
Betrayed By My Girlfriend, I Won The Jackpot of Two Billion

I never thought that my girlfriend, who finally agreed to go out with me after I spent two painstaking years trying to win her affection, would go have sex with my best buddy in a hotel room. They even tricked me specifically to go over there just to satisfy their perverted hobby. I couldn't help but get physical with them, but I was beaten up and thrown out of the room. Walking on the street again, I felt the sky was dark and didn't even know who else in the world I could trust. But I never thought that it was all God's plan. The lottery ticket I bought yesterday actually turned out to be a great choice, and it was a two-billion-dollar jackpot. Originally I thought that would be the prime of my life. But it didn't occur to me that the more I spent, the more money I had coming back to me. And as I got richer and richer, there were more and more beautiful women around me. In comparison, my girlfriend was nothing at all. And at this time, my girlfriend came and wanted to take me back. Looking at her humble appearance, I gave a cold laugh from the corner of my mouth without paying any attention to her. "You despised me yesterday. And guess what, now it's your turn."

My GF Cheated On Me · Urban
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40 Chs

Girlfriend's Betrayal

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lille City, Tulip Hotel.

Carlisle Harvey skipped through the front door and headed straight for the presidential suite.

Half an hour ago, he had received a call from his good friend Jerome Martin, who invited him to the Tulip Hotel to play and said that he had prepared a surprise for him.

Jerome was Carlisle's university classmate. At the same time, he was Carlisle's best friend. His family had tens of millions of assets and looked after Carlisle, so Carlisle rushed over directly.

It was Carlisle's first time in a five-star hotel, so he was inevitably a little disoriented. When he finally found the place, he realized the door was ajar. He didn't think too much about it and pushed the door open.

"Boy, you sure know how to enjoy yourself…" Carlisle smiled as he entered, but he paused halfway through his sentence. His smile froze.

Inside the room, Jerome was entwined with a beautiful woman with a hot body. Jerome was moving one after the other, and the woman beneath him was panting lustily.

And this woman was Carlisle's girlfriend, Wendy Nicole!

Wendy was also Carlisle's classmate. When the two of them first met, Carlisle fell in love with her at first sight. At that time, he was bold and started pursuing her crazily.

For two whole years, he was persistent in delivering breakfast every day. He had prepared surprises for Wendy during all kinds of festivals. He saved up money to take Wendy to a high-end restaurant to buy expensive gifts and finally managed to win her heart!

And now, the girlfriend he had spent so much effort to woo was lying on his best friend's bed?

Jerome stopped when he heard Carlisle's voice. He turned around with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Bro! You're here. Look, here is my surprise for you. Do you like it?"

Jerome turned sideways, revealing Wendy, who was naked and flushed.

"You haven't seen this before, have you? It's been almost two years and you still can't land a woman. As your brother, I can only help you with that. No need to thank me!" Jerome said while holding back his laughter.

Carlisle was completely stunned. His head was buzzing, and his face was filled with shock. He couldn't believe that his best friend was sleeping with his girlfriend.

"Why?" Carlisle asked bitterly.

"Bro, isn't it obvious? You must be too stupid to think someone like you is really qualified to be my friend, do you?"

Jerome walked up to Carlisle, pointed at Carlisle's chest, and added coldly, "I did all of this just to get your girlfriend! Including today, I have prepared all these for you just to see your ridiculous expression."

Jerome's words were like a bone-piercing ice that stabbed into Carlisle's heart, making him feel as if he had fallen into a ten-thousand-year-old icehouse. His entire body turned cold.

"But I have to say, I was happy with you around. I slept with your girlfriend every day while you even called me brother. I think you really have the talent to be a clown!" Jerome continued to humiliate him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Carlyle clenched his fists angrily.

"Why? I do what I want! I'm happy! Is there a better way to pass the time? Shouldn't you poor people be used as amusement?" Jerome said indifferently.

"Amusement?" Carlisle could not believe such a simple reason.

He treated Jerome as his brother, but from the beginning to the end, Jerome only treated him as a recreational object and a clown. He had approached him only for his girlfriend. Carlisle felt pathetic and furious at Jerome's actions.

Jerome did not care what Carlisle thought. He had already achieved his goal, and he was too lazy to feign civility with Carlisle.

"Alright, I'm going to get down to business now. You can get lost."

"Of course, you can stay if you want. It's a good opportunity to see how I screw your girlfriend. You don't know how frisky your girlfriend is in bed!"

At this moment, Wendy wrapped herself in a towel and walked over. She did not seem surprised to see Carlisle. Instead, she snuggled into Jerome's arms.

"Honey, I don't want to be watched by this pauper. You should tell him to get lost!"

"Wendy?" Carlisle couldn't believe that the girl he loved so much would say such a thing. He even imagined that Wendy had some difficult reason for being forced to be with Jerome. But it was obvious that Wendy had deliberately colluded with Jerome to satisfy Jerome's perverted hobby.

"You don't deserve to call me by my name! I'm officially informing you that we've broken up! You poor nothing, get lost. Don't disturb Jerome and me." Wendy's words were sharp, and disgust was written all over her face.

Jerome was satisfied with Wendy's reaction. He patted her butt and said, "Baby, perform well later. I'll buy you the bag you wanted last time tomorrow."

"Really? Thank you, Jerome. Jerome is the best." Wendy was overjoyed and started acting cute in Jerome's arms.

Looking at Wendy's expression, Carlisle felt bitter. He had never seen Wendy like this. Usually, she would be angry if Carlisle even touched her, but now, she was so proactive in front of another man.

Seeing Carlisle still standing there in a daze, Wendy got impatient.

"Carlisle, I know you still haven't given up, so I'll make sure you give up for good today! Do you see the necklace on my neck? 20,000 dollars! And the watch over there, 30,000 dollars! The clothes and shoes add up to more than 20,000 dollars! Can you afford these?

"And these were all given to me by Jerome! I must have been blind to agree to be your girlfriend in the first place. If it weren't for Jerome, I would have had to keep eating cheap junk food at the roadside stall with you in the future.

"Get lost while I'm in a good mood!"

Carlisle was utterly speechless. His eyes were filled with disappointment. So the kind, innocent girl he had thought had always been wearing a false front. She was just vain and gold-digging. That was her true colors.

Jerome didn't want to waste any more time with Carlisle. "Bro, since she doesn't allow it, I have no choice but to ask you to get lost!"

Carlisle's brow furrowed. The word "brother" came out of Jerome's mouth as if it was a harsh reminder of his foolishness over and over again.

Finally, Carlisle could no longer suppress the anger in his chest. He clenched his fist and smashed it at Jerome's face.

Jerome didn't expect Carlisle to fight him. Caught off guard, Carlisle punched him squarely in the cheek.

However, this punch did not cause much damage to Jerome. He turned his head and spat out the blood in his mouth. Then, he looked at Carlisle fiercely.

"You're really f*cking useless. You don't even hurt when you hit someone. Let me teach you how to beat up someone…