
The friends

 (Mr Williams POV)

Williams: How is the marriage preparations going?(he said without looking up)

Debbie: It's going well sir

Williams: Thank you,you can go....

Debbie: But sir ,what do you think about telling your son about this first (hoping she could talk some senses into the old white man)

Williams: Deborah????(finally looking up)

Debbie :yes sir

Williams: you have worked here with me for so long  and I assume you know how I do my things ,so please I don't need your advise now ,exit the door please,and before you go,call me Alex ....I think he's  back from the business  trip

 Debbie: yes sir(she left)

   ( Some  minutes later)

 (There was a knock of Mr Williams door)

 Williams: come in

Alex:you sent for me 

Williams: have your sit

Alex: (he sits)

Williams: Alex?


Williams: you are getting married

Alex:yeah you have said that alot even though I though I told you  i have a girlfriend ....

Williams: (sighs)mhm it's  good you know and I heard you already  signed the necessary  things  and that you don't  want a wedding ....I have seen the girl  and I am sure you will like her ...(he says looking into his son's  eyeballs which was slightly deep red

Alex:mhm..(stands up and leaves)

 (In the resturant  Gabby and her friends,mia wick, summer Dickson and Sofia Scotts)

    Mia:so you are getting married to Mr handsome and you are complaining, who does that??

Gabby:I do,I may be strange buh I do (she half yelled)duh,he is handsome buh does not even smile ....(Anita cuts in)

Anita:shhh,don't let anyone hear you (she says with a bit of sarcasm),you are just being crazy, I think you should live with him first, before concluding wherever he is cold hearted or not Mrs Williams

Gabby: oh ,yeah Anita,I don't know him, buts this whole setting sucks

Sofia:duh, let's eat,waitress!!!!( wants to place her order)so when are you going???

Waitress: what can I get you ma'am?(gives Sofia the menu)

Sofia:girls place your orders,bills on me...(they all place their orders)

Waitress:will be right back ma'ams( she leaves)

Sofia:so....when are you leaving?(tucks her hair behind her ear)

Gabby:tomorrow ,except mom and dad changes their minds

Sofia:so why are you guys not having a wedding?

Gabby:was told he went on a business trip

Sofia: oh,ohkay

Gabby: (her phone rings)hello???


             : be right there now

Gabby:(ends the call) guys ,I gotta go,something's popped up at home, guess I am going today(stands and picks her purse),

Sofia:your food remember?you placed an order

Gabby:waitress,please pack my food ....

Waitress:yes ma'am,(she gives her a bag containing the food she ordered)

Anita: you boarding a cab or what???

Gabby: my driver is outside now,dad sent him immediately after my call(she leaves)

Anita:she is lucky,Mrs Williams no  longer miss Johnson

Mia:yeah,I wish I was the one

Sofia: (scoffs)she is our friend ,what has gottin into you 

Mia:duh,are you the only saint here,he was your crush in high school, dude you did kill for him in high school then even though he turned you down(chuckles) and your friend is getting married to him

Sofia: so ,he was every girls crush back in high school any girl would kill to have him


Sofia: huh???except???

Anita:Gabby,she hated him because he was rude and cold hearted, even though they were not in the same class and she hasn't even met him,except those days he came to the cafeteria,she only heard of him and she hates him ...what if she finds out,she did not even know his name then

Sofia:yeah that's the point..(she says in a whisper)

Mia:yeah,he had a nick name then ,I think , Xandre ???yeah,Xandre


Sofia: you talk too much guys,I lost my appetite,let's leave ...waitress !!!!bill(she pays and leaves with her friends)

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