
Betrayed Spotlight

"Sarah, I promise to help you rise again, to bring back the light to your career and take down whoever shall stand in your way, but in exchange, be my wife" Mason whispered. "I... I appreciate your offer, Mason, but a contract marriage? Can we really keep it a secret?" Sarah returned reluctantly. In the aftermath of a heart-wrenching betrayal, Sarah Chen, the esteemed songstress of Wuhan, crosses paths with the enigmatic Mason Liu. Heir to Asia's most influential dynasty, Mason, with promises of restoration and secrets, proposes a contract marriage to Sarah in exchange of helping her bounce back to her position as number one of Wuhan. As she hesitantly agrees, will Sarah find not only a path back to stardom but also an unexpected journey of love and self-discovery in Mason's perfect world? Cover not mine!

Erika002 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2


And who emerged was none other than Hannah Chen, Sarah's step sister.

Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth opening and closing dramatically as she uttered, "Hannah? You?"

The room was instantly filled with an air of betrayal as both Daniel and Hannah stood before her, clad in towels. One wrapped around Daniel's waist, the other draped around Hannah's body.

Sarah's mind raced, trying to comprehend the situation, wasn't Hannah supposed to be overseas for a modeling assignment?

Why was she here? In her fiancé's hotel room and even had on a towel?

Sarah's eyes blazed with fury as she confronted the two of them. Her voice, sharp as a dagger, cutting through the tense silence, "Explain yourself, young lady," she demanded, her words dripping with anger.

But neither Daniel nor Hannah dared to meet her gaze, their heads were both bowed in shame. Sarah's mind raced with questions immediately, was Daniel coerced? Was Hannah the mastermind behind this betrayal? Did she seduce him?

The room crackled with tension as Sarah's patience wore thin, "Hannah Chen, I won't say it again, Explain yourself!" Her voice, once warm and gentle, now pierced the air like a thunderclap. The Sarah before them, was no more the Sarah they knew.

This time there was no warmth, the singer from before was nowhere to be found and the replacement was a fierce Sarah.

Her fist was clenched, her black eyes locked intensely on Hannah, who was shielding herself behind Daniel.

No response.

"For goodness sake, someone give me an explanation or I'll do something you both never expected in a billion years!"

Finally, Daniel spoke up, trying to calm her down, "Sarah," he called out softly, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry but I can't anymore, Let's break up. I'm done with this relationship."


Before he could finish his words, Sarah had already closed the distance between them as she landed a slap on his pretty face.

Daniel winced in pain, holding his face where Sarah's slap had landed. His eyes shot daggers at her as he tried to speak, but he was abruptly silenced by another bone-crushing slap. It was astonishing how Sarah's petite figure concealed a hand of iron.

"Sarah, you've gone too far!" Hannah, shameless as ever, yelled from the sides. Sarah's gaze snapped to her, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and challenge, "I dare you to say that again,"

The threat wasn't playing, Hannah's confidence faltered as she noticed the handprints on Daniel's once-handsome face.

Who would be willing to take that hit, especially considering Hannah's status as a renowned model loved for her beauty? It would be a disaster to see handprints on her fair skin.

Sarah smiled, a smile that sent chills down Daniel's spine, his heart skipping a beat. "You want to break up?" her tone was more like a statement than a question. "Fine then. Today, I, Sarah Chen, officially end this relationship with you, Daniel Lin!"

With those words, she stormed out of the hotel room, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions.

Daniel, wanting to chase after Sarah, was stopped by Hannah who grabbed his hand. "Remember your face," she purposely reminded him, gently touching it to make the pain sink in and bring him back to his senses.

Chasing after Sarah?


'I stole your man, sis, and I'll do the same for anything else that belongs to you.' Hannah said inwards with a smirk.

Daniel cursed under his breath and made his way to the dressing table to find some ointment.

Sarah stormed out of the room, angrily stepping into the elevator and out of the hotel. The bodyguards were on high alert, trying to get the car for their furious boss. But then, she stopped them and demanded the keys to drive herself.

With a cold glare from her, they reluctantly handed her the keys.

She hopped into a sleek black Lamborghini and sped off.

This was certainly the worst anniversary of her music career. One minute she was celebrating, and the next minute she was breaking up with her fiancé and driving away in anger.

Life could be pretty unpredictable.


The car pulled up in front of the legendary Jade Lounge, known as the ultimate playground for the big shots in Wuhan City. The place was like a magnet for the power players, and if one didn't have a premium card, they probably needed to forget about stepping in. The price of that card could make wallets cry, but the people inside were worth more than any fortune.

As Sarah approached the entrance, the bodyguards, sensing her aura of authority, bowed with respect and smiles. With a flick of her card, she strutted in.

But then, she wasn't just your ordinary girl, she was a full-blown celebrity, turning heads wherever she went and that was the struggle of fame.

Without a second thought, she scanned the room and spotted a dude rockin' a black hoodie. Feeling a bit hesitant, she mustered up the courage, walked up to him and tapped him from behind.

"Excuse me, Mr.," she said, catching his attention.

And he was in for a surprise when he laid eyes on her. He opened his mouth to scream, But she used a hand to cover up his mouth, "Shh... don't say a word," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need to borrow your hoodie, please?" Her offer was low, but he understood perfectly.

The club wasn't one of those places where the speakers were blasting heavy music, ready to burst everyone's eardrums.

"No worries, I'll pay," she assured him. He stared at her for a few moments, contemplating, before finally taking off his hoodie. He handed it over to her, and she gratefully accepted it, feeling like she hit the jackpot.

As she took the hoodie, she couldn't help but notice the man's alluring scent and the fact that he wasn't sweaty at all. If it were possible, she wished she could just merge with the hoodie and feel even more comfortable.

"Thank you so much. Here, take this as a token of my gratitude," she said, handing over her precious bracelet. It cost a lot of money and held sentimental value, as it was a gift from Daniel on her 23th birthday.

Without a moment's hesitation, she didn't give the man a chance to speak and confidently walked away, her head covered by the hood that perfectly reached her thigh.

She found herself a cozy spot at the bar and plopped down, feeling quite comfortable. The bartender couldn't help but notice the cute girl in the black hoodie, tiredly resting her head on the counter. He quickly approached her, eager to lend a helping hand.

"Hi Miss," the bartender greeted her, but Sarah ignored his greeting and made a straightforward request. "Give me the strongest drink you have here." Her voice was a bit muffled due to her position, so the bartender couldn't recognize her voice.

But without wasting any time, the bartender quickly prepared and handed her the strongest drink he thought was suitable for ladies. Sarah wasted no time in snatching it and gulping it down.

But as she lifted her face, the bartender's eyes widened in dramatic astonishment.

Wasn't this Sarah Chen?

His idol?!

He couldn't believe his eyes; his idol was sitting right in front of him!


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