
Betrothed To A Vampire

As if finding out that her fiance and her friends who had grown up with her were all supernatural beings, Susan discovers herself to be one of them. She is the famous silver witch. Susan was betrothed to the lord of the Esclairs, Derek, a vampire lord. ........ Susan lived a peaceful, quiet and perfect life but was it really peaceful? The people she knew, did she really know them? She was to get married to the head of the Esclairs family and yet she knew nothing about him, or so she thought. In the span of three days, her peaceful, quiet and perfect life changed and it wasn't for the better. She was frustrated! The people she thought she knew best, her best friends, they were all lying to her. Her family, her father! He was hiding his identity as well. Her whole life had been a lie! Derek, her betrothed and the vampire who had patiently waited for her reincarnation for over a hundred years couldn't look her in the eye and tell her the truth. She was the reincarnation of the last silver witch and everyone, every race, they wanted to keep her safe. Derek, wanted to keep her safe but she couldn't help but feel she was nothing but a replacement I'm his heart but even at that, she still loved him. It might've looked that way in he eyes but Derek genuinely cherished her and cared for her like no other. He loved her! But each time, he kept confusing his feelings for care he once had for the former silver witch. They all wanted to make sure the same misfortune did not repeat itself. But it did and they lost her. They lost her to the hand of the devil, whom the witches worshiped and she was taken to another world, unknowingly to them. She was taken to the underworld. They thought she died! Susan did all that the devil asked, in hopes of getting back to her family, to her friends and to her lover but he didn't let her go. From training her like she was getting ready for a war to having to deal with the childish nature of the devil and his son, she persevered, hoping to get back soon. She found herself slowly unlocking the powers of the silver witch and she went back in time. She went to the past where it all began. When Aurora cursed the blood of her beloved daughter with tears in her eyes. Susan didn't want to give up! She would find the real reason behind the curse and set her blood free. She would go back to her beloved betrothed and they would live happily. She would survive, no matter what!

Ile_Isabella · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Tell me, little witch!

The little witch summoned courage and came out of her hiding spot. She stood before Derek, her body trembling slightly, yet she tried to act brave.

Derek's eyes scanned the little girl. Not only did she look starved, her clothes looked nothing short of rags and her skin a bit dirty.

But even with this, her silver hair seemed to sparkle and her brown eyes, sharp. She looked clean to him! Clean and pure! She was really one of a kind.

"To think the day would come when I get to see such brave action from a weak little thing." Derek snickered.

He sat up and faced this little girl who was trying her absolute best not to scream and cry.

"I don't get it." He said and she looked him in the eye.

"E... excuse me?" She stuttered.

"Why, with your pathetic appearance, do you look so... clean?" He asked which confused the little girl. It was clear that she was dirty. "Did you perhaps cast a spell on me? I heard silver witches are very powerful."