
Betrothal's Price

A Human Prince and an Elven Lady are betrothed since childhood to marry and unite two warring countries. However the arrangement does not exactly go according to plan when neither child can seem to get along with one another. Meanwhile, suspicions among the inhabitants of the castle rise when members of the Human monarchy mysteriously die off. Now at 17 years of age the Prince and Lady piece together events to reveal a conspiracy in the castle threatening to destroy both lands.

EmilyAery · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 17: Who Done It

He could barely believe it, yet at the same time, Liam knew it was right.

Phoeb was King Henry's bird as well, when Henry married Kalani. The moment Baroness Vanessa discovered the truth, Phoeb turned her in. Liam's mother was no exception. Since she and Henry were married, he'd be given time alone with her after the birth of Jonathan. And in that time, he smothered her.

Of course, it was even easier, since Kalani was exhausted. He could murder her without the slightest noise. Now, Phoeb caught Julius speaking to Liam about it, and he informed Henry.

Never had a negative word about Henry been said by Liam, and yet the "why" part was the natural thing that came to him. It was all connected by Henry. The Scaths, the murders, the arranged marriage. Everything.

This all made sense, aligning perfectly with Julius's theory.

This whole setup. This peace treaty with Silvestria was nothing more than a coverup. Isla was nothing more than "prey" lured into the lion's den for Henry. He didn't want them to marry. He only wanted the Kingdom to think that.

He must've promised to hand her over to the Scaths, in turn for their help in his rule in return. He wanted to rule Petra with an iron fist.

It hurt to know, but Liam knew Isla was right.

Instantly, thoughts, worries, and plans ran through his mind. But one thing stood out in all those thoughts. He turned to face Isla. "Isla, we need to get you out of here!"

Isla shook her head, "What?! Not right now! That's not happenin'. Don't you think you could be next? We are not takin' that chance. We both stay until your birthday gala. Then we take Jonathan, Leo, and Brooklynn with us, and leave. We'll be safe in Silvestria after that night, until we can come up with a new attack strategy. Right now, we need to talk to Leo and Brooklynn. But we need to act as if nothin's wrong around everyone else." Her ears were tilted downwards, and Liam knew that she was doing her best to act as if nothing was wrong, even now. She was trying to be strong for him, and anyone else they'd be talking to.

Liam wanted to argue with her on the subject, but still knew she was right. He nodded in submission, "You're right. But don't ever be alone with anyone, but Levi and me, okay?"

Isla merely nodded lightly. He put his left hand to her cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "Isla, Are you okay?"

Isla melted into his touch, but still tried to brush off the pain she'd been holding. "Ye-Yeah, I'm- I'm.." Her eyebrows lined together. "No, I'm not. It's just.. I almost fell for a fantasy." She said in irritation.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows, "Isla, what are you talking about?"

"Liam, everythin' he told me growin' up was a lie. I believed him. I've been spendin' most of my life believin' him when he told me nothin' but lies. Then the very moment Uncle Everett told me he cared, I just believed him. He'd only said it to manipulate me. It wasn't true, but I wanted it so bad, I believed it. I just feel so stupid" She said, in aggravation.

Liam firmly told her, "You're not stupid. I'm really sorry about Everett, but you're not stupid. Don't call yourself that. You are the smartest person I know. Wishing for it, didn't make you stupid and it still doesn't. It means you still have hope. You still hope for change even when everyone thinks it impossible. You always have. I admire you for that." He comforted. "You deserve so much better." He mumbled.

Jonathan looked up from his position, and instantly noticed Isla's expression. "Iswa, why awe you mad?" He asked sweetly as he curled up to his side on her lap, and hugged her.

Liam joined in, softing her back gently.

After a few minutes, Jonathan pulled away, looking at Isla with the remaining question.

Isla sighed, "Just complicated stuff, Jon. Don't worry about it." She let him know as much as he would understand.

Jonathan slid off of Isla and lifted Tobias from the floor, "Do you think Tobias can hewp?" He offered enthusiastically, handing him to her.

Isla still smiled at him, "I couldn't think of a more helpful companion. Thank you." She took Toby from his hands and petted him a bit. She glanced at Liam and knew he was trying to be strong for them, as well. He was upset, but with Jonathan here, he wouldn't talk about it. He would try not to cry in front of Jonathan, even though Jonathan wasn't really in need of the sugarcoat. He really wouldn't understand.

She would talk to him when she was alone with him. She leaned over to whisper in his ear, "Want to talk later?"

Liam nodded with a slight smile.

Soon enough, the three left to explain all this to Leo and Brooklynn.

When explained to, Brooklynn and Leo almost didn't believe them, but with the right facts they managed to convince them of the truth.

Both siblings agreed it was time to talk to "someones" soon. Preferably before Liam's birthday gala. Plans needed to be made for that night with "Someones". Luckily, if there was one more person Leo knew he could trust to help them, it was his second in command, Carlos. He knew he could help out. Before leaving to tell him, he whispered something to Brooklynn, then he walked out of sight.

Brooklynn didn't look too thrilled to hear it, but somewhat aware of its importance… maybe?

"So.. Isla! About.. Um. I- well- you see.. About how I acted earlier. I didn't really- I probably- I'm … You know I didn't mean it, right?" Brooklynn stuttered over her words before getting her point clear.

Isla just nodded. "It's okay. I'm used to it. We're good." She figured it would be no use to hold the grudge.

"And Liam? You, too?" Brooklynn asked.

Liam rolled his eyes, but agreed. "Yeah, we're good."

Brooklynn immediately sighed in exaggerated relief, as if she'd done something strenuous.


Carlos was informed and Leo and Brooklynn wrote a letter to their "someones".

Fortunately, It didn't take long for the receivers to reply and arrive. The next night, they all met at the forest entrance where Phoeb wouldn't find them.

Leo spoke aloud to announce his and his sister's suitors, "Amari and Taylor, this is Prince Liam, Prince Jonathan, and Lady Isla." Leo introduced. Then he leaned over and whispered to Amari. "She's Liam's betrothed. They used to argue a lot, but now they're kinda just awkward about it."

Amari gained a mischievous look on her face. She could see it all in the way they walked beside one another. She didn't even need Leo to tell her, she could tell.

Taylor giggled as Brooklynn rushed to him. "Taylor!" She shouted in absolute excitement and she hugged him.

"Brooklynn!" Taylor replied with paralleled enthusiasm. They tap-kissed and put an arm around one another, facing the others.

Isla leaned over to Liam, "It's a mystery how they've been a secret for so long." She whispered with an accompanying giggle.

Liam kept his mouth closed to muffle a laugh, but he was unfortunately heard.

"What?" Brooklynn asked as she put a hand on Taylor's chest.

Both Liam and Isla looked at each other and fought laughs. "Nothing!" They said simultaneously.

Isla nodded to further their point. "Mmhm. Uh, it's nice to meet you, Taylor and Amari." She cleared her throat.

"Okay." Taylor shrugged. "The same for us. We've heard some things about you. Pleased to befriend you."

Liam smiled and chuckled. "Can't say the exact same about you guys, but it is nice to befriend you."

Amari extended her hand to Liam, figuring Isla didn't know what shaking a hand was. She didn't know of it, until Leo explained it to her.

Liam shook her hand.

Isla smirked and crossed her arms, "Good to know, I'm the only one, who's hand you kiss." She teased as her own cheeks blushed.

Liam flushed, "Well, I- I just- I- you know- it's-"

Amari grinned slyly, "You know, Prince Liam, She's a lot more beautiful than you let on. Don't wait too long, okay?"

The smirk wiped clean off of Isla's face. But a smile crept its way to Liam's. "I know." His nervousness melted as he thought about how right Amari was. He grabbed Isla's hand and interlaced their fingers, looking at her with a smitten grin.

She made the word beautiful an insult.

Isla couldn't keep looking at him while he still had that look on his face, without flushing too noticeably. So she turned away and began with the explanation of the situation, in an attempt to not think about it.

The night after the last, everyone gathered in that same place in the forest. Everyone included; Levi, Jonathan, Isla, Amari, Leo, Liam, Brooklynn, and Taylor.

With a drawing in the dirt and stones, they began to plan. Liam used a stick to help direct everything.

He tapped the drawing, and began, "Alright. Here's what we know: There's gonna be a gala on October 26th, a.k.a. Tomorrow night, in which everything in King Henry's plan will take place. Julius explained that something is going down that night. My stepfather is working with the Scaths to rule Petra as a dictator. No better way than to threaten the very lives of his subjects. The Scaths want Isla. Julius was sure we needed to escape and not attend the party as well as keep the Griffin egg safe and hidden. But we can't let anyone have any inkling that we're not attending. Meaning Isl and I will have to look like we're readying. We'll hole up in Jon's room. The attendants at the gala will need a distraction, to keep their attention off the purpose of the gala so that we can get out without a single hitch." He explained, pointing to each area of the drawing of the kingdom he spoke about.

Brooklynn spoke up, "Taylor and I can cover that. 'Trapped inside the ballroom' should be enough distraction. He can use his plant powers to block the doors."

Liam put two rocks over the drawing of the ballroom doors. "Good idea."

"The guards and I will be guarding the perimeter. I can assign Carlos's men to those doors so that you guys can waltz in without any problems. I'll single-handedly guard the gates outside, that way I can let you guys out. Then fake my own disappearance with Carlos when you're out. We'll see what we can do about reinforcements." Leo added.

Levi asked, "What will you be doing after the distraction?"

Liam sighed, "The only thing Isla and I can do; Leaving with everyone else. We'll have to escape through the window in Jonathan's bedroom. We'll have the perfect advantage and excuse once Taylor and Brooklynn have the doors secured. Once we escape we'll have to hide somewhere. We'll develop a bigger plan when we're safe. This plan has to succeed if we're to move forward." He knew Isla probably didn't like the idea of running away, but he also knew that she knew it was their best option.

"I'll take the young prince with me someplace else. The more scattered you are, the more targets there are to track, in case anyone is discovered. We'll take the Griffin egg with us to keep it safe," Levi informed.

"Where will you be going?" Liam asked.

"To gather more backup, and to hide the egg." Levi summed it up.

"Carlos and I will be getting some calvary. Lieutenant Eden will be more than helpful in this." Leo confirmed.

Taylor included, "Brooklynn and I will be your inside people. No one would have reason to kill Brooklynn, and I can remain elusive. Also I have a good underground hideout you can use. It's just along the ridges of Culmine Solis Orientus past the EverGreen Forest between the Fine Nexus and the EarthRight Village. It's hidden and no one knows it exists, but me. You'd be safe."

Brooklynn giggled, "Great idea, Baby." She congratulated as she clung to his arm.

Leo instantly turned to Brooklynn and Taylor, "Wait. Inside people? I thought you and Taylor would be leaving with Liam and Isla. Dad said to leave, not stay."

Taylor nodded, "We know, but without any reason to think we'll need to be killed, we can find out more stuff about the plan."

Brooklynn agreed, "Yeah. Leo-Lion, Taylor's right. We need to stay, besides Taylor's hideout isn't big enough for four people. You're all doing your parts. Liam and Isla will be the targets, not us. We'll stick around and give you whatever information we find. We could probably meet with you and Carlos at the fountain in the Village square whenever we have some more information. We'll send a bird of some kind to send messages about the info we find."

"But-" Leo protested, but Levi interrupted him.

"The girl has a point, Commander Leo. This will not be permanent. When suspicions occur, they will come to a haven to remain, until we can all settle something new. It'll be a temporary establishment."

Leo's shoulders slumped, but he gave in. "Be careful, okay, Brooks?"

Brooklynn nodded, "We'll be fine."

Liam shrugged, "Okay, so Levi and Jon are going to get reinforcements in Silvestria, Leo And Carlos are getting Aunt Eden, Taylor and Brooklynn are staying to be our eyes and ears in the castle, and Amari, Isla, and I are leaving for Taylor's hideout." He recounted. He'd assumed they'd all escape together, but apparently they had other ideas. However, it would work better this way, than his plan.

"Hold up." Isla interrupted. "What about the King's snitch? If he's aware of anythin' goin' on, he's goin' to tattletale."

"Leave that to me. Then I'll stay in Petra to help the other two. I'll be the eyes in the sky. But before the gala starts I'll handle the little miscreant. Once I nab the stupid bird, and everyone is in place, I'll give the signal to Taylor and Brooklynn and the plan can be set into action." Amari smirked.

"Perfect. Remember, this all has to take place tomorrow night. Until then, act as natural as possible." Liam asserted.

Everyone added their agreements, and most of everyone left. Levi took Jonathan with him back to the castle, leaving Liam and Isla alone.

Isla had just waved to Levi and Jonathan as they walked out of sight. She looked to the corner of her eyes at Liam, noticing him sitting on a log. She couldn't blame him for seeming unhappy with the situation. She could see a sad glint in his eyes lasting since they'd discovered the truth. Finally, it was just them. They could talk without Liam's concern for someone else.

She walked over to him and sat beside him. "Hey, you okay?" She wondered softly. Stupid question, she knew, but it was a start. It was subtle, allowing him to choose whether or not he wanted to share this.

Liam sighed dejectedly, "I don't know. I guess I just feel pretty dumb. I get how you felt the other day." He ran his fingers through his bangs.

Isla offered a small smile. "Do you want to talk about it now, since there's no one else?"

Liam hunched his back over, interlacing his own fingers in front of himself and resting his elbows on his knees. "I feel dumb. It was my stepfather this whole time. I never saw it. I never noticed anything. I never even considered the possibility. I was 10 years old, Isla, when Mom died. I took his word for his own lie. He killed her. If I knew I could've…"

"Don't. No, Liam, Just don't! Do not go down that road. There is nothin' you could've done. Henry is a selfish tyrant. You can't change that. He killed several people. He's responsible for it. Everyone fell for his antics. If you were to know even a smidge of his idea to kill your mother, you would've tried to prevent it, and you would both be gone." Isla put her hand on his shoulder, speaking as firm as he had two days before. He'd been teaching her to not blame herself. She wasn't going to let him do the same to himself.

"But maybe I could've saved her. Maybe it would've only taken my life. Maybe she'd be.." Liam trailed off descending into tears as each 'what if' consumed his conscience.

Isla shook her head, moving her hand closer to his neck. "No, listen, Liam. There is no 'only take your life'. No! I understand it, you miss her. She was important to you. But do not undermine your life's importance, because of it. You have a little brother who loves you, and you have me. I'm right here for you, to knock the ridiculous out of you. You're not dumb. You can't know everything'. If you were to know, and intervene, neither you nor your mother would've left that room alive. You have friends, a brother, and you have me who all care a lot about you. Don't think that your life isn't important because you couldn't save your mother. It is important. It is to me. To Jonathan, and to Leo and Brooklynn."

Isla's right hand moved to the back of Liam's neck, gently combing the hair there. Her left hand carefully brought him closer to her, embracing him into a hug. Liam returned the hug as he cried into her shoulder. "It's okay." Isla whispered in his ear.

After a moment, Liam backed up a bit and he and Isla pressed their foreheads against each other. Isla's left hand moved to caress his cheek, wiping his tears as both of their eyes closed.

Isla's eyes teared themselves, "Promise me. Don't ever undermine your importance. Please." She pleaded. She'd done that for far too long in her life. He was the last person she ever wanted to suffer that misery. "You are so important… Especially to me."