

This story is purely fictional, any resemblance to an actual person or place or time is purely coincidental. The target audience of this stories are all genders. This story is also strictly very erotica.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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27 Chs


I saw a geek boy at school today and this time I stopped to talk to him. "Hi, my name's Beth," I said to him. "Uh, hi. Yeah, I'm Larry." "Nice to meet you, Larry," I said. "I've been meaning to ask you something. I've heard that you're a real maths wiz being in the maths club and stuff. I'm usually pretty good at math, but I seem to be having a little trouble in solving polynomials." This was actually a lie. I'm really good at math and have never gotten less than an A- on a maths test. I love solving polynomials; it's kind of fun. But I needed a way to get to talk to Larry and maybe get him to my house for some cum fun.

"I was wondering," I asked, "if you could maybe spend a little time with me to help me through it. I have a test coming up at the end of the week and I don't want to screw up my grade. It should only take an hour or so. Can you help me out?" "Uh, yeah, I guess so," he replied. I think he was a little uncomfortable talking to a girl. I pressed on, "I only live about four blocks from school. I thought we could just go there where it's quiet so you can help me. When can you come over?" "Any time, I guess. Do you want to do it today," he asked? "Oh, Larry, that would be great. I'm sure it won't take long. There must be just something basic I'm missing, 'cause like I said, I'm usually pretty good at maths. How about we meet at the flagpole out front after school and we can walk to my house." "Okay, Beth, see you then."

Now I just need to seduce him. Ordinarily, I wouldn't think it would be too hard to get a guy to let me suck him, but guys like Larry are really shy and leery of getting punked by people at school. I think I have a good plan in mind, though. We get out at 2:30. I bet by 3:00, I'll be sucking his dick!

Larry was waiting for me at the flagpole when I got there. We started walking to my house and I tried making conversation with him, but I wasn't getting too far. He was really shy. "So, Larry, you seem really shy. Is it just me or is it because we don't know each other very well yet?" He stammered a bit, "Well, it's uh it's just – I don't talk to too many girls. I'm not sure what to say." "Larry, there isn't anything that you need to say, just relax and be yourself. I've seen you with a girl sometimes. I'm not one of those girls with their nose up in the air like some of them, you know." "That girl is Leslie," Larry said. "She hangs with us sometimes. She's just a friend we've known for a while now. Other than her, I really haven't talked to other girls much. I've never had a girlfriend or anything."

"Do you want to know a secret, Larry," I asked? "I've never had a boyfriend. I'm fifteen and I've never even been kissed. In fact, you're about to be the first boy ever to come to my house. So, I'm not much different than you." Larry stopped walking and turned and looked at me, "Really? You've never had a boyfriend? Why not, you're really pretty? I would think lots of boys would be after you." "No, I'm not lying, Larry. Most guys just look right past me. I think it's because I don't hardly have any tits. The guys like girls with nice tits like Toni. You know who she is, right?" He laughed, "Yeah, of course, all the guys know about Toni and talk about her tits. I guess you're right."

As we got to my house, I had loosened him up a bit and he was talking fairly easily with me without stammering. I took him to the kitchen table. "Here, "I said while handing him my maths book. "Try to figure out which problems you want to work through while I go upstairs and change. I've been wearing these clothes all day and I like to be comfortable at home." With that I turned and went up the stairs to my bedroom. As soon as I got in the room, I started ripping off my clothes. I got completely naked including my shoes. I grabbed my trusty Lakers tank top and slipped it on. I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs wearing nothing but the shirt and a smile.

As I got to the kitchen, I called out to Larry, "Did you find where we should start?" Larry turned at the sound of my voice and I swear he did a double take. The stuttering was back as he said, "Uh, uh, yeah, I think so." He, then, turned back to the table rather than stare at me. I sat down in the seat next to him and leaned over the table to look at the open book. I knew that would make the shirt fall forward and if he looked at the arm hole, he'd see my whole right tit. Sure enough, as I turned my head to him, he was staring right at my tit. "What's the matter, Larry? Oh, geez, maybe I should have put on more clothes. I'm sorry. I'm used to wearing as little as possible around the house. My dad doesn't mind me wearing this shirt. If my parents would let me, I'd run around the house naked. Heck, if it weren't illegal, I'd go to school naked. It's okay if you look at me Larry. In fact, you're the first boy who's wanted to look at me. Do you like looking at my little titty?"

"Darn, Beth. I've never seen a real girl's tit before. I love seeing your tit. Would you really be naked if I wasn't here," he asked? "Yeah, I probably would. I usually stay naked after school until I hear one of my parents drive up. Larry, can I ask you a personal question?" "I guess so, sure," he responded. "Has anyone ever sucked your dick before, Larry?" I purposely said anyone rather than any girl in case he had fooled around with any of the boys. I thought if he hesitated his answer it might mean he has, not that it matters to me, though. "Geez, that is a personal question," Larry said. "But like I said, I've never had a girlfriend or anything."

"Well, the reason I asked, Larry, is because I've recently started doing that and I love it. In fact, I love it so much that I don't even want a boyfriend now, I just want to suck dick and swallow cum. I love the taste of cum. Do you want me to suck your dick, Larry? I'd really like to if you want me to." "Wow," he cried, "are you kidding me? You're not messing with me, are you? Please tell me you aren't messing with me," he pleaded. "I'm not messing with you, Larry. I really do like sucking dicks. I've only had a couple but I really like it. You're a nice guy and doing me a favour so I'd be happy to repay you by sucking your dick and swallowing your cum. Come with me. Let's go into the living room where it's more comfortable." I led him into the living room and stood him in front of the couch. I knelt on the floor in front of him and started to unbutton his pants and pull his zipper down. He grabbed his zipper to stop me. "What's the matter, Larry? Please let me do this." He moved his hands away and let me unzip his pants. I pulled down his jeans and his underwear in one motion. I was surprised to see a really nice dick. It was bigger than Bobby's. In fact, it may be almost as long as Jim's by the time it gets fully hard, just not anywhere near as big around as Jim's. But it's definitely a nice dick. It might even qualify as being a cock. I told Larry to sit down on the couch. He sat down and I stood in front of him. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it up and over my head and stood in front of him totally naked.

"Oh, wow, oh wow," Larry said. "I can't believe this. You're actually naked in front of me. You're really beautiful, Beth. This is so cool." With that, I got down on my knees between Larry's knees and started playing with his cock; pulling and tugging on it. In no time it was standing straight up and proud. Well, straight with just a little curve upwards. I licked his cock and he moaned. I licked around the head and then kissed my way down the shaft until I got to his balls. They aren't very big, but as long as they have cum in them, that's all that matters. I licked and nibbled at his ball sack for a bit and then made my way back up his cock, licking all the way. When I got to the top, I stopped. "Larry, before I go any further, I want you to know that since it's your first blow job, it won't be a surprise if you cum really fast. If you do, don't worry about it. Just let it go. I don't care if this takes one minute or ten, I won't be disappointed as long as I get a load of your cum. So, don't feel embarrassed or anything if you come fast, it's normal. If you like what we do, we can do it again some time and once you get used to the feeling a bit, you'll last longer. So, what I'm saying is, don't try to hold back. When you're ready to cum, just let it fly. I'll be swallowing every drop and loving it."

With that, I put my whole mouth around his cock and started licking and sucking. I, then, started lowering my head more and more, taking more of his cock into my mouth and just inside my throat until my nose was nuzzling up in his pubic hair. "Oh, shit, Beth. That feels so good. I'm not going to last long. Oh, geez, here it comes. I'm cumming, Beth, I'm cumming." And cum, he did, He blasted several good jets of cum into my mouth. The first shot went straight down my throat because I had him in so deep. I pulled back after that so that the rest of his load shot into my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum before swallowing it. It was yummy. Larry was breathing hard like he'd just run laps at school. I looked up at him with his cock still in my mouth as I lightly kept sucking. He smiled at me and said, "Beth that was incredible. Thank you so much. It's so much better with your mouth than my hand. I sure hope we can do this again soon. I'm happy to give you any of my cum that you want."

I pulled off of his cock and stood up. Then, I climbed up on the couch and straddled his lap and sat down. My hot, wet pussy was laying on top of his spent cock. That's the first cock that's ever actually touched my pussy. I leaned forward and put one of my nipples right at his mouth and pressed it against his lips. Larry didn't hesitate for a second and started licking and sucking on my nipple. I let him have fun for a while and then I switched nipples. They need equal time, you know. I could feel Larry's cock start to get firmer under me. He was already starting to get hard again, just from sucking my little nipples. I started moving my pussy back and forth over his cock getting my juices all over his cock. It felt so good. If I wasn't waiting to get on the pill and give Him my virginity, I would have lifted up, grabbed his cock and stuffed it in my pussy. I was so turned on. When I could feel he was good and hard again, I asked him if he wanted to go again. He didn't need to answer. I got off his lap and gave him another deep throat blow job. He lasted quite a bit longer this time – probably five or six minutes.

We rested for a few minutes and then Larry got up and pulled his pants back up. I stayed naked. I've never really had a boy seem to enjoy seeing me naked as much as Larry was. I really liked it. Now was the time to try to get the rest of his squad in on the action. "Larry, that was a lot of fun. You have a really nice cock and yummy cum. You're going to make a girl really happy one day with that. I want to do this with you some more. But I also have a proposal for you. I'm betting that your other friends haven't had blow jobs either and would really like to get them too. They want them and I like to give them. I'm willing to give your friends blow jobs, if we can work it out. There would be some rules, though."

"Really, I know my friends would love to get one of your blow jobs. What kind of rules are we talking about," he asked? "Well, I wish I could just tell you I'd do it whenever you guys want, but you'd all want it every day, I bet. So, I think we should limit it to no more than twice a week for whichever of your guys wants it, at least for starters. We also need to find somewhere we could do it, though. I can't be bringing all your guys here. I'd probably get in trouble for sure. If we could go to one of the guys' homes or something, we can make it work. Of course, they can't tell anyone we're doing this. I don't want a line of boys at school coming to me for blow jobs. You can get yours with your friends or we can get together separately like we did today. Oh, and I won't be getting naked for your friends. That's just for you, so don't tell them I did that. Lastly, I don't want Leslie to feel left out and you can tell her about this if you want. In fact, if she wants, I'd be happy to lick her pussy to give her orgasms as well. I found out that I like pussy as much as I like cock. She'll probably think she won't like it or shouldn't do it, but I was the same way the first time. Not only did I get my pussy licked and I licked the pussy back, that pussy was my sister's! I never thought of doing that with any girl, let alone my own sister, but now pretty much every time we get together, we get naked and have fun. If Leslie is even remotely interested, I'll be glad to talk to her about it. I think we can all have some fun if we keep this to ourselves. What do you think?"

"Well," Larry said, "I certainly can't talk for Leslie. I kind of doubt she'd be interested although she's never had a boyfriend that I know of so maybe she would be interested. But I can tell you the guys will definitely be interested. John usually has the house to himself in the afternoons since his parents both work and he doesn't have any brothers or sisters. We go over there a lot after school to play D&D and stuff. Actually, the 'stuff' is that we like to watch porn and dream of a girl like you that would be with guys like us. You're the girl of our dreams. I know the guys will be excited and will follow the rules."

"Sounds like we're going to have a lot of fun, Larry. The first time we all get together I'll go over the rules with the guys to make sure they understand and in case you forget to tell them one. We'll probably have to deal with Leslie separately. I'm guessing both her and you guys would be embarrassed for her to be there when you get your blow jobs and she would be embarrassed for you to see her get her pussy licked. But if none of you mind that, I sure don't. Talk it over with the guys and let me know and we'll plan the first session and see how it goes."

"I'm still not believing this is real, Beth. This has been the best afternoon of my life. Thank you so much. I better get going. It's getting late." With that Larry left and I realised we never did any maths. But, hey, I didn't really need the help anyway. Things are really starting to fall in place for me. I'll now have Jim, Bobby, Larry, and his three amigos to feed me loads of cum. Now all I need is the Holy Grail – dad's enormous cock!