alex is one of the sons of emperor George of the Blue Knight kingdom.

"You should be ready by tomorrow. You're going to be getting engaged with the crown prince, Ace," He releases the bombshell, and I freeze on the spot. For some seconds, his words continue to replay in my head, as I stare into space. Did I hear him wrong or did he really say that?

"What did you say, father?" I ask him to be sure of what he said.

"We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning," He says to me instead before he stands up to his feet and strides out of my room without sparing me another glance. What the hell just happened? He is joking with me, right?