
Chapter 2 - Up Rising

Nate let out the groan he had been holding. He was hard as a rock and 

needed release bad. This was the first time since the accident, that he had 

an erection. Nothing his wife did affected him, and she was a sexy woman 

but yet, nothing. Many nights he lay in bed willing himself to get hard, as he

thought about women he had been with before, porn he watched when he 

was a teen but nothing. She tried a few times and after no response from 

him, she gave up and went to sleep. Nate never made any attempt to ease 

her frustration either. Several times when she thought he was in a deep 

sleep, she touched herself and tried to muffle her groans but he knew.

The mood was just not there, and he had no intention of forcing it. He saw 

many times how she looked at him when she thought he couldn't see her but 

he understood, what wife wants to put up with no sex in her marriage, even 

if it was a business deal.

Nate decided he would go out to watch Elle's second set, then he looked 

down and the tent in his pants and groaned again. He wheeled behind his 

desk and called for Myk. The door opened and Nate's fists clenched.

"Sir, is something wrong? Are you in pain?"

"It happened Myk." Nate groaned out loud this time. It took a few seconds for 

Myk to register what he was referring to and then it clicked when she saw his 


"Is that why you called her in here?" Myk asked with a grin on her face. It 

was her job to know everything about the man in front of her. When Myk

needed a job and a home, Nate was there for her, she owed him her life.

"All this time, I thought it was me, Mandy never brought this out in me but 

when I saw Everleigh dancing, I..."

"She is a beautiful girl, curves in all the right places. I'm not surprised at your 


Nate chuckled at his long-time friend.

"You going back out? She is on again and some heavy hitters are throwing 

US hundred-dollar bills at the stage."

Nate chuckled.

"Who says Barbados is a poor country? All of them throwing money at her 

aren't even from here, they are staying at one of my Villas nearby."

"Why am I not surprised, well are you?"

"I can't, haven't recovered from the second time yet." Nate laughed at his 

own situation.

"Jesus boss. Need me to get a drink for you?"

"Yeah, a club soda and a bottle of wine to chill, oh and some wings, two 

different sauces, salad and you can relax for a bit. Everleigh wants to get to 

know me before she agrees to be my girlfriend."


"Mandy is on her way out Myk, I can't wait much longer. I'm unhappy, you

know this. If I felt anything towards her, I would try to work it out, I would 

stay. I just can't bring myself to touch her. The document she signed said I 

can terminate our marriage anytime I see fit and this is the time. The whole 

time Elle was here… I felt like I was back in my teen years." Nate chuckled.

He looked up at Myk and frowned.

"What are you not telling me Myk?"

Myk sighed.

"I think Mandy and Jeff and sleeping together." No frills or sugar coating.

Nate's fists clenched.

"Where are they now?"

"If I told you, promise me not to have them killed when you see them."

"I promise."

"Top floor, room 34B." Myk stepped back as her boss immediately wheeled 

himself out of the room.

"Go get the stuff ready for Everleigh, make her comfortable until I return."

"Okay. Nate You promised." Myk only called him Nate when she was worried 

about his reaction to something awful.

"I know Myk. Get me the master key."

Myk handed his boss a key from his pocket. Nate laughed.

"What would I do without you? Get going."

Nate, went to the elevator that lead to the rooms over the club. He didn't care 

who used them, as long as they paid and didn't cause trouble. As he reached 

34B, he swiped the key card in the lock and turned it. He could hear the loud 

moans and skin slapping as he approached the bedroom. Nate felt cold as 

his eyes landed on his wife and his brother. He knew she was cheating, he 

accepted that he could not fulfil her needs but his brother? His brother's 

betrayal cut him deep. This he did not expect at all.

"Harder Jeff!" Mandy screamed as her lover pounded into her from behind.

Spanking her ass with one hand.

Nate, reached into a hidden pocket in his chair and pulled out his gun and 

rested it on his lap. He wasn't going to shoot either one of them but if they 

made a move, well…

"Take it, you can't get this from my crippled brother can you?"

"Shut up Jeff!"

Jeff stilled. Did they have sex? He needed to know.

"Did you two have sex?"

"That is NONE of your business, he has never been unkind to me, we just 

aren't compatible. Look if you can't give me what I want, you can leave!"

"Aww baby come on, you know I get jealous when I see you with him, 

knowing how inside you feels." He shoved into her roughly, making her cry 



"Yeah that's how you like it, I bet Nate never even sniffed you."

"Jesus, what the fuck are you on, leave him out of this!" Mandy yelled as 

Jeff used her like a stuffed toy.

A voice from behind them sounded, stopping them in mid-stroke.

"I find it funny, that you are screwing my wife's brains out and me the man 

who is in a wheelchair, still makes you jealous."

"Nate! OH MY GOD! Jeff, get off me!" Mandy flopped onto her stomach and 

scrambled to get away from Jeff.

"Don't stop on my account. Mandy I understand why you did it, but Jeff... 

anyway. Mandy, we will discuss this the next time we see each other. Jeff, 

you are fired."

Nate wheeled himself out and headed for the elevator. Getting in he made 

his way back to his private room. When he thought of who was waiting for 

him, anticipation kicked in and he got hard again, this time he grabbed 

himself and squeezed, trying to ease his tension. It was useless. 

As he entered the room again, the scent of Exclamation invaded his nostrils. 

She was here.

"Hello Nate."

Nate froze. Gone was the made-up, dressed up dancer, standing in front of 

him was the sexiest woman in the world. She was dressed so simple in a

pair of washed-out jeans and a navy blue off the shoulder top. Nate felt like 

a lusty teenager again. He squeezed his eyes together and tried to calm his 

body down. He groaned and turned away from her.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get Myk?" Elle asked softly as she 

moved toward Nate and stood behind him.

Nate groaned again and adjusted himself.

"I'm sorry, I… I thought I could do this, but I can't."

"Oh. I'm sorry I wasted your time. If I can keep my job, I would appreciate 

it." She moved to head to the door. Nate turned quickly, reached out and 

grabbed her wrist gently.

"Elle, I'm not rejecting you, quite the opposite. Sit, have some food and wine 

and we will talk."

"Tell me what's wrong with you first, in case I have to get Myk and explain 

what's happening."

Nate sighed. How do you tell a stranger that just seeing her made you so 

hard, you could pound nails.

"It's embarrassing." Nate said as he shifted in his seat.

"Nate, I work in an elite club, your clients try to pay me thousands of dollars 

just to see me naked, ain't much I haven't seen."

"I've been married to a woman for over five months, she has never managed 

to turn me on. I saw you dancing, and I've been having erections ever since." 

He said everything in a rush. He took a deep breath and waited for Elle to 

call him nasty names and leave.

"Is that all?"

"I want you Elle, not because of my reaction but something about you calls 

to me, I need to find out what it is if you let me."

"I see." Elle sat down on the sofa and sneaked a peek the food she knew 

was under the bell cover.

"Mmmm wings, my favourite and with Dana's special sauce. She dipped her 

finger in the sauce and licked it off with only her tongue.

"Jesus Christ Elle." Nate gripped the wheelchair arm, and his body shook 

as he fought his desires. She was doing this on purpose.

"Nate." Elle's voice penetrated his thoughts. He opened his eyes slowly and 

saw her watching him intently.

"Let's make a deal." She said in a low tone that sent needles and pins through 

Nate's body. She was killing him.

"Tell me, hurry before I embarrass myself further."

"Divorce your wife, I will be the girlfriend, I don't want anything from you but 

loyalty. I've been cheated on, lied to, verbally and physically abused all my 

life. I don't need that from you. You asked me for honesty, I am asking you 

for fidelity and simple respect. I don't need your money, I work hard for what 

I want. I will devote myself to you as long as you need me."

"No." Nate said firmly as he looked her dead in the eyes.

Elle stood straight, waiting for him to continue.

"There is no way, you will have the title as my girlfriend and I not share my 

wealth with you. I was raised by a good woman, she knew her self-worth 

and if she found out that I had a woman as lovely as you and didn't spend 

money on her, she would skin me alive and call me luggage. If we don't work 

out, you have to be able to see rewards for your effort. It's not up for debate."

"Do I have a choice?"

"No. Next issue."

"I hate when people yell at me. I will let you be the man you need to be but 

I need to be the woman I am. I don't need saving, I am quite willing to work

for what I need in life. Fancy cars, clothes are not important to me. What I 

care about is how people treat me 24 hours a day and not just when they 

want to look good to their peers."

"Honey, I understand you quite well, look, I have some serious issues to deal 

with on my end, I am not saying it will be easy but all I really need from you 

is to believe in me, pay attention to my needs as a man. If something is 

wrong tell me to my face, don't hide things from me. Hurt my feelings with 

the truth if you have to."

"Okay then, anything else popping up we have to promise to deal with it 

together." Elle said softly as she sat down and smiled at Nate.

"Agreed. Next thing, I took a glance at your Resume, why are you in a club 

dancing when you should be the one running it?"

Elle sighed loudly and covered her face with her hands. Could she trust this 

man with her story? Yes.

"I had a crush on my next-door neighbour from the time I knew what a crush 

was. He was my Prince Charming, he taught me so many things as he was 

very intelligent, but what I didn't know was that because I wanted to get 

married before I had sex, he cheated on me for eight years. I was clueless. 

I thought he loved me. I found videos on his laptop of the women he was 

involved with. When I compared them to myself, I kept wondering why was 

he with me? They were beautiful, most of them well-off. I got up the courage 

but when I tried to break it off, he tried to kill me twice. Told me he didn't 

groom me all those years for someone else to benefit." Elle let the memories 

flow through her as the tears fell. Nate gripped the wheelchair handle hard. 

His heart ached for the woman in front of him. He wanted to tell her that she 

didn't need to say anymore, as he could see how painful it was for her to tell 

him, currently a stranger to her but he waited.

"I ran from here, went overseas to study, got my degrees in Human 

Resources Management and Business Marketing. I stayed in touch with my 

family, I had gotten scholarships for all my studies, Summa Cum Laude when 

it was all over. I achieved all my parents wanted for me at that point, but I 

was scared to come home. I sucked it up and flew back here to find work 

and help my parents, within a few days, Christopher found me. Told me if I 

didn't come back to him, he would kill me this time. 

He was sleeping with all kinds of women, spreading STDs and having 

unwanted babies, threatening the women so they would have abortions.

Fortunately for me, one of the women he was involved with found out about 

the life he lived and she… killed him. I honed my dancing skills when I was 

away, trained in every area but my fear of being involved with anyone, kept 

me in the dark. I wanted to be a part of the background, so I applied here 

and started working. Seems I can't stay out of the limelight anymore since 

you set your eyes on me. People don't recognise me when I leave here, I 

am a completely different person. When I am on stage, I pull out all the 

stops, when I get home, I feel alone, useless and unwanted."

Elle finished and wiped the rest of her tears away. 

"I think I better go."

She got up to leave and Nate reached out and grabbed her hand gently.

She was thinking Nate wouldn't want her anymore but when she looked at 

him. She saw… desire. It was soul searching for her.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it was hard for you. I maybe in 

a wheelchair but I will do my best to protect you from all the bad things out 

there, including me."

"You are harmless to me Nate." She smiled.

"Oh honey, you have no idea. The food must be cold, let me get Myk to heat 

it up." Nate looked at the door to yell for Myk, but Elle stopped him as she 

lifted the food cover.

"Nope, it's still warm and the wine is nice and chilled, let's eat."

Nate's heart picked up, this woman was meant for him, he knew he had to 

give his best shot at making her happy. His only issue was how she would 

react to his scars when they were intimate. He shook off the negative feeling 

and watched as Elle started to eat. She pushed the plate so he could have 

access and then poured wine into his glass. She looked up at him and licked 

her fingers.

"What?" Elle asked as she saw him looking at her.

"Nothing much, being here with you makes me feel appreciated."

"I'm glad I could make you feel that way. Can I ask you a question?" She let 

her eyes fell on his legs.

"My brother and I got into a fight, he tripped and was about to be it by a car 

and I pushed him away, the car hit me instead, I have no feeling in my legs

for the most part."

Elle gasped.

"Oh Nate, I'm so sorry. How long where you in the chair? Can't the doctors 

do anything?"

"Over a year, had a few operations but the result was the same, I gave up. 

I'm still alive, that's what counts."

"Fair enough. I want to ask you something very personal Nate, you don't 

have to answer."

"Ask me."

"You haven't had sex since the accident?"

"No, my urges were buried under rage, depression and self-loathing and 20-

hour work days. I don't want anyone to see my scars."

"Why did you get married then?"

"I was lonely, Mandy had taken an interest in me, I knew she just needed the 

money but at least I would have someone there when I came home. I never 

touched her."

Nate frowned.

"When you were doing your set, I went upstairs and saw her and my brother 

having sex."

"Oh my god Nate, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I never loved her, she never loved me, I fired my brother, and my 

divorce papers are already being prepared, so no worries. You on the other 

hand, I find myself wanting to be with you, needing that smile to be aimed at 

me. I'm not sure if I can even…, or how to." Nate sighed in frustration. He 

felt Elle cup his face and tilt his head to look at her.

"One step at a time Nate, we just met, let us grow our relationship, make 

assessments along the way. I have a feeling we will be just fine."

"Thank you, Elle. Come on, I'm tired, I need to get home and deal with 

Mandy. I will wait with you until your brother comes to get you."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you I messaged my brother and told him I would get a 

ride. I should have asked you first."

"It's not an issue and I think the first order of my day tomorrow is to take you 

to pick out a vehicle, don't even start, we are getting it."