
Betrothed To The Crown Prince, Wanted By His Brothers

"I am your brother, for fuck's sake, Ace! This shouldn't be a big deal. Give me the throne, or give me your woman!" Ace watches as his brother whom he assumed to be the closest person to him, even though he never showed any form of likeness toward him, spills out. "What are you saying, Axel? I am getting married to Ariel, do you realize that?" Ace yells in disbelief. "Does it look like I give a damn? I fucking want her, Ace, and if you don't want to do what I want, then get ready for war," And with that said, Axel walks out on his brother. Living happily together for years, the three princes of Blue Knight kingdom found themselves in love with one woman, who was supposed to be married to the crown prince. Sacrifices need to be made if Ace wants his family together, but will he give up this woman whom he has fallen deeply in love with, or will he give up his throne which belongs to him? What is the fate of princess Ariel, the woman that has captured the hearts of these three princes? What is so special about her?

Author_Gold · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Met Alex's brother

Chapter 3


Tears stream down my cheeks as I glance at my father for the umpteenth time, and he doesn't even look like he's concerned about my tears. I'm finally getting to see the hard side of my father for the first time since I grew up to know him as my father.

'You are a woman, and you have no right to make decisions for yourself. You're going to get married to the crown prince, and that is final!' recalling the words he had said to me yesterday night when I confronted him, I throw my head back on the chair as the carriage transporting us keeps moving.

Who said that I can't make decisions for myself because I'm a woman?

"Cheer up, my princess. The king will be angry if he finds you crying," Amelie whispers to me, mopping my tears with the handkerchief in her hand, but more only keep coming. He can do his worse for all I care. I can't believe that I'm getting married today, but to a stranger, I've never met all my life, and the worst nightmare is that the so-called stranger is my boyfriend's brother. What an irony of life.

The rest of the ride to the kingdom is filled with silence as I only stare into space, so many thoughts running through my mind. How will Alex feel when he sees that I show up at his kingdom, not for him, but to be married to his brother? He will feel betrayed, he will feel like I'm a traitor, and he won't even want to listen to me. What does the future have in store for me?

After several hours of riding on the road nonstop, the carriage finally stop, and I presume we must have arrived at the kingdom.

I wait patiently for the guard to come tell me why the carriage stopped, and as expected, the curtain suddenly pulls to one side, revealing one of the palace guards armed with a sharp-edged sword. His face is as cold as ice.

"My princess, we are here," He announces to me, and I nod my head.

"Careful," Amelie says as I manage to step out of the carriage, finding myself in the middle of a castle. It's my first time coming to this kingdom, and I must confess that their castle is way bigger than ours. I mean, ours is nothing, compared to what I'm seeing in front of me. Blue Knight kingdom was rumored to be the wealthiest kingdom in Europe, and this is evidence, I must say.

"My princess," Hearing my father's voice call my name as he walks over to me with a smile lingering on his lips, I feel so irritated by his presence. How is he not feeling guilty after what he did? How is he still smiling at me even after putting me through this pain? I guess he must feel so happy forcing his only child to marry a stranger, a man she has no feelings for, neglecting the feeling of his child.

"You look gorgeous," He compliments me, but I only scoff and roll my eyes at him.

"You're welcome, your Highness, my princess," A few maids walk over to welcome us with courtesy.

"Where is the restroom?" I know I am being rude by not replying to their greetings, but that is the least of my problem now. This place irritates me, and I just need a place to clear my head for a few minutes before the so-called engagement start.

"This way, my princess," One of the maids beckons toward a direction, and I glance at my father one more time before I leave with the maid, along with Amelie.

'Wow! Prince Ace is going to be crowned today. I wonder who he is going to choose as his future queen,'

'I wish I'm the lucky Cinderella. Prince Ace is so handsome, and I'm sure a lot of women would want to have him,' hearing the whispers of a few maidens I run into while walking down the verandah, I feel so irritated. Can they just shut up and stop mentioning his name?

"We're here, my princess," The maid announces to me as soon as we arrive at the restroom, and I push the door open at once, slamming it close behind me.

I crash against the wall and burst into tears as soon as I walk in. How will I face Alex later? How will I explain to him that I suddenly have to marry his brother? That is the betrayal of the century.

"Are you okay, my princess?" Amelie's voice sounds from outside, and I scoff. How can she still ask me that knowing that I'm not fine?

"Go away, Amelie!" I yell at the top of my voice.

"My princess, you need to stop this. You're going to get His Majesty angry if he finds out about..."

"Who cares? I don't care if he gets angry... I'm not happy," I scream at her, hitting my hands on the wall as if it would take my pain away.

"You are going to ruin your make-up, can you please stop, my princess?" She speaks from outside again. As much as I don't want to make things hard for her and listen to her, the pain in my heart won't just let me do it.

"Who are you?" I suddenly hear a masculine voice from outside, and I stop to listen.

"Greetings, my prince... I'm waiting for someone," Amelie's voice quivers from outside, and I pull the door open at once.

"Who are you waiting for?" The young man whom I can only see his back, asks her, sounding a bit rude and harsh.

"I... I..."

"If you were not taught how to talk to a woman, I'm sure you must've been taught to show respect to strangers, irrespective of who they are," I speak up, and he turns swiftly to face me with a deep frown on his face as his pair of green eyes pierce at me like they're going to devour me. Now that I'm seeing his face, he has an oval face, a pointed nose that compliments him, the thick black long hair on his head is so long that it's touching his waistline, and some strands are resting on his forehead.

"Who...are you?" His voice breaks as he stares at me with an expression on his face that I have no clue about. Just who the hell is this, and why is he staring at me like that?

"Axel... Axel... Axel..." Suddenly, I hear a faint feminine voice calling someone from afar, and with the way he snaps his head in the direction where the voice is coming from, I need no one to tell me that he's the one bearing that name.

Wait! Is he Alex's brother?