
Betrothed To A Vampire

As if finding out that her fiance and her friends who had grown up with her were all supernatural beings, Susan discovers herself to be one of them. She is the famous silver witch. Susan was betrothed to the lord of the Esclairs, Derek, a vampire lord. ........ Susan lived a peaceful, quiet and perfect life but was it really peaceful? The people she knew, did she really know them? She was to get married to the head of the Esclairs family and yet she knew nothing about him, or so she thought. In the span of three days, her peaceful, quiet and perfect life changed and it wasn't for the better. She was frustrated! The people she thought she knew best, her best friends, they were all lying to her. Her family, her father! He was hiding his identity as well. Her whole life had been a lie! Derek, her betrothed and the vampire who had patiently waited for her reincarnation for over a hundred years couldn't look her in the eye and tell her the truth. She was the reincarnation of the last silver witch and everyone, every race, they wanted to keep her safe. Derek, wanted to keep her safe but she couldn't help but feel she was nothing but a replacement I'm his heart but even at that, she still loved him. It might've looked that way in he eyes but Derek genuinely cherished her and cared for her like no other. He loved her! But each time, he kept confusing his feelings for care he once had for the former silver witch. They all wanted to make sure the same misfortune did not repeat itself. But it did and they lost her. They lost her to the hand of the devil, whom the witches worshiped and she was taken to another world, unknowingly to them. She was taken to the underworld. They thought she died! Susan did all that the devil asked, in hopes of getting back to her family, to her friends and to her lover but he didn't let her go. From training her like she was getting ready for a war to having to deal with the childish nature of the devil and his son, she persevered, hoping to get back soon. She found herself slowly unlocking the powers of the silver witch and she went back in time. She went to the past where it all began. When Aurora cursed the blood of her beloved daughter with tears in her eyes. Susan didn't want to give up! She would find the real reason behind the curse and set her blood free. She would go back to her beloved betrothed and they would live happily. She would survive, no matter what!

Ile_Isabella · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Come on, I don't bite

"I would like to advise you to refrain from walking the halls at night. It gets a little scary for someone who isn't used to it. I don't want you getting frightened." He warned and she nodded.

"Alright! Anything else?"

"And please, never go to the garden at night!" His words sounded cold "Do you understand?" Although she did not understand, she nodded anyway.

"Of course!"

"Then goodnight, my lady. Have a wonderful rest!" He bowed and left.

Susan closed her door and pondered on it for a while but she couldn't get what he meant. In the end, she concluded that the garden also looked scary at night and that there were big and scary watchdogs.

Whatever the case may be, she would definitely not go there at night.

That night Susan had another nightmare. It was just like the previous one, running in an endless forest with nothing but the moon to light her path.

'It' kept chasing her with it's dark and formless figure and red glowing eyes.

When she got to the point where she saw the lake, she found a crystal coffin instead.

Not minding the change, she tried to catch her breath and looked back to see if it was still chasing her. When she saw that it wasn't, she turned to the coffin. Once again, she met the bloody red eyes and woke up with a start.

"Why?" She gasped for breath. "Why that nightmare?" She covered her eyes with her arm.

She felt tired of having that same terrifying nightmare for two nights. She was exhausted. "I'd rather not dream at all."

"Was it that scary?" Came a voice and she subconsciously replied.

"Very!" As soon as she realized it was strange, she turned to see a man. "Kyaa!" She immediately got off the beg and glued herself to the wall while pointing her slipper at him. "Who...who are you?" She inquired.

"Come on, I don't bite!" He said and beaconed on her with his index finger but she didn't move an inch. "Am I that scary?"

"No! I mean yes! Who are you and what ...what are you doing in my room and on my bed at this hour?" She questioned and he smirked.

What was an attractive young man doing in her bed at that time of the night?

He had jet black hair and sharp brown eyes. According to what she heard, those were the features of members of the Esclairs family.

He sat up and stared at her with all certainty. That smirk on his face seemed to mock her.

"So, you'd let me be on your bed if it wasn't this late?" He asked and she frowned.

"Don't joke around. Tell me who you are or I'll...I'll scream." She threatened. Although he had the features of an Esclairs, she couldn't be so sure he was one.

He got off the bed and started walking towards her. Without a second warning, she attempted to scream but he covered her mouth.

His movement was so fast that she didn't know when he got to her or how he got to her. 'How is he so fast?'

"Little angel, if you scream, you'll put us both in a disadvantaged situation." He said and she glared at him. "I know that look. Trust me, I only wanted to get to know my sister-in-law." He said and her eyebrows furrowed.

'sister-in-law?' she thought 'Even if that were true, who visits their sister-in-law in the middle of the night and lie on their bed while their sleeping?'

"I'm going to let go now. You have to promise me that you won't scream after I let go, okay?" He asked and she nodded.

He slowly removed his hand from her mouth but little did he know that she was preparing herself to let out a loud scream.

Once his hand was far from her mouth, contrary to their agreement, she let out a very loud scream.

Carlson immediately burst through the doors.

"Humans are very dishonest!" The strange man exclaimed and Carlson exhaled feeling exhausted.

"Carlson, help!" Susan yelled but didn't have the guts to move from her current position so he walked towards her.

"Young master, the lord would not approve to such a behavior in his absence." Carlson said while leading Susan to a chair. "Calm down, my lady!"

"I just wanted to say hi!"

"At this hour?" Carlson asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong with this hour? Isn't this the usual time vam..."

"Ahem!" Carlson intentionally interrupted him by clearing his throat. He quickly caught on to his fault and changed his tone.

"Anyway, I just got back and wanted to see her in person. Don't make a big deal out of nothing, sheesh!" He put his right hand in his pocket and used his left hand to rub the back of his neck. "I'm already going." He headed for the door and smirked. "I'll see you around, little angel!" With that, he left.

Susan looked at Carlson, expecting some kind of explanation. He looked at her and smiled.

"That was the lord's younger brother, Dylan. He can be a bit of a mischievous type but I assure you, he won't do anything that will bring harm to you." He said and she sighed.

"Should I be concerned?" Susan asked and he shook his head.

"He's not a threat!" Carlson said and then looked at the door. "But how to make sure he doesn't repeat this act?"

"I'll... I'll lock my door from no on." She said and he nodded.

"Please do that!" Carlson said 'But I don't think that will stop him'

Susan stared at Carlson. Yes she said she would lock the door from now on but, she never said it wasn't locked to begin with. How did he get in? Through the window? Speaking of, how did Carlson come to her rescue so fast? It was almost as if he expected something like that to happen.

"Um, Carlson?" She called and he turned to look at her.

"Yes, my lady?"

"How did you get here so fast?" She inquired. The expression on her face was difficult to read.

He stayed silent for about 2 seconds before smiling.

"I was just coming from the lord's study, which is just at the end of the hall. Luckily, I was just outside your door when you screamed." He explained.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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