
Friends With Benefits

"So, is it true?"

Lana let out a deep sigh. "Yep. But we aren't a couple. We just have an attraction to each other." There was a trace of disappointment in her eyes.

Abigail was taken aback and curiously asked, "You mean it's a friends-with-benefits situation?"

"Yeah, you could say that," Lana answered bitterly.

Abigail was stunned. She now understood why Lana so quickly and easily forgave Kian, even though he had not shown up without prior notice.

"Do you guys ever talk about possibly becoming a real couple and settling down as a family?" Abigail asked curiously. She found it strange to imagine a relationship like that, especially now that she knew her friend Lana was in such a situation. It amazed her.

Lana shrugged. She had never wanted a conventional relationship, and waiting for Kian to ask her to officially date was like waiting for the sun to rise in the West.