
Betrayed By My Girlfriend, I Won The Jackpot of Two Billion

I never thought that my girlfriend, who finally agreed to go out with me after I spent two painstaking years trying to win her affection, would go have sex with my best buddy in a hotel room. They even tricked me specifically to go over there just to satisfy their perverted hobby. I couldn't help but get physical with them, but I was beaten up and thrown out of the room. Walking on the street again, I felt the sky was dark and didn't even know who else in the world I could trust. But I never thought that it was all God's plan. The lottery ticket I bought yesterday actually turned out to be a great choice, and it was a two-billion-dollar jackpot. Originally I thought that would be the prime of my life. But it didn't occur to me that the more I spent, the more money I had coming back to me. And as I got richer and richer, there were more and more beautiful women around me. In comparison, my girlfriend was nothing at all. And at this time, my girlfriend came and wanted to take me back. Looking at her humble appearance, I gave a cold laugh from the corner of my mouth without paying any attention to her. "You despised me yesterday. And guess what, now it's your turn."

My GF Cheated On Me · Urban
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40 Chs

Receiving the Car

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Caroline finally smiled, and all her worries were swept away.

"Lonely Wolf dear, I really don't know how to thank you. You helped me complete more than half of the quota at once. Although it's not completely completed, I'm already satisfied!"

Carlisle, who was in front of the screen, smiled when he heard Caroline's words. Caroline's acting was really clumsy.

This was obviously a common phrase used by the streamer. Caroline wanted him to help complete her quota.

However, this was exactly what Carlisle wanted.

He wasn't afraid that she would raise conditions, only afraid that she wouldn't ask.

He could only bring up the terms if Caroline mentioned them…

Hence, Carlisle typed: "How much more is the mission?"

Seeing Carlisle's message, Caroline pretended to be surprised.

"My dear Lonely Wolf, don't tell me you still want to give me gifts? Don't. You've already given me enough. Don't spend anymore."

Carlisle naturally ignored Caroline's pretense and continued to ask, "How much more?"

Caroline said reluctantly, "I'm still 20,000 dollars away from it…"

Less than ten seconds later.

[Lonely Wolf gifted Caroline Rocket x1]

[Lonely Wolf gifted Caroline Rocket x10]

Another ten rockets were sent out.

Caroline covered her mouth in shock, her face full of disbelief.

She could confirm that Carlisle was really a boss who had casually given her 40,000 dollars! If she could maintain it well, she would definitely be able to earn money as easily as before.

At the thought of this, Caroline couldn't wait to go offline and talk to Carlisle privately.

However, in order not to make it too obvious, she still streamed for another half an hour. Then, she thought up an excuse and went offline.

As soon as she was done, Caroline quickly opened her private message.

"Lonely Wolf, send me your account number. I'll add you."

Carlisle sent the account over.

In less than five seconds, Carlisle received a friend verification message.

After it was approved, Caroline sent a message.

"My dear Lonely Wolf, thank you so much for today. Will you come to my stream again in the future?" Caroline sent a pitiful emoji.

"My name is Carlisle. As for whether I come to your stream, it's not up to me, but you," Carlisle hinted.

Although Caroline was mentally prepared, she still seemed conflicted when she saw Carlisle's message.

"Brother Carlisle, what do you mean? What do you mean by it's about me?"

Seeing that Carlisle was pretending to be stupid, Carlisle did not expose him. Instead, he continued to ask, "Which city are you in?"

"Birkie City!" Caroline responded instantly.

"I'm in Lille. I'm not too far away. I believe you're about to graduate and don't have many classes. Come to Lille City to play when you have time. If it's fun, I might stay in your stream permanently." Carlisle was already being straightforward this time.

How could Caroline not understand what Carlisle meant? She had long known that there was no such thing as a pie falling from the sky. All the gains had a price.

However, the reservedness in her heart still made Caroline feel a little uncomfortable, so she replied, "Brother Carlisle, I'm very grateful for your support today, but I'm not the kind of person you think I am…"

As soon as she said this, she regretted it. Didn't she know what kind of person she was? She just couldn't let go of the dignity in her heart!

Fortunately, Carlisle did not give up because of this. "Don't be in a hurry to reply. I'll be in your stream for the next few days. Tell me when you've thought it through. Of course, I won't be in your stream forever. I've said what I need to say. You'll have to think about the rest…"

Of course, Carlisle was not in a hurry. From his understanding of Caroline, he could already tell that this girl was the kind of streamer who did it for money. However, streamers were not prostitutes, after all, so it was impossible for her to quote a price clearly. He only needed to continue increasing the bid…

With that, Carlisle went offline.

As he looked at the ceiling of the dormitory, Carlisle wondered if he had become a bad guy. Why did he feel like he was forcing someone into prostitution?

Shaking his head, Carlisle stopped letting his imagination run wild. Both sides were only taking what they needed. Wasn't this the privilege of the rich?

In the next few days, just as he had said, Carlisle would send gifts to Caroline's stream every time. There were at least 10,000, and some even 30,000 to 50,000.

Finally, on the third day, Caroline's defense line was successfully breached.

Carlisle received a message from Caroline.

"Carlisle, I would like to come to Lille this weekend. Can you pick me up?"

"Okay." Carlisle smiled when he saw the message.

He thought that he had really misjudged her. In the end, his efforts paid off. The fish had finally bitten the hook.

At this moment, another piece of good news came.

An unknown number called.

"Hello, Mr. Carlisle. I'm the manager of the Koenigsegg Car Dealership. Your car has arrived. Do you have time to pick it up today?"

Carlisle was thrilled to hear the voice on the other end of the phone. The dream car he had been looking forward to had finally arrived.

"Yes, I'll come over later," Carlisle replied excitedly.

"Alright, Mr. Carlisle. We will make the preparations and await your arrival!"

After hanging up, Carlisle left the dormitory in a hurry. He took a taxi and headed for the Koenigsegg store.

At this moment, in the dealership, the staff were busy setting up the venue.

Flowers, balloons, ceremonial flower buckets… All these props to liven the atmosphere could not be missing.

Ma Zhengguo, the manager of the store, was also asking his employees to practice their congratulatory speech over and over again.

"Have you memorized everything? The person who will come to pick up the car later is our distinguished client. You must not make any mistakes in your congratulations! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" All the employees replied in unison.

At this moment, Carlisle paid for the taxi and walked into the shop excitedly.

The moment he entered the shop, dozens of fireworks could be heard.

Immediately after, there was a uniform congratulations. "Congratulations, Mr. Carlisle. We wish Mr. Carlisle luck and wealth!" The dozen or so employees congratulated him in unison, causing Carlisle's eardrums to hurt.

However, Carlisle was quite satisfied with how much they valued their customers.

After all, who didn't want to be dignified?

Ma Zhengguo also walked up at this moment. Beside him was Bessie, who had served Carlisle last time.

"Mr. Carlisle, these are the flowers that our dealership specially prepared for you. Congratulations on receiving your beloved car, and thank you again for your trust in our shop!" With that, Ma Zhengguo waved his hand.

Bessie walked up from the side. When she saw Carlisle again, Bessie's eyes were filled with resent. That was the first time she had taken the initiative to seduce a man, but Carlisle had rejected her! How could she accept this?

"Mr. Carlisle, congratulations on your car!" As she handed the flowers to Carlisle, Bessie touched Carlisle's hand without missing a beat, and the teasing look in her eyes was even more obvious.

However, Carlisle was unmoved. This woman was not within his target range. It would mean huge trouble if he touched her!

Hence, Carlisle turned to Ma Zhengguo and instructed, "Let's begin the process."