
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


_______Five days later________

080 could be seen in clad in a blue tight suite as she walks majestically into the hallway and open a door on the left, the door seems to lead into the mission tendering room.

She opened her backpack and brought out a disk from it, she threw the disk to the masked man who was in charge of confirming the authentication of missions that were submitted and walk out of the room While swaying her massive and killer hips.

The man look at her behind and shook his head negatively, not daring to have any perverted thought towards her.

"Take me to master" she said and a green light envelope her from her watch before she vanished.

"Good to be back" she said in a relaxed manner immediately she appeared before 010.

"Hmmmm, how was the mission?" The latter asked lazily.

"Quite refreshing" she answered with her usually neutral tone.

She furrowed her brow suddenly and ask a question.

"Where is 100? I haven't seen him the guys that are drafting the Rookies training"

"He's been punished" 010 answered nonchalantly.

"Punished huh!

"Why?" She asked, trying to satisfy her curiosity.

010 didn't really mind telling about what had happened in her absence, it's not a top secret after all.

He recount everything to her and she was quite shocked.

"He's been punished because of a rookie huh" 080 said with a pouted lips, if anyone see her like that they wouldn't take her for a top grade assassin but a cute little young girl.

"This rookie is not your regular Rookies" 010 said with a shrug.

"Is he kinda special??" She asked looking at 010 in the eyes.

010 click the large screen computer that was across the table and said

"Look at this"

The screen turn on and began showing the replay of what happened on the remolding day.

"What the heck!!"

"What kind of willpower is this?

"He's damn crazy "

080 exclaimed and was giving out all kinds of remarks when she saw the bloody youth that was in the remolding machine laughing maniacally and challenging the one who was controlling the remolding machine with a cold voice.

She then sighed when she sees the part where 100 tried to kill the young and talented boy out of jealousy and hatred.

"He went to far by trying to kill this super talented kid"

010 just nodded his head to indicate that she's right before switching off the computer screen.

"I'm off" 080 said as she tried to make her way out but got stopped by 010.

"You will be the one training the Rookie" said 010.

"Why?? I'm not interested in being a nanny" 080 said coldly, her tone changing in a 360 degree from her usual tone.

010 just smirk while looking at her cooly

"Are you not interested in seeing the rise of a killing machine?"

"Fine" 080 said and storm out of the room.

"So naive" 010 said before closing his eyes and relaxing his back on the chair he was sitting on.


"Rookies, it's time for your training" 090's voice boomed out loudly in the room.

"This fucking 090" Kay said angrily as he stood up from his bed only to noticed that Troy wasn't in the room.

"That guy is too weird" Kay said and made his way towards the gadget that was at the Conner of their room. He pressed the password "the mask" and he was teleported out of the room immediately.

He found himself in a field and frown

"Where is this?" He ask his AI

"Can't talk about it, it's a top secret" the AI give a short reply.

Kay look around and noticed that the other kids were also looking around, they were as clueless as him.

"You are welcome to your first training Rookies" said a deep voice of a man to the Rookies.

Physically, the new arrival is dark skinned and huge, he also had a red scar on his face that ran from his forehead to his chin which seems to split his face into two and make him look so scary.

The Rookies looked at the man and non of them dared say a word for the fear of being slap to death by the man.


"That's quite normal" the man said with a shrug as he flash his saw like teeth to the Rookies.

"You can call me by my code name "020"

He paused to look at their expression of shock.

He give out a smile that could make one freez to death and continue

"Or by may other name SCABBARD"

"I will be your new tutor since the previous one is serving a punishment."

Turning around and pointing towards a small hill that was about one kilometer away.

"The first thing I'm teaching you is how to go past your own speed. I as a person value speed more than anything because that's my specialty" he said and move towards the kids and appearing behind them in a flash

"What a speed!" Exclaimed the Rookies.

"What is the point of strength, tactics and brain when you can be killed by a faster opponent before you know anything" he said and flash back to his previous spot.

"To achieve supreme speed, you need to be able to sense the tiny bit of movement in the air around you"

"You come here" scabbard said and point out to Sid.

Sid look back to confirm if scabbard has really call out to him

"Come on" encouraged scabbard throwing a pistol towards Sid who caught it and have his hand sunk immediately he caught the pistol.

Scabbard laugh at the sight of the frowning and palpitating Sid

"Pull the trigger" he said to Sid in a commanding tone.

The boy hold the pistol with his two hands and point it forward and pulled the trigger with a shaky breath.


The bullet was fired though it was not shoot with a great precision.

Scabbard accelerated towards the bullet and slash out with the sword that was strapped to his back initially.

The bullet was cut into two by scabbard and he put his sword back into it's sheath.

"That is the true speed" scabbard said to the kids with a smirk.