
Best Of The Best Billionaire

Ethan Mo is the heir to the Diamond Group, World's largest company. But disappointed in his materialistic ex-girlfriend, Ethan runs away from his family to find his true love in J City. Ethan finds Lidya Watson, a young stockbroker girl with a bright future but, because Ethan remembers his past failures, Ethan decides to test Lidya's love for him. Ethan hides his identity despite being insulted by Lidya's family and friends. Can Lidya pass Ken's love sincerity test? Will their relationship survive the turmoil?

Righting_For · Urban
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34 Chs


"Hopefully‚ you are among the few women who expected me‚" Ethan said daring himself.

"If so‚ how?" Lydia asked.

"I would be very happy if that happened. Because‚ since a few months ago‚ I've been harboring my feelings for you." Ethan looked deeply into the two beautiful eyes of hers.

"Why only now..." Lidya stopped her words because of the arrival of two waiters who came to bring food and drinks ordered by Ethan and Lidya‚

Lidya waited until the two waiters left‚ then she asked‚ "Why are you just moving now?"

The real reason should have been Tony's arrival bringing news of his father's illness and his mother's position as head of the company being prone to be replaced by his second uncle‚ but‚ since Ethan couldn't say the reason.

Because of that‚ Ethan just said‚ "Maybe the universe arranged it‚ so that only now I can say it. What is clear‚ only God knows how much I hope for your love."

Lidya was silent‚ Ethan's last words. Ethan said sincerely‚ it felt so deep in Lidya's ears that it touched Lidya. Ethan's words had touched her heart to make Lidya immediately silent and stared fixedly at Ethan‚

"So. What do you say?" Ethan asked when he saw Lidya still silent and not making a sound‚

"You want to hear my answer?" Lidya asked after managing to contain her turmoil.

"Yes. I'd love to hear it."

"I'm just going to say I'm mad at you."

"Huh? Why are you mad at me?" Lidya's answer was unexpected by Ethan‚ who felt that Lidya was of the same heart as him.

"Because words like you said earlier‚ when you said only God knows that‚ you should have said it a few months ago. I wanted to hear it from a few months ago‚ Why did you only say such a beautiful thing at this time? You keep putting it off?"

Ethan smiled at Lidya's words. From the beginning he thought that Lidya was mad with him‚ now Ethan can smile with relief at Lidya's words. "Forgive me."

"Yeah. But‚ you shouldn't make a girl wait that long." 

"Initially because I was doubtful‚ Lidya. Because of that‚ for so long I hesitated to approach you."

"Doubt why?"

"Because you're a fairly successful broker‚ while I'm just a person who doesn't belong. My job..."

"Not all women see the status and work of the man. I'm one of the women who don't see that. I only see the sincerity of the man. I only see his character‚ good or bad‚ because in high school‚ I was traumatized when I was dating men‚ son of a rich family but‚ he feels too great for just one woman. Because of that‚ he cheated on several women behind my back until I happened to find out and cut my relationship with him."

"I'm not like that man. Even I once let down by two women who I had loved at two different times but then they left me for another man‚" Ethan said.

"That means our fate is the same."

"Yes‚ our fate is the same." Ethan looked at Lidya and held her hand. "I hope‚ you one be my last port of love."

Lidya held Ethan's hand back. During these months‚ Lidya liked Ethan. Almost every day she wished Ethan would start moving closer to her. But‚ that didn't happen until it just happened at this point.

"You haven't answered my question. Will you make me happy? Will you love me back?" Ethan asked again because Lidya had not answered his question.

"I want to." Lidya smiled sweetly at Ethan.

"Thank you. You're cheering my heart up."

"Eat first." Lidya pointed at the fried rice ordered by Ethan.

Ethan immediately ate with a happy heart because he felt the sincerity of Lidya's love‚ a woman who is willing to accept a man who comes from the lower classes and only has a simple job like Ethan‚ is something extraordinary.

In the past‚ women who had dated Ethan‚ all accepted Ethan because Ethan was a member of the Mo Family‚ the richest family in H City with assets from all over the country.

However‚ the two women who had dated Ethan‚ still had the heart to betray behind Ethan's back‚ playing crazy with other men while carrying Ethan's property.

Ethan felt that the wealth he had was a curse for him‚ because he did not meet women who loved him for who he was but instead met materialistic women who only wanted to make money but never loved him.

Ethan had felt that his status as a member of a wealthy family that he carried was a curse for him‚ because women approached Ethan just to look for his wealth but never really loved Ethan.

That's why Ethan deliberately ran away from his family‚ escaped from his family's luxurious life and lived a hard life as a cleaning service so that he could meet a woman who truly loved him because Ethan appeared in front of her without the frills of her family name and company name.

Because for Ethan‚ having a woman who truly loves him is something very luxurious that he didn't have before.

Ethan has a lot of treasure. Ethan owns companies in his name owns several magnificent buildings his name‚ owns several sports cars‚ owns a private jet and even owns a satellite in space which he leases to other companies as well as to his own company‚ but‚ since long ago his heart was empty without the woman he was with. crave.

Now‚ after struggling to build an image as a poor person who only works as a cleaning service‚ Ethan finally finds a girl who can accept him as he is‚ a girl who is not materialistic and of course loves Ethan unconditionally. This is what makes Ethan happy.

After eating‚ Lidya said‚ "I want to say something."

"What's that?"

"Look‚ I accept you as you are. Tomorrow‚ I'll introduce you as my boyfriend and I'm not shy. I just want you to come forward. So‚ starting tomorrow‚ I'll try to get you into the stockbroking team under me. Do you?"

"But I'm afraid to embarrass you. I'm just a cleaning service. Of course, I don't know how the stock market works‚" Ethan lied.

Whereas in the past‚ when he was still working at his family's company‚ Ethan created many rival companies that were confused by Ethan's stock trading strategy.

"That's it. I'll teach you later. I'll go to the restroom first." After that‚ Lidya headed toward the restroom.

Ethan smiled and continued to stare at Lidya as Lidya headed to the restroom.

Suddenly‚ someone in a waiter's uniform approached Ethan and said‚ "That means‚ tomorrow‚ Miss Lidya‚ we can take her to H City."