
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 35: Notes Of Negotiation

While some celebration was at hand at the Domus Eius, it couldn't be further from the Tempest Turris.

Once - while Liam and Levi had been bringing Isla to the Domus - the last remaining Scaths that had survived Liam and Levi's attack had reached the top of the Tempest Turris to Henry with the news, King Henry was outraged. His troops had been drastically thinned. He was in no position to begin war or even conquer. He never should've believed he had enough Scaths, and made the Scaths stop infecting. He now had to wait a few months time for the Scathian infection to set in Silvestria and any of the human kingdoms. He'd have to wait, because they couldn't have killed their starting problem, soon enough.

He'd figured.. well, assumed that with the amount of Scaths he had, he hadn't the need to infect anymore, to preserve the remaining people for his reign.

He lashed out as soon as he heard of it. It seemed he'd underestimated his step-son's care for the elven lady. However it made clear one thing; Liam, Isla, and Jonathan were not kidnapped. It was all a plan to escape with the help of Levi. He'd always hated that man. And now, he despised him even more. He must've pieced together Henry's "fool-proof" plan, and told them.

But what he didn't understand was how they were still aware of the goings on in Petra. If they were hiding out in Silvestria, how could they know about his raid? His march on Silvestria? They had to have had a spy, but no Scath would waste such an opportunity to wreak havoc.

This must've been a human or other-elven spy.

He consulted one of the few Scaths that remained with him at the Turris, more specifically Everett. But Everett wasn't aware of this mole in the Human Castle, however he did help devise a plan for moving forward.

In execution of the new plan, Henry wrote a negotiation letter, and used a Sun Dove to aid in the delivery. Everett told him that if he sent some of his last troops to follow the bird they could gain the location of their whereabouts. But that plan sank when the bird flew higher than could be seen. So the troops returned with no verdict.

By sundown the sunbird reached Domus Eius, it had attempted to find Liam as instructed, but Isla found it as she was training and let it perch on her arm, feeding it some seeds. She grabbed the letter from around the Sun Dove's neck, and read it. She instantly knew who this was meant for.

She quickly ran to hers and Liam's hut, and burst in to tell him, then almost got a "show" she didn't need. Liam was changing his shirt.

He must've just taken a bath, because his hair was wet and messy - well, messier. Isla nearly squeaked, "God! Liam, seriously? Lock the door or somethin'. I don't need to keep seeing you like this!" She reprimanded him, using the letter as a cover for her eyes.

Liam lightly blushed, and smiled in slight amusement. "Come on, Isl, I'm not 'blinding' you. I'm mostly dressed, anyway. You've seen me like this before." He chuckled, pleased with the memory it brought back. "Besides, you could've knocked, at least you'd have known."

Isla rolled her eyes, "Okay, Green eyes, I get it. I should've knocked, but seriously? I know you're not 'blindin' me or so to speak, but like I said I don't need to keep seein' you like this per se.'' She braved to look past the letter and walked to their bed.

Once again, Isla had to pry her eyes from his bare chest, and her cheeks and ears grew redder by the second. He served so big a distraction that she completely forgot what she'd come in here to do in the first place.

"Hey, Isl, can you help me find a shirt? I finally found where they'd been hiding, but I had ended up packing all of them and a few of them were just kind of uncomfortable. Like itchy or tight or whatever." Liam requested.

Oh, great. She had to see him like this for longer. "Um.. S-sure. Of-of course." Isla held her gaze on his face successfully for a few minutes then it fell again. She stood again and walked over to him, leaning on the footboard of the bed, starting to dig through his baggage. At least, there was another way to not look at him.

Yet again, her now foggy brain looked back at him, and her hands grabbed a pair of his under garments. She handed it to him, her eyes not paying attention.

Liam's cheeks colored the moment he saw it, "Um.. thanks, but I don't need to put on another pair of those. I just changed them when I bathed. I'm good in that regard."

Isla looked confusedly at him, then looked at what she was trying to hand him and dropped it. "Drat! Sorry, I- I just blanked for a moment. I'll get you a- a- a shirt." She very quickly picked the pair of under garments up and put it in the bag. She then searched for a shirt again. She really needed to quit doing this.

She couldn't keep looking at his bare chest and arms. Though his chest and beginning of well-toned arms were quite nice, she knew she had something to speak with him about, and he was keeping her from remembering what exactly it was.

She might as well have been glowing red, at this point.

Liam chuckled, the blush not leaving his face, "Am I that distracting for you?" He smirked.

Isla shot her eyes to his face, "No, no. Y-You're not distractin'. You're fine- Good! You're good. Good meanin' …um.. not distractin'."

Liam approached her, and sat beside her.

With an excuse, Isla stood up and brought his bags with her to sit on the bed. "Maybe we need a little more light to find it." Finding a shirt and pulling it out bunched up, she set his bags on the floor beside her legs.

Liam got up and again came to her. "Look if it's distr-" He paused, noticing the letter on the bed. "What's that?" He reached to grab it, but Isla took it too quickly.

"First, put on a shirt. You are very much distractin'. I'll admit it. So put on a shirt, before you read this." Isla negotiated.

"But is it important?"

"Yes. Very. But worthy of a fully clothed you readin' it."

Liam reached for it again, but Isla pulled it away, accidentally bringing them closer.

Both grew quiet. Liam moved backwards, noticing their compromising position. He stood to his feet, and backed up from the bed. Isla did the same and stood directly in front of him. After a few moments, Liam began fiddling with a strand of Isla's loose, curly hair, "I'm glad you're better. I missed you." He murmured softly.

Isla's racing heartbeat began to relax. "Me, too. Thanks to you." She smiled as she glanced at his lips. She shook her head and put the shirt between them. "Now put on a shirt." She said with a giggling grin, her cheeks still a bright red. Liam silently laughed, and did as she told him. He then grabbed her hand and caressed the top of it with his thumb.

Isla leaned forward closer to him, pressing her lips on his in a short kiss, but the moment she did, Liam didn't let her cut it off so quickly. He recaptured her lips for a longer kiss as if he were afraid she could disappear again.

She finally pulled away, out of breath.

Just then, Levi walked in. Once he saw it, he stopped and cleared his throat to get their attention.

Isla and Liam pulled back, gently separating. Isla attempted to explain, but Levi put up a dismissive hand. "There's a Sun Dove outside. I assume it delivered something."

Isla finally handed him the letter. "He delivered this." She then turned to Levi. "We just- We were just going to talk about this."

Levi didn't look convinced, but nonetheless he nodded and waited for Liam to finish reading.

Once Liam finished, he wasn't pleased. "Henry wants to meet with Isla and me at the SilverLight Village. He wants to negotiate something." He explained. "When did this come?"

Isla cleared her throat. "A little bit before I came in."

Liam looked at Levi then at Isla. "What do you think?"

Both Levi and Isla said simultaneously, "Ambush."

"So no go?" Liam asked.

Isla shook her head. "No. I'm thinkin' the ambush will more likely happen if we disagree to his terms. Meetin' with him could get us an idea of what we're currently up against."

Levi said, "You carry a point. I could hide just in case the two of you need backup. I know a way to hide my presence."

Liam looked up at him. "Whoa, whoa! You're not seriously saying Isla's coming?"

Isla's head shot towards him. "And says who I'm not? I'm comin' with you."

"I do. No, you are not coming."

"Why not? You're goin' to need my help."

"Isla, you're not coming. You are not going to be hurt again."

"Absolutely not! Liam, that happened once. I am not about to let you walk into danger without my help. I'm comin'." Isla proceeded to argue.

Liam shook his head in persistent disagreement, "No, once is enough. We're not risking your life."

"But we'll risk yours? I don't think so." Isla retorted.

But Liam persisted, "No. You're not getting kidnapped."

Isla paused for a moment and shook her head, speaking softer than before, "Liam, What happened to bein' in this together? To you're goin' to fight by my side in this? You need to trust me. When did that change?"

Liam knew she was right, but he didn't want to relent. "It didn't change. But Isla, they hurt you once. I don't want that to happen again."

Levi looked back and forth. They needed to solve this themselves.

"I'm not helpless, Liam. I don't need you coddlin' me all the time. I'm okay. You don't have to be overprotective. I appreciate how much you've helped me, but I don't need a babysitter. I can hold my own. You need to trust me. Are we still in this together or not?" Isla fought.

"Isl-" Liam tried, but Isla cut him off.

"-Are we in this together?"

Liam fell quiet. Finally, after a long silence, he spoke. "Yeah. We're still in this together."

Isla gave him a small smile. "We need to trust each other. We have each other's backs, that's not changin', alright? Where you go, I'm comin' too. We're goin' to be fine." She assured him.

Liam slowly embraced her tightly. He didn't want her to get hurt, but at the same time he knew he needed to trust her. "Okay."

Levi was now leaning on the footboard of the bed with his arms crossed. "Have you come to a decision? You must make one soon."

Liam and Isla turned to him and Liam nodded. "Yeah, we'll go. And you'll come as back up." He said with a smile, taking Isla's hand in his.